
Examples of

        String newPrincipalName = "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM";
        String newUserPassword = "secretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT, newPrincipalName );
        attributes.put( attr );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        byte[] userPassword = null;

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        checkKeyNumber( attributes );

        byte[] testBytes =
            { 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74, 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74 };
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( userPassword, testBytes ) );

        Attribute krb5key = attributes.get( "krb5key" );
        Map<EncryptionType, EncryptionKey> map = reconstituteKeyMap( krb5key );
        EncryptionKey encryptionKey = map.get( EncryptionType.DES_CBC_MD5 );

        byte[] testKeyBytes =
            { ( byte ) 0x16, ( byte ) 0x4A, ( byte ) 0x6D, ( byte ) 0x89, ( byte ) 0x5D, ( byte ) 0x76, ( byte ) 0x0E,
                ( byte ) 0x23 };

        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( encryptionKey.getKeyValue(), testKeyBytes ) );
        assertEquals( EncryptionType.DES_CBC_MD5, encryptionKey.getKeyType() );

        int keyVersionNumber = -1;

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 1, keyVersionNumber );

        newUserPassword = "secretsecretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT, newPrincipalName );
        attributes.put( attr );

        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        assertEquals( "password length", 18, userPassword.length );

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 2, keyVersionNumber );

        newUserPassword = "secretsecretsecretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT, newPrincipalName );
        attributes.put( attr );

        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        assertEquals( "password length", 24, userPassword.length );

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 3, keyVersionNumber );
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        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

        String newUserPassword = "secretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        byte[] userPassword = null;

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        checkKeyNumber( attributes );

        byte[] testBytes =
            { 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74, 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74 };
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( userPassword, testBytes ) );

        Attribute krb5key = attributes.get( "krb5key" );
        Map<EncryptionType, EncryptionKey> map = reconstituteKeyMap( krb5key );
        EncryptionKey encryptionKey = map.get( EncryptionType.DES_CBC_MD5 );

        byte[] testKeyBytes =
            { ( byte ) 0x16, ( byte ) 0x4A, ( byte ) 0x6D, ( byte ) 0x89, ( byte ) 0x5D, ( byte ) 0x76, ( byte ) 0x0E,
                ( byte ) 0x23 };

        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( encryptionKey.getKeyValue(), testKeyBytes ) );
        assertEquals( EncryptionType.DES_CBC_MD5, encryptionKey.getKeyType() );

        int keyVersionNumber = -1;

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 1, keyVersionNumber );

        newUserPassword = "secretsecretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );

        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        assertEquals( "password length", 18, userPassword.length );

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 2, keyVersionNumber );

        newUserPassword = "secretsecretsecretsecret";

        // Modify password.
        attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        attr = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", newUserPassword );
        attributes.put( attr );

        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory.
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );

        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );

        if ( attributes.get( "userPassword" ) != null )
            userPassword = ( byte[] ) attributes.get( "userPassword" ).get();

        assertEquals( "password length", 24, userPassword.length );

        if ( attributes.get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ) != null )
            keyVersionNumber = Integer.valueOf( ( String ) attributes
                .get( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ).get() );

        assertEquals( "Key version number", 3, keyVersionNumber );
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     * @param principal the kerberos principal name for the person
     * @return the attributes of the person entry
    protected Attributes getPersonAttributes( String sn, String cn, String uid, String userPassword, String principal )
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "person" ); // sn $ cn
        ocls.add( "inetOrgPerson" ); // uid
        ocls.add( "krb5principal" );
        ocls.add( "krb5kdcentry" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "cn", cn );
        attrs.put( "sn", sn );
        attrs.put( "uid", uid );
        attrs.put( "userPassword", userPassword );
        attrs.put( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT, principal );
        attrs.put( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT, "0" );

        return attrs;
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     * @param ou the organizational unit to create
     * @return the attributes of the organizationalUnit
    protected Attributes getOrgUnitAttributes( String ou )
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "organizationalUnit" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "ou", ou );

        return attrs;
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        checkAttributeTypePresent( "", "other", true );
        checkObjectClassPresent( "", "other", true );

        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes();
        BasicAttribute ocattr = new BasicAttribute( "objectclass" );
        ocattr.add( "top" );
        ocattr.add( "templateObject" );
        attrs.put( ocattr );
        byte[] templateData = new byte[4096];
        attrs.put( "templateData", templateData );
        attrs.put( "cn", "atemplate" );
        getRootContext( getService() ).bind( "cn=atemplate,ou=system", null, attrs );

        Attributes data = getRootContext( getService() ).getAttributes( "cn=atemplate,ou=system", new String[]
            { "templateData", "cn" } );
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        for ( String description : descriptions )
            attr.add( description );

        Attributes mods = new BasicAttributes( true );
        mods.put( attr );

        getRootContext( getService() ).modifyAttributes( JndiUtils.toName( dn ), op, mods );
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     * @param userPassword the credentials of the person
     * @return the attributes of the person principal
    protected Attributes getPrincipalAttributes( String sn, String cn, String uid, String userPassword, String principal )
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "person" ); // sn $ cn
        ocls.add( "inetOrgPerson" ); // uid
        ocls.add( "krb5principal" );
        ocls.add( "krb5kdcentry" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "cn", cn );
        attrs.put( "sn", sn );
        attrs.put( "uid", uid );
        attrs.put( "userPassword", userPassword );
        attrs.put( "krb5PrincipalName", principal );
        attrs.put( "krb5KeyVersionNumber", "0" );

        return attrs;
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     * @param ou the ou of the organizationalUnit
     * @return the attributes of the organizationalUnit
    protected Attributes getOrgUnitAttributes( String ou )
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "organizationalUnit" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "ou", ou );

        return attrs;
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    public Attributes getAttributes(String token, String... attributeNames)
            throws AuthenticationException
        BasicAttributes out = new BasicAttributes();

        try {
            URL u = new URL(getAuthenticationURL() + "/attributes");
            HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();
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    public Attributes read(String userId, String... attributeNames)
        throws AuthenticationException
        BasicAttributes out = new BasicAttributes();

        try {
            URL u = new URL(getAuthenticationURL() + "/read");
            HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();
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