// and must not be compressed. Pass it straight through
} else {
List<MessagePart> compressedParts = new ArrayList<MessagePart>();
ByteBuffer uncompressedPayload = uncompressedPart.getPayload();
SendHandler uncompressedIntermediateHandler =
uncompressedPayload.arrayOffset() + uncompressedPayload.position(),
int flush = (uncompressedPart.isFin() ? Deflater.SYNC_FLUSH : Deflater.NO_FLUSH);
boolean deflateRequired = true;
while(deflateRequired) {
ByteBuffer compressedPayload = writeBuffer;
int written = deflater.deflate(compressedPayload.array(),
compressedPayload.arrayOffset() + compressedPayload.position(),
compressedPayload.remaining(), flush);
compressedPayload.position(compressedPayload.position() + written);
if (!uncompressedPart.isFin() && compressedPayload.hasRemaining() && deflater.needsInput()) {
// This message part has been fully processed by the
// deflater. Fire the send handler for this message part
// and move on to the next message part.
// If this point is reached, a new compressed message part
// will be created...
MessagePart compressedPart;
// .. and a new writeBuffer will be required.
writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Constants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Flip the compressed payload ready for writing
boolean fin = uncompressedPart.isFin();
boolean full = compressedPayload.limit() == compressedPayload.capacity();
boolean needsInput = deflater.needsInput();
if (fin && !full && needsInput) {
// End of compressed message. Drop EOM bytes and output.
compressedPayload.limit(compressedPayload.limit() - EOM_BYTES.length);
compressedPart = new MessagePart(true, getRsv(uncompressedPart),
opCode, compressedPayload, uncompressedIntermediateHandler,
deflateRequired = false;
} else if (full && !needsInput) {
// Write buffer full and input message not fully read.
// Output and start new compressed part.
compressedPart = new MessagePart(false, getRsv(uncompressedPart),
opCode, compressedPayload, uncompressedIntermediateHandler,
} else if (!fin && full && needsInput) {
// Write buffer full and input message not fully read.
// Output and get more data.
compressedPart = new MessagePart(false, getRsv(uncompressedPart),
opCode, compressedPayload, uncompressedIntermediateHandler,
deflateRequired = false;
} else if (fin && full && needsInput) {
// Write buffer full. Input fully read. Deflater may be
// in one of four states:
// - output complete (just happened to align with end of
// buffer
// - in middle of EOM bytes
// - about to write EOM bytes
// - more data to write
int eomBufferWritten = deflater.deflate(EOM_BUFFER, 0, EOM_BUFFER.length, Deflater.SYNC_FLUSH);
if (eomBufferWritten < EOM_BUFFER.length) {
// EOM has just been completed
compressedPayload.limit(compressedPayload.limit() - EOM_BYTES.length + eomBufferWritten);
compressedPart = new MessagePart(true,
getRsv(uncompressedPart), opCode, compressedPayload,
uncompressedIntermediateHandler, uncompressedIntermediateHandler);
deflateRequired = false;
} else {
// More data to write
// Copy bytes to new write buffer
writeBuffer.put(EOM_BUFFER, 0, eomBufferWritten);
compressedPart = new MessagePart(false,
getRsv(uncompressedPart), opCode, compressedPayload,
uncompressedIntermediateHandler, uncompressedIntermediateHandler);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Should never happen");
// Add the newly created compressed part to the set of parts
// to pass on to the next transformation.
SendHandler uncompressedEndHandler = uncompressedPart.getEndHandler();
int size = compressedParts.size();
if (size > 0) {
compressedParts.get(size - 1).setEndHandler(uncompressedEndHandler);