The Start TLS extended request and response are used to establish a TLS connection over the existing LDAP connection associated with the JNDI context on which extendedOperation() is invoked. Typically, a JNDI program uses the StartTLS extended request and response classes as follows.
@since 1.4 @see StartTlsRequest @author Vincent Ryanimport javax.naming.ldap.*; // Open an LDAP association LdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(); // Perform a StartTLS extended operation StartTlsResponse tls = (StartTlsResponse) ctx.extendedOperation(new StartTlsRequest()); // Open a TLS connection (over the existing LDAP association) and get details // of the negotiated TLS session: cipher suite, peer certificate, ... SSLSession session = tls.negotiate(); // ... use ctx to perform protected LDAP operations // Close the TLS connection (revert back to the underlying LDAP association) tls.close(); // ... use ctx to perform unprotected LDAP operations // Close the LDAP association ctx.close;