// MouseWheelListener
public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
if (scrollpane.isWheelScrollingEnabled() && e.getWheelRotation() != 0) {
boolean isHorizontal = (e.getModifiersEx() & MouseWheelEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0;
JScrollBar toScroll = scrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar();
int direction = e.getWheelRotation() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
int orientation = SwingConstants.VERTICAL;
// find which scrollbar to scroll, or return if none
if (toScroll == null || !toScroll.isVisible() || isHorizontal) {
toScroll = scrollpane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
if (toScroll == null || !toScroll.isVisible()) {
orientation = SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL;
if (e.getScrollType() == MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL) {
JViewport vp = scrollpane.getViewport();
if (vp == null) {
Component comp = vp.getView();
int units = Math.abs(e.getUnitsToScroll());
// When the scrolling speed is set to maximum, it's possible
// for a single wheel click to scroll by more units than
// will fit in the visible area. This makes it
// hard/impossible to get to certain parts of the scrolling
// Component with the wheel. To make for more accurate
// low-speed scrolling, we limit scrolling to the block
// increment if the wheel was only rotated one click.
boolean limitScroll = Math.abs(e.getWheelRotation()) == 1;
// Check if we should use the visibleRect trick
Object fastWheelScroll = toScroll.getClientProperty("JScrollBar.fastWheelScrolling");
if (Boolean.TRUE == fastWheelScroll && comp instanceof Scrollable) {
// 5078454: Under maximum acceleration, we may scroll
// by many 100s of units in ~1 second.
// BasicScrollBarUI.scrollByUnits() can bog down the EDT
// with repaints in this situation. However, the
// Scrollable interface allows us to pass in an
// arbitrary visibleRect. This allows us to accurately
// calculate the total scroll amount, and then update
// the GUI once. This technique provides much faster
// accelerated wheel scrolling.
Scrollable scrollComp = (Scrollable) comp;
Rectangle viewRect = vp.getViewRect();
int startingX = viewRect.x;
boolean leftToRight = comp.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight();
int scrollMin = toScroll.getMinimum();
int scrollMax = toScroll.getMaximum() - toScroll.getModel().getExtent();
if (limitScroll) {
int blockIncr = scrollComp.getScrollableBlockIncrement(viewRect, orientation, direction);
if (direction < 0) {
scrollMin = Math.max(scrollMin, toScroll.getValue() - blockIncr);
} else {
scrollMax = Math.min(scrollMax, toScroll.getValue() + blockIncr);
for (int i = 0; i < units; i++) {
int unitIncr = scrollComp.getScrollableUnitIncrement(viewRect, orientation, direction);
// Modify the visible rect for the next unit, and
// check to see if we're at the end already.
if (orientation == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
if (direction < 0) {
viewRect.y -= unitIncr;
if (viewRect.y <= scrollMin) {
viewRect.y = scrollMin;
} else { // (direction > 0
viewRect.y += unitIncr;
if (viewRect.y >= scrollMax) {
viewRect.y = scrollMax;
} else {
// Scroll left
if ((leftToRight && direction < 0) || (!leftToRight && direction > 0)) {
viewRect.x -= unitIncr;
if (leftToRight) {
if (viewRect.x < scrollMin) {
viewRect.x = scrollMin;
// Scroll right
else if ((leftToRight && direction > 0) || (!leftToRight && direction < 0)) {
viewRect.x += unitIncr;
if (leftToRight) {
if (viewRect.x > scrollMax) {
viewRect.x = scrollMax;
} else {
assert false : "Non-sensical ComponentOrientation / scroll direction";
// Set the final view position on the ScrollBar
if (orientation == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
} else {
if (leftToRight) {
} else {
// rightToLeft scrollbars are oriented with
// minValue on the right and maxValue on the
// left.
int newPos = toScroll.getValue() - (viewRect.x - startingX);
if (newPos < scrollMin) {
newPos = scrollMin;
} else if (newPos > scrollMax) {
newPos = scrollMax;
} else {
// Viewport's view is not a Scrollable, or fast wheel
// scrolling is not enabled.