Package javax.sql

Examples of javax.sql.XADataSource


    public void testClosedXADSConnection() throws SQLException, Exception {
        // verify that outstanding updates from a closed connection, obtained
        // from an XADataSource, are not committed, but rolled back.
        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac = dsx.getXAConnection();
        Connection c1 = xac.getConnection();
        Statement s = c1.createStatement();


        // this update should be rolled back
        s.executeUpdate("insert into intTable values(2)");
        c1 = xac.getConnection();

        ResultSet rs = c1.createStatement().executeQuery(
           "select count(*) from intTable");;

        assertEquals(0, rs.getInt(1));

        xac = null;

        PoolReset("XADataSource", dsx.getXAConnection());
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        // now some explicit tests for how connection state behaves
        // when switching between global transactions and local
        // and setting connection state.
        // some of this may be tested elsewhere too.

        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac = dsx.getXAConnection();
        AssertEventCatcher aes6 = new AssertEventCatcher(6);
        XAResource xar = xac.getXAResource();
        Xid xid = new cdsXid(1, (byte) 93, (byte) 103);
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    public void testSetIsolationWithStatement()
    throws SQLException, XAException {
        // DERBY-421 Setting isolation level with SQL was not getting
        // handled correctly
        // Some more isolation testing using SQL and JDBC api
        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac = dsx.getXAConnection();
        AssertEventCatcher aes6 = new AssertEventCatcher(6);
        XAResource xar = xac.getXAResource();
        Connection conn = xac.getConnection();
        Statement s = conn.createStatement();
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        int[] CallableStatementExpectedValues = {
            ResultSet.FETCH_REVERSE, 999, 137, 85,

        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac = dsx.getXAConnection();
        AssertEventCatcher aes6 = new AssertEventCatcher(6);
        XAResource xar = xac.getXAResource();
        Xid xid = new cdsXid(1, (byte) 103, (byte) 119);

        // now check re-use of *Statement objects across local/global
        // connections.
        Connection cs1 = xac.getConnection();

        // ensure read locks stay around until end-of transaction
        assertLocks(null, cs1);

        Statement sru1 = cs1.createStatement();
        sru1.executeUpdate("insert into intTable values 1,2,3");
        Statement sruBatch = cs1.createStatement();
        Statement sruState = createFloatStatementForStateChecking(
            StatementExpectedValues, cs1);
        PreparedStatement psruState = createFloatStatementForStateChecking(
            new int[] {1, 4}, PreparedStatementExpectedValues, cs1,
            "select i from intTable where i = ?");
        CallableStatement csruState = createFloatCallForStateChecking(
            new int[] {2, 12, 12}, CallableStatementExpectedValues, cs1,
        PreparedStatement psParams =
            cs1.prepareStatement("select * from intTable where i > ?");
        psParams.setInt(1, 2);
        // Params-local-1
        resultSetQuery("params", three, psParams.executeQuery());

        sruBatch.addBatch("insert into intTable values 4");
        // sru1-local-1
        queryOnStatement("SN1", onetwothree, cs1, sru1);
        cs1.commit(); // need to commit to switch to an global connection;

        // simple case - underlying connection is re-used for global.
        xar.start(xid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS);
        // Expecting downgrade because global transaction sru1-global-2 is
        // using a statement with holdability true
        // sru1-global-2
        queryOnStatement("SN1", onetwothree, cs1, sru1);
        sruBatch.addBatch("insert into intTable values 5");
        Statement sru2 = cs1.createStatement();
        queryOnStatement("OAK2", onetwothree, cs1, sru2);
        // Expecting downgrade because global transaction sru1-global-4 is
        // using a statement with holdability true
        // sru1-global-4
        queryOnStatement("SN1", onetwothree, cs1, sru1);
        // Global statement
        StatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT;
        PreparedStatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT;
        CallableStatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT;
        assertStatementState(null, StatementExpectedValues ,sruState);
        // Global PreparedStatement
        assertStatementState(pspc, PreparedStatementExpectedValues, psruState);
        // Global CallableStatement
        assertStatementState(cspc, CallableStatementExpectedValues, csruState);
        // Params-global-1
        resultSetQuery("params", three, psParams.executeQuery());

        xar.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
        // now a new underlying connection is created
        // sru1-local-5
        queryOnStatement("SN1", onetwothree, cs1, sru1);
        // sru2-local-6
        queryOnStatement("OAK2", onetwothree, cs1, sru2);
        sruBatch.addBatch("insert into intTable values 6,7");
        Statement sru3 = cs1.createStatement();
        // sru3-local-7
        queryOnStatement("SF3", onetwothree, cs1, sru3);
        // Two transactions should hold locks (global and the current XA);
        // LOCAL
        StatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
        PreparedStatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
        CallableStatementExpectedValues[6] = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
        assertStatementState(null, StatementExpectedValues, sruState);
        assertStatementState(pspc, PreparedStatementExpectedValues, psruState);
        assertStatementState(cspc, CallableStatementExpectedValues, csruState);
        // Params-local-2
        resultSetQuery("params", three, psParams.executeQuery());
        assertLocks(new int[] {14,14}, cs1);
        //Confirm - no connection closed event & connection error event

        // attach the XA transaction to another connection and see what happens
        XAConnection xac2 = dsx.getXAConnection();
        AssertEventCatcher aes5 = new AssertEventCatcher(5);
        XAResource xar2 = xac2.getXAResource();

        xar2.start(xid, XAResource.TMJOIN);
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    public void testSetSchemaInXAConnection() throws SQLException {
        // tests that set schema works correctly in an XA connection.

        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac3 = dsx.getXAConnection();
        Connection conn3 = xac3.getConnection();
        Statement st3 = conn3.createStatement();
        st3.execute("SET SCHEMA SCHEMA_Patricio");
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    // test fix of a bug ('beetle 5178') wherein XAresource.start() when
    // auto-commit is true did not implictly commit any transaction
    // Also tests DERBY-1025, same description, but for client.
    public void testAutoCommitOnXAResourceStart() throws SQLException, XAException {

        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac4 = dsx.getXAConnection();
        Xid xid4a= null;

        // We get an XAID_DUP error from networkserver when attempting
        // the XAResource.start below if we use the same xid.
        // Possibly because we're in the same jvm.
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        // Test following sequence of steps
        // 1)start a read-only global transaction
        // 2)finish that read-only transaction
        // 3)start another global transaction

        XADataSource dsx = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        XAConnection xac5 = dsx.getXAConnection();
        Xid xid5a = new cdsXid(5, (byte) 119, (byte) 129);
        Connection conn5 = xac5.getConnection();
        Statement sru5a = conn5.createStatement();
        XAResource xar = xac5.getXAResource();
        xar.start(xid5a, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS);
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    // test jira-derby 95 - a NullPointerException was returned when passing
    // an incorrect database name, should now give error XCY00  
    // with XADataSource
    public void testJira95xads() throws SQLException {
        try {
            XADataSource dxs = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
            JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(dxs, "databaseName", "jdbc:derby:boo");
            fail ("expected an SQLException!");
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            assertSQLState("XCY00", sqle);
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        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ028", e);

        // XADataSource - bad connattr syntax");
        XADataSource xads = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
        JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(xads, "ConnectionAttributes", "bad");
        try {
            fail ("should have seen an error");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ028", e);
    } // End testBadConnectionAttributeSyntax
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    public void testUnwrapXADataSource() {
        try {
            XADataSource xads = ds.unwrap(XADataSource.class);
            fail("Unwrap didn't fail.");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ128", e);
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Related Classes of javax.sql.XADataSource

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