Package javax.naming

Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

      Context ctx = getContainer().getInitialContext();
      String jndiName = this.getJndiName();
//      Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(jndiName);
      //ctx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(name.size() - 1));
      //String atom = name.get(name.size() - 1);
      RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(JndiSessionProxyObjectFactory.REF_ADDR_NAME_JNDI_BINDING_DELEGATE_PROXY_FACTORY, jndiName + PROXY_FACTORY_NAME);
      Reference ref = new Reference(Object.class.getName(), refAddr, JndiSessionProxyObjectFactory.class.getName(), null);
//      try
//      {
//         log.debug("Binding reference for " + getContainer().getEjbName() + " in JNDI at " + jndiName);
//         Util.rebind(ctx, atom, ