&& clientsTransactionList.size() > 1)
Dialog dialog = clientTransaction.getDialog();
Request byeRequest = dialog.createRequest(Request.BYE);
ClientTransaction ct = responseProvider
// we have to remove the transaction from the table:
if (serverTransaction != null)
if (serverTransaction == null)
ListeningPoint defaultLP = jiplet.getListeningPointDefault();
// we can try to modify the tags:
Dialog dialog = serverTransaction.getDialog();
if (dialog != null)
String localTag = dialog.getLocalTag();
String remoteTag = dialog.getRemoteTag();
ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) response
FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) response
if (localTag != null && remoteTag != null)
if (dialog.isServer())
// 8. Record-Route - modify record route header if needed
* If the selected response contains a Record-Route header field
* value originally provided by this proxy, the proxy MAY choose
* to rewrite the value before forwarding the response. This
* allows the proxy to provide different URIs for itself to the
* next upstream and downstream elements. A proxy may choose to
* use this mechanism for any reason. For instance, it is useful
* for multi-homed hosts.
ListIterator rrHeaders = response
while (rrHeaders.hasNext())
// look for the 1st one to replace, replace it & get out
RecordRouteHeader rr = (RecordRouteHeader) rrHeaders.next();
URI uri = rr.getAddress().getURI();
if (uri instanceof SipURI)
SipURI sipURI = (SipURI) uri;
// is this a record route header we added?
if (jiplet.hasAddress(sipURI.getHost(), sipURI
// does this one need replacing?
String user = sipURI.getUser();
if (user != null)
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(user,
if (tok.countTokens() == 2)
SipURI sourceURI = jiplet
null, tok.nextToken());
// rewrite it back into the RR header
catch (InvalidArgumentException e)
// this exception only happens if the Response was created
// by Dialog.createReliableProvisionalResponse(int) and the
// application calls ServerTransaction.sendResponse() to
// send it
.error("Response forwarding failed - invalid send method for reliable provisional response - need to add a check for this and call dialog method sendReliableProvisionalResponse() instead. Response = \n"
+ response.toString());
/** ************************************************************************ */
/** ************ 10. Generate CANCELs ******* */
/** ************************************************************************* */
* If the forwarded response was a final response, the jiplet MUST
* generate a CANCEL request for all pending client transactions
* associated with this response context. A jiplet SHOULD also
* generate a CANCEL request for all pending client transactions
* associated with this response context when it receives a 6xx
* response. A pending client transaction is one that has received a
* provisional response, but no final response (it is in the
* proceeding state) and has not had an associated CANCEL generated
* for it. Generating CANCEL requests is described in Section 9.1.
if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.OK
|| (response.getStatusCode() >= Response.BUSY_EVERYWHERE && response
.getStatusCode() <= Response.SESSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE))
Vector clientsTransactionList = transactionsMapping
for (Enumeration e = clientsTransactionList.elements(); e
ClientTransaction ctr = (ClientTransaction) e.nextElement();
if (ctr != clientTransaction)
TransactionState transactionState = ctr.getState();
if (transactionState == null
|| transactionState.getValue() == TransactionState.PROCEEDING
* 9.1: The following procedures are used to
* construct a CANCEL request. The Request-URI,
* Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From
* header fields in the CANCEL request MUST be
* identical to those in the request being
* cancelled, including tags. A CANCEL constructed
* by a client MUST have only a single Via header
* field value matching the top Via value in the
* request being cancelled. Using the same values
* for these header fields allows the CANCEL to be
* matched with the request it cancels (Section 9.2
* indicates how such matching occurs). However, the
* method part of the CSeq header field MUST have a
* value of CANCEL. This allows it to be identified
* and processed as a transaction in its own right
* (See Section 17).
* If the request being cancelled contains a Route
* header field, the CANCEL request MUST include
* that Route header field's values.
Request cancelRequest = ctr.createCancel();
// Let's keep only the top most via header:
ListIterator cancelViaList = cancelRequest
cancelRequest.addHeader((ViaHeader) cancelViaList
SipURI localAddr = (SipURI) ctr.getDialog()
SipProvider p = jiplet.getSipProvider(localAddr
.getHost(), localAddr.getPort());
if (p == null)
ListeningPoint defaultLP = jiplet
p = jiplet.getSipProvider(defaultLP);
ClientTransaction ct = p