Package javax.rules

Examples of javax.rules.StatelessRuleSession

        RuleExecutionSet ruleSet =
            ruleSetProvider.createRuleExecutionSet( ruleReader, null );
            RULES_RESOURCE, ruleSet, null );

        StatelessRuleSession statelessRuleSession = ( StatelessRuleSession ) ruleRuntime.createRuleSession( RULES_RESOURCE,
                                                                                                            RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE );
        assertNotNull( "cannot obtain StatelessRuleSession",
                       statelessRuleSession );
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   * @param input
   * @throws Exception
  public void execute(RuleRuntime rt, String ruleset, Object[] input)
      throws Exception {
    StatelessRuleSession srs = (StatelessRuleSession) rt.createRuleSession(
        ruleset, null, RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE);
    List output = srs.executeRules(Arrays.asList(input));
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            log( "Ruleset URI: " + ) );
        log( "Runtime API - Stateless Execution" );
        // create a StatelessRuleSession
        StatelessRuleSession statelessRuleSession = ( StatelessRuleSession )
                uri, new HashMap( ), RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE );
        log( "Got Stateful Rule Session " + uri );
        log( "Implementation: " + statelessRuleSession );
        // add the user's User-Agent string to the session and execute it
        List inputList = new LinkedList( );
        inputList.add( userAgent );
        log( "Adding browser User-Agent to session: " + userAgent );
        List resultList = statelessRuleSession.executeRules( inputList );
        log( "Called executeRules on Stateless Rule Session: "
            + statelessRuleSession );
        log( "Result of calling executeRules: " + resultList );
        // release the session
        statelessRuleSession.release( );
        log( "Released Stateless Rule Session." );
        log( "Runtime API - Stateful Execution" );
        // create a StatefulRuleSession
        StatefulRuleSession statefulRuleSession = ( StatefulRuleSession )
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    catch (RuleExecutionSetNotFoundException ex) {
      // expected

    StatelessRuleSession session = (StatelessRuleSession) source.createSession(BIND_URI, null, RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE);
    assertNotNull("Created session is null", session);
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    DefaultRuleSource source = new DefaultRuleSource();

    // get the stateless session
    StatelessRuleSession session = (StatelessRuleSession) source.createSession(BIND_URI, null, RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE);

    // execute it
    List facts = new ArrayList();
    facts = session.executeRules(facts);

    assertTrue("Facts does not contain Gecko", facts.contains("Gecko"));
    assertTrue("Facts does not contain a:Gecko", facts.contains("a:Gecko"));

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     * @param properties The proeprties for the session
     * @param callback The executor callback
     * @return Value returned by the executor implementation
  public Object executeStateless(final String uri, final Map properties, final StatelessRuleSessionCallback callback) {
    StatelessRuleSession session = (StatelessRuleSession) createRuleSession(uri, properties, RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE);
    try {
      return callback.execute(session);
    catch (InvalidRuleSessionException ex) {
      throw new Jsr94InvalidRuleSessionException(ex);
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    catch (RuleExecutionSetNotFoundException ex) {
      // expected

    StatelessRuleSession session = (StatelessRuleSession) source.createSession(BIND_URI, null, RuleRuntime.STATELESS_SESSION_TYPE);
    assertNotNull("Created session is null", session);
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    public void testExecuteRulesGlobals() throws Exception {
        final java.util.Map map = new HashMap();
        java.util.Vector v = new java.util.Vector();
        map.put( "vector",
                 v );
        final StatelessRuleSession statelessSession = this.sessionBuilder.getStatelessRuleSession( this.bindUri_globals,
                                                                                                   map );

        final List inObjects = new ArrayList();

        final Person bob = new Person( "bob" );
        inObjects.add( bob );

        final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" );
        jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" );
        inObjects.add( jeannie );

        final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" );
        rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" );
        inObjects.add( rebecca );

        // execute the rules
        final List outList = statelessSession.executeRules( inObjects );

        assertEquals( "incorrect size",
                      outList.size() );

        assertContains( outList,
                        bob );

        assertContains( outList,
                        rebecca );

        assertContains( outList,
                        jeannie );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" );

        v = (java.util.Vector) map.get( "vector" );

        assertNotNull( "Global Vector null",
                       v );

        assertContains( v,
                        "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" );

        assertContains( v,
                        "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" );

        assertEquals( "Vector v incorrect size",
                      v.size() );

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     * Test executeRules with normal drl.
    public void testExecuteRules() throws Exception {
        final StatelessRuleSession statelessSession = this.sessionBuilder.getStatelessRuleSession( this.bindUri );

        final List inObjects = new ArrayList();

        final Person bob = new Person( "bob" );
        inObjects.add( bob );

        final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" );
        jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" );
        inObjects.add( jeannie );

        final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" );
        rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" );
        inObjects.add( rebecca );

        // execute the rules
        final List outList = statelessSession.executeRules( inObjects );

        assertEquals( "incorrect size",
                      outList.size() );

        assertContains( outList,
                        bob );

        assertContains( outList,
                        rebecca );

        assertContains( outList,
                        jeannie );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" );

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     * Test executeRules with normal drl.
    public void testExecuteRulesWithXml() throws Exception {
        final StatelessRuleSession statelessSession = this.sessionBuilder.getStatelessRuleSession( this.bindUri_xml );

        final List inObjects = new ArrayList();

        final Person bob = new Person( "bob" );
        inObjects.add( bob );

        final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" );
        jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" );
        inObjects.add( jeannie );

        final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" );
        rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" );
        inObjects.add( rebecca );

        //execute the rules
        final List outList = statelessSession.executeRules( inObjects );

        assertEquals( "incorrect size",
                      outList.size() );

        assertContains( outList,
                        bob );

        assertContains( outList,
                        rebecca );

        assertContains( outList,
                        jeannie );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" );

        assertContains( outList,
                        "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" );

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Related Classes of javax.rules.StatelessRuleSession

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