public class Constructors implements Testlet
public void test(TestHarness harness)
SpinnerListModel model;
boolean threwException = false;
/* Invalid values */
model = new SpinnerListModel((Object[]) null);
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
threwException = true;
harness.check(threwException, "Null array to constructor exception check");
threwException = false;
model = new SpinnerListModel(new ArrayList());
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
threwException = true;
harness.check(threwException, "Empty list to constructor exception check");
threwException = false;
model = new SpinnerListModel(new Object[]{});"Empty array supplied to constructor failed to throw an exception.");
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
threwException = true;
harness.check(threwException, "Empty array to constructor exception check");
/* Test the default model */
model = new SpinnerListModel();
harness.check(model.getList() != null, "Default list construction check.");
harness.check(model.getValue(), "empty", "Default list current value check.");
harness.check(model.getNextValue(), null, "Default list next value check.");
harness.check(model.getPreviousValue(), null, "Default list previous value check.");