final DCPanel formPanel = new DCPanel();
int row = 0;
final DCLabel descriptionLabel = DCLabel
.brightMultiLine("A datastore synonym catalog is based on a datastore and columns within it. The layout of the datastore is flexible: There should be a master term column and either a single or multiple synonym columns.");
descriptionLabel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 20));
descriptionLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100));
WidgetUtils.addToGridBag(DCLabel.bright("Synonym catalog name:"), formPanel, 0, row);
WidgetUtils.addToGridBag(_nameTextField, formPanel, 1, row);
WidgetUtils.addToGridBag(DCLabel.bright("Datastore:"), formPanel, 0, row);