JsrHandshakeRequest hsreq = new JsrHandshakeRequest(req);
JsrHandshakeResponse hsresp = new JsrHandshakeResponse(resp);
// Get raw config, as defined when the endpoint was added to the container
ServerEndpointConfig config = metadata.getConfig();
// Establish a copy of the config, so that the UserProperties are unique
// per upgrade request.
config = new BasicServerEndpointConfig(config);
// Bug 444617 - Expose localAddress and remoteAddress for jsr modify handshake to use
// This is being implemented as an optional set of userProperties so that
// it is not JSR api breaking. A few users on #jetty and a few from cometd
// have asked for access to this information.
// Get Configurator from config object (not guaranteed to be unique per endpoint upgrade)
ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator configurator = config.getConfigurator();
// modify handshake
// check origin
if (!configurator.checkOrigin(req.getOrigin()))
resp.sendForbidden("Origin mismatch");
catch (IOException e)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Unable to send error response",e);
return null;
// deal with sub protocols
List<String> supported = config.getSubprotocols();
List<String> requested = req.getSubProtocols();
String subprotocol = configurator.getNegotiatedSubprotocol(supported,requested);
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(subprotocol))
// deal with extensions
List<Extension> installedExts = new ArrayList<>();
for (String extName : extensionFactory.getAvailableExtensions().keySet())
installedExts.add(new JsrExtension(extName));
List<Extension> requestedExts = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExtensionConfig reqCfg : req.getExtensions())
requestedExts.add(new JsrExtension(reqCfg));
List<Extension> usedExts = configurator.getNegotiatedExtensions(installedExts,requestedExts);
List<ExtensionConfig> configs = new ArrayList<>();
if (usedExts != null)
for (Extension used : usedExts)
ExtensionConfig ecfg = new ExtensionConfig(used.getName());
for (Parameter param : used.getParameters())
// create endpoint class
Class<?> endpointClass = config.getEndpointClass();
Object endpoint = config.getConfigurator().getEndpointInstance(endpointClass);
PathSpec pathSpec = hsreq.getRequestPathSpec();
if (pathSpec instanceof WebSocketPathSpec)
// We have a PathParam path spec
WebSocketPathSpec wspathSpec = (WebSocketPathSpec)pathSpec;
String requestPath = req.getRequestPath();
// Wrap the config with the path spec information
config = new PathParamServerEndpointConfig(config,wspathSpec,requestPath);
return new EndpointInstance(endpoint,config,metadata);
catch (InstantiationException e)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Unable to create websocket: " + config.getEndpointClass().getName(),e);
return null;