//TODO mutualize this code with the EM this will fix the rollback issues
@SuppressWarnings({ "ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown" })
private void throwPersistenceException(Exception e) {
if ( e instanceof StaleStateException ) {
PersistenceException pe = wrapStaleStateException( ( StaleStateException ) e );
throwPersistenceException( pe );
else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.OptimisticLockException ) {
PersistenceException converted = wrapLockException( (HibernateException) e, null );
throwPersistenceException( converted );
else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.PessimisticLockException ) {
PersistenceException converted = wrapLockException( (HibernateException) e, null );
throwPersistenceException( converted );
else if ( e instanceof ConstraintViolationException ) {
//FIXME this is bad cause ConstraintViolationException happens in other circumstances
throwPersistenceException( new EntityExistsException( e ) );
else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException ) {
javax.persistence.QueryTimeoutException converted = new javax.persistence.QueryTimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e);
throwPersistenceException( converted );
else if ( e instanceof ObjectNotFoundException ) {
throwPersistenceException( new EntityNotFoundException( e.getMessage() ) );
else if ( e instanceof org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException ) {
throwPersistenceException( new NonUniqueResultException( e.getMessage() ) );
else if ( e instanceof UnresolvableObjectException ) {
throwPersistenceException( new EntityNotFoundException( e.getMessage() ) );
else if ( e instanceof QueryException ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e );
else if ( e instanceof TransientObjectException ) {
//FIXME rollback
throw new IllegalStateException( e ); //Spec 3.2.3 Synchronization rules
else {
throwPersistenceException( new PersistenceException( e ) );