Package javax.sip

Examples of javax.sip.SipException

    public Response createReliableProvisionalResponse(int statusCode)
            throws InvalidArgumentException, SipException {

        if (!(firstTransactionIsServerTransaction)) {
            throw new SipException("Not a Server Dialog!");

         * A UAS MUST NOT attempt to send a 100 (Trying) response reliably. Only provisional
         * responses numbered 101 to 199 may be sent reliably. If the request did not include
         * either a Supported or Require header field indicating this feature, the UAS MUST NOT
         * send the provisional response reliably.
        if (statusCode <= 100 || statusCode > 199)
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad status code ");
        SIPRequest request = this.originalRequest;
        if (!request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE))
            throw new SipException("Bad method");

        ListIterator<SIPHeader> list = request.getHeaders(SupportedHeader.NAME);
        if (list == null || !optionPresent(list, "100rel")) {
            list = request.getHeaders(RequireHeader.NAME);
            if (list == null || !optionPresent(list, "100rel")) {
                throw new SipException("No Supported/Require 100rel header in the request");

        SIPResponse response = request.createResponse(statusCode);
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     * @see javax.sip.Dialog#sendReliableProvisionalResponse(javax.sip.message.Response)
    public void sendReliableProvisionalResponse(Response relResponse) throws SipException {
        if (!this.isServer()) {
            throw new SipException("Not a Server Dialog");

        SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) relResponse;

        if (relResponse.getStatusCode() == 100)
            throw new SipException("Cannot send 100 as a reliable provisional response");

        if (relResponse.getStatusCode() / 100 > 2)
            throw new SipException(
                    "Response code is not a 1xx response - should be in the range 101 to 199 ");

         * Do a little checking on the outgoing response.
        if (sipResponse.getToTag() == null) {
            throw new SipException(
                    "Badly formatted response -- To tag mandatory for Reliable Provisional Response");
        ListIterator requireList = (ListIterator) relResponse.getHeaders(RequireHeader.NAME);
        boolean found = false;

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     * @see javax.sip.SipProvider#sendRequest(javax.sip.message.Request)
    public void sendRequest(Request request) throws SipException {
        if (!sipStack.isAlive())
            throw new SipException("Stack is stopped.");

        // mranga: added check to ensure we are not sending empty (keepalive)
        // message.
        if (((SIPRequest) request).getRequestLine() != null
                && request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) {
            Dialog dialog = sipStack.getDialog(((SIPRequest) request)
            if (dialog != null && dialog.getState() != null) {
              if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                        "Dialog exists -- you may want to use Dialog.sendAck() "
                                + dialog.getState());
        Hop hop = sipStack.getRouter((SIPRequest) request).getNextHop(request);
        if (hop == null)
            throw new SipException("could not determine next hop!");
        SIPRequest sipRequest = (SIPRequest) request;
        // Check if we have a valid via.
        // Null request is used to send default proxy keepalive messages.
        if ((!sipRequest.isNullRequest()) && sipRequest.getTopmostVia() == null)
            throw new SipException("Invalid SipRequest -- no via header!");

        try {
             * JvB: Via branch should already be OK, dont touch it here? Some
             * apps forward statelessly, and then it's not set. So set only when
             * not set already, dont overwrite CANCEL branch here..
            if (!sipRequest.isNullRequest()) {
                Via via = sipRequest.getTopmostVia();
                String branch = via.getBranch();
                if (branch == null || branch.length() == 0) {
            MessageChannel messageChannel = null;
            if (this.listeningPoints.containsKey(hop.getTransport()
                messageChannel = sipStack.createRawMessageChannel(
                        this.getListeningPoint(hop.getTransport()).getPort(), hop);
            if (messageChannel != null) {
                messageChannel.sendMessage((SIPMessage) sipRequest,hop);
            } else {
                throw new SipException(
                        "Could not create a message channel for "
                                + hop.toString());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {

            throw new SipException(
                    "IO Exception occured while Sending Request", ex);

