} // else proxy would be useless
// Java Connector spec ResourceAdapters and ManagedConnectionFactories need special activation
if (service instanceof ResourceAdapter) {
final ResourceAdapter resourceAdapter = (ResourceAdapter) service;
// Create a thead pool for work manager
final int threadPoolSize = getIntProperty(serviceInfo.properties, "threadPoolSize", 30);
final Executor threadPool;
if (threadPoolSize <= 0) {
logger.warning("Thread pool for '" + serviceInfo.id + "' is (unbounded), consider setting a size using: " + serviceInfo.id + ".QueueSize=[size]");
threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new DaemonThreadFactory(serviceInfo.id + "-worker-"));
} else {
threadPool = new ExecutorBuilder()
.threadFactory(new DaemonThreadFactory(serviceInfo.id + "-worker-"))
.build(new Options(serviceInfo.properties, SystemInstance.get().getOptions()));
logger.info("Thread pool size for '" + serviceInfo.id + "' is (" + threadPoolSize + ")");
// WorkManager: the resource adapter can use this to dispatch messages or perform tasks
final WorkManager workManager;
if (GeronimoTransactionManager.class.isInstance(transactionManager)) {
final GeronimoTransactionManager geronimoTransactionManager = (GeronimoTransactionManager) transactionManager;
final TransactionContextHandler txWorkContextHandler = new TransactionContextHandler(geronimoTransactionManager);
// use id as default realm name if realm is not specified in service properties
final String securityRealmName = getStringProperty(serviceInfo.properties, "realm", serviceInfo.id);
final SecurityContextHandler securityContextHandler = new SecurityContextHandler(securityRealmName);
final HintsContextHandler hintsContextHandler = new HintsContextHandler();
final Collection<WorkContextHandler> workContextHandlers = new ArrayList<WorkContextHandler>();
workManager = new GeronimoWorkManager(threadPool, threadPool, threadPool, workContextHandlers);
} else {
workManager = new SimpleWorkManager(threadPool);
// BootstrapContext: wraps the WorkMananger and XATerminator
final BootstrapContext bootstrapContext;
if (transactionManager instanceof GeronimoTransactionManager) {
bootstrapContext = new GeronimoBootstrapContext(GeronimoWorkManager.class.cast(workManager),
(GeronimoTransactionManager) transactionManager,
(GeronimoTransactionManager) transactionManager);
} else if (transactionManager instanceof XATerminator) {
bootstrapContext = new SimpleBootstrapContext(workManager, (XATerminator) transactionManager);
} else {
bootstrapContext = new SimpleBootstrapContext(workManager);
// start the resource adapter
try {
logger.debug("createResource.startingResourceAdapter", serviceInfo.id, service.getClass().getName());
} catch (final ResourceAdapterInternalException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException(e);
final Map<String, Object> unset = serviceRecipe.getUnsetProperties();