* if some work was committed and some work was rolled back
public void commitThis(boolean onePhase) throws XAException {
if (onePhase && state == XA_STATE_PREPARED) {
throw new XAException(
"Transaction is in a 2-phase state when 1-phase is requested");
if ((!onePhase) && state != XA_STATE_PREPARED) {
throw new XAException("Attempt to do a 2-phase commit when "
+ "transaction is not prepared");
//if (!onePhase) {
// throw new XAException(
// "Sorry. HSQLDB has not implemented 2-phase commits yet");
try {
* @todo: Determine if work was committed, rolled back, or both,
* and return appropriate Heuristic*Exception.
* connection.commit();
* Commits the real, physical conn.
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new XAException(se.getMessage());