        } catch (ParseException ex1) {
        } finally {
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     * @see javax.sip.SipProvider#sendResponse(javax.sip.message.Response)
    public void sendResponse(Response response) throws SipException {
        if (!sipStack.isAlive())
            throw new SipException("Stack is stopped");
        SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) response;
        Via via = sipResponse.getTopmostVia();
        if (via == null)
            throw new SipException("No via header in response!");
        SIPServerTransaction st = (SIPServerTransaction) sipStack.findTransaction((SIPMessage)response, true);
        if ( st != null   && st.getState() != TransactionState.TERMINATED && this.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled()) {
            throw new SipException("Transaction exists -- cannot send response statelessly");
        String transport = via.getTransport();

        // check to see if Via has "received paramaeter". If so
        // set the host to the via parameter. Else set it to the
        // Via host.
        String host = via.getReceived();

        if (host == null)
            host = via.getHost();

        // Symmetric nat support
        int port = via.getRPort();
        if (port == -1) {
            port = via.getPort();
            if (port == -1) {
                if (transport.equalsIgnoreCase("TLS"))
                    port = 5061;
                    port = 5060;

        // for correct management of IPv6 addresses.
        if (host.indexOf(":") > 0)
            if (host.indexOf("[") < 0)
                host = "[" + host + "]";

        Hop hop = sipStack.getAddressResolver().resolveAddress(
                new HopImpl(host, port, transport));

        try {
            ListeningPointImpl listeningPoint = (ListeningPointImpl) this
            if (listeningPoint == null)
                throw new SipException(
                        "whoopsa daisy! no listening point found for transport "
                                + transport);
            MessageChannel messageChannel = sipStack.createRawMessageChannel(
                    listeningPoint.port, hop);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new SipException(ex.getMessage());
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    public Dialog getNewDialog(Transaction transaction) throws SipException {
        if (transaction == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Null transaction!");

        if (!sipStack.isAlive())
            throw new SipException("Stack is stopped.");

        if (isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled())
            throw new SipException(" Error - AUTOMATIC_DIALOG_SUPPORT is on");

        if (!sipStack.isDialogCreated(transaction.getRequest().getMethod()))
            throw new SipException("Dialog cannot be created for this method "
                    + transaction.getRequest().getMethod());

        SIPDialog dialog = null;
        SIPTransaction sipTransaction = (SIPTransaction) transaction;

        if (transaction instanceof ServerTransaction) {
            SIPServerTransaction st = (SIPServerTransaction) transaction;
            Response response = st.getLastResponse();
            if (response != null) {
                if (response.getStatusCode() != 100)
                    throw new SipException(
                            "Cannot set dialog after response has been sent");
            SIPRequest sipRequest = (SIPRequest) transaction.getRequest();
            String dialogId = sipRequest.getDialogId(true);
            dialog = sipStack.getDialog(dialogId);
            if (dialog == null) {
                dialog = sipStack.createDialog((SIPTransaction) transaction);
                // create and register the dialog and add the inital route set.
                sipTransaction.setDialog(dialog, null);

            } else {
                sipTransaction.setDialog(dialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(true));
            if (sipRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE) && this.isDialogErrorsAutomaticallyHandled()) {
                sipStack.putInMergeTable(st, sipRequest);
        } else {

            SIPClientTransaction sipClientTx = (SIPClientTransaction) transaction;

            SIPResponse response = sipClientTx.getLastResponse();

            if (response == null) {
                // A response has not yet been received, then set this up as the
                // default dialog.
                SIPRequest request = (SIPRequest) sipClientTx.getRequest();

                String dialogId = request.getDialogId(false);
                dialog = sipStack.getDialog(dialogId);
                if (dialog != null) {
                    throw new SipException("Dialog already exists!");
                } else {
                    dialog = sipStack.createDialog(sipTransaction);
                sipClientTx.setDialog(dialog, null);

            } else {
                throw new SipException(
                        "Cannot call this method after response is received!");
        return dialog;
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        SIPRequest ackRequest = (SIPRequest) request;
        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
            sipStack.getStackLogger().logDebug("sendAck" + this);

        if (!ackRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK))
            throw new SipException("Bad request method -- should be ACK");
        if (this.getState() == null
                || this.getState().getValue() == EARLY_STATE) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_ERROR)) {
                        "Bad Dialog State for " + this + " dialogID = "
                                + this.getDialogId());
            throw new SipException("Bad dialog state " + this.getState());

        if (!this.getCallId().getCallId().equals(
                ((SIPRequest) request).getCallId().getCallId())) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
                        .logError("CallID " + this.getCallId());
                                "RequestCallID = "
                                        + ackRequest.getCallId().getCallId());
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logError("dialog =  " + this);
            throw new SipException("Bad call ID in request");
        try {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
                        "setting from tag For outgoing ACK= "
                                + this.getLocalTag());
                        "setting To tag for outgoing ACK = "
                                + this.getRemoteTag());
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logDebug("ack = " + ackRequest);
            if (this.getLocalTag() != null)
            if (this.getRemoteTag() != null)
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            throw new SipException(ex.getMessage());

