//always returns an empty set; constraints are retrievable by navigating to
//one of the sub-descriptors, e.g. for the return value
assertTrue( driveAwayDescriptor.getConstraintDescriptors().isEmpty() );
ParameterDescriptor speedDescriptor = driveAwayDescriptor.getParameterDescriptors()
.get( 0 );
//The "speed" parameter is located at index 0, has one constraint and is not cascaded
//nor does it define group conversions
assertEquals( "arg0", speedDescriptor.getName() );
assertEquals( 0, speedDescriptor.getIndex() );
assertEquals( 1, speedDescriptor.getConstraintDescriptors().size() );
assertFalse( speedDescriptor.isCascaded() );
assert speedDescriptor.getGroupConversions().isEmpty();
//getDriver() has no constrained parameters but its return value is marked for cascaded
//validation and declares one group conversion
MethodDescriptor getDriverDescriptor = carDescriptor.getConstraintsForMethod(