        Hop hop = sipStack.getNextHop(ackRequest);
        // Hop hop = defaultRouter.getNextHop(ackRequest);
        if (hop == null)
            throw new SipException("No route!");
        try {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logDebug("hop = " + hop);
            ListeningPointImpl lp = (ListeningPointImpl) this.sipProvider
            if (lp == null)
                throw new SipException(
                        "No listening point for this provider registered at "
                                + hop);
            InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hop.getHost());
            MessageChannel messageChannel = lp.getMessageProcessor()
                    .createMessageChannel(inetAddress, hop.getPort());
            boolean releaseAckSem = false;
            long cseqNo = ((SIPRequest) request).getCSeq().getSeqNumber();
            if (!this.isAckSent(cseqNo)) {
                releaseAckSem = true;

            // Sent atleast one ACK.
            this.isAcknowledged = true;
            this.highestSequenceNumberAcknowledged = Math.max(
                    ((SIPRequest) ackRequest).getCSeq().getSeqNumber());
            if (releaseAckSem && this.isBackToBackUserAgent) {
            } else {
                if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
                            "Not releasing ack sem for " + this + " isAckSent "
                                    + releaseAckSem);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            if (throwIOExceptionAsSipException)
                throw new SipException("Could not send ack", ex);
            this.raiseIOException(hop.getHost(), hop.getPort(), hop
        } catch (SipException ex) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
            throw new SipException("Could not create message channel", ex);
        if (this.dialogDeleteTask != null) {
            this.dialogDeleteTask = null;
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     * @see javax.sip.Dialog#createRequest(java.lang.String)
    public Request createRequest(String method) throws SipException {

        if (method.equals(Request.ACK) || method.equals(Request.PRACK)) {
            throw new SipException(
                    "Invalid method specified for createRequest:" + method);
        if (lastResponseTopMostVia != null)
            return this.createRequest(method, this.lastResponseTopMostVia
            throw new SipException("Dialog not yet established -- no response!");
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        if (method == null || topMostViaTransport == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("null argument");

        if (method.equals(Request.CANCEL))
            throw new SipException("Dialog.createRequest(): Invalid request");

        if (this.getState() == null
                || (this.getState().getValue() == TERMINATED_STATE && !method
                || (this.isServer()
                        && this.getState().getValue() == EARLY_STATE && method
            throw new SipException("Dialog  " + getDialogId()
                    + " not yet established or terminated " + this.getState());

        SipUri sipUri = null;
        if (this.getRemoteTarget() != null)
            sipUri = (SipUri) this.getRemoteTarget().getURI().clone();
        else {
            sipUri = (SipUri) this.getRemoteParty().getURI().clone();

        CSeq cseq = new CSeq();
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logError("Unexpected error");
         * Add a via header for the outbound request based on the transport of
         * the message processor.

        ListeningPointImpl lp = (ListeningPointImpl) this.sipProvider
        if (lp == null) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                        "Cannot find listening point for transport "
                                + topMostViaTransport);
            throw new SipException("Cannot find listening point for transport "
                    + topMostViaTransport);
        Via via = lp.getViaHeader();

        From from = new From();
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        if (clientTransactionId == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("null parameter");

        if (dialogRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)
                || dialogRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL))
            throw new SipException("Bad Request Method. "
                    + dialogRequest.getMethod());

        // JvB: added, allow re-sending of BYE after challenge
        if (byeSent && isTerminatedOnBye()
                && !dialogRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                        "BYE already sent for " + this);
            throw new SipException("Cannot send request; BYE already sent");

        if (dialogRequest.getTopmostVia() == null) {
            Via via = ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId)
        if (!this.getCallId().getCallId().equalsIgnoreCase(
                dialogRequest.getCallId().getCallId())) {

            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                        .logError("CallID " + this.getCallId());
                        "RequestCallID = "
                                + dialogRequest.getCallId().getCallId());
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logError("dialog =  " + this);
            throw new SipException("Bad call ID in request");

        // Set the dialog back pointer.
        ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId).setDialog(this,

        this.addTransaction((SIPTransaction) clientTransactionId);
        // Enable the retransmission filter for the transaction

        ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId).isMapped = true;

        From from = (From) dialogRequest.getFrom();
        To to = (To) dialogRequest.getTo();

        // Caller already did the tag assignment -- check to see if the
        // tag assignment is OK.
        if (this.getLocalTag() != null && from.getTag() != null
                && !from.getTag().equals(this.getLocalTag()))
            throw new SipException("From tag mismatch expecting  "
                    + this.getLocalTag());

        if (this.getRemoteTag() != null && to.getTag() != null
                && !to.getTag().equals(this.getRemoteTag())) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                        "To header tag mismatch expecting "
                                + this.getRemoteTag());
         * The application is sending a NOTIFY before sending the response of
         * the dialog.
        if (this.getLocalTag() == null
                && dialogRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)) {
            if (!this.getMethod().equals(Request.SUBSCRIBE))
                throw new SipException(
                        "Trying to send NOTIFY without SUBSCRIBE Dialog!");


        try {
            if (this.getLocalTag() != null)
            if (this.getRemoteTag() != null)

        } catch (ParseException ex) {



        Hop hop = ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId).getNextHop();
        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
                    "Using hop = " + hop.getHost() + " : " + hop.getPort());

        try {
            MessageChannel messageChannel = sipStack.createRawMessageChannel(
                            .getIPAddress(), this.firstTransactionPort, hop);

            MessageChannel oldChannel = ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId)

            // Remove this from the connection cache if it is in the
            // connection
            // cache and is not yet active.

            // Not configured to cache client connections.
            if (!sipStack.cacheClientConnections) {
                if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
                            "oldChannel: useCount " + oldChannel.useCount);


            if (messageChannel == null) {
                 * At this point the procedures of 8.1.2 and of RFC3261
                 * have been tried but the resulting next hop cannot be resolved
                 * (recall that the exception thrown is caught and ignored in
                 * SIPStack.createMessageChannel() so we end up here with a null
                 * messageChannel instead of the exception handler below). All
                 * else failing, try the outbound proxy in accordance with
                 * 8.1.2, in particular: This ensures that outbound proxies that
                 * do not add Record-Route header field values will drop out of
                 * the path of subsequent requests. It allows endpoints that
                 * cannot resolve the first Route URI to delegate that task to
                 * an outbound proxy.
                 * if one considers the 'first Route URI' of a request
                 * constructed according to to be the request URI when
                 * the route set is empty.
                if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
                            "Null message channel using outbound proxy !");
                Hop outboundProxy = sipStack.getRouter(dialogRequest)
                if (outboundProxy == null)
                    throw new SipException("No route found! hop=" + hop);
                messageChannel = sipStack.createRawMessageChannel(this
                        this.firstTransactionPort, outboundProxy);
                if (messageChannel != null)
                    ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId)
            } else {
                ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId)

                if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
                            "using message channel " + messageChannel);



            if (messageChannel != null)

            // See if we need to release the previously mapped channel.
            if ((!sipStack.cacheClientConnections) && oldChannel != null
                    && oldChannel.useCount <= 0)
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
            throw new SipException("Could not create message channel", ex);

        try {
            // Increment before setting!!
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {

        try {
            ((SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionId)
             * Note that if the BYE is rejected then the Dialog should bo back
             * to the ESTABLISHED state so we only set state after successful
             * send.
            if (dialogRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
                this.byeSent = true;
                 * Dialog goes into TERMINATED state as soon as BYE is sent.
                 * ISSUE 182.
                if (isTerminatedOnBye()) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new SipException("error sending message", ex);

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                || this.getState().equals(DialogState.TERMINATED))
            throw new DialogDoesNotExistException(
                    "Dialog not initialized or terminated");

        if ((RSeq) relResponse.getHeader(RSeqHeader.NAME) == null) {
            throw new SipException("Missing RSeq Header");

        try {
            SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) relResponse;
            SIPRequest sipRequest = this.createRequest(Request.PRACK,
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Related Classes of javax.sip.SipException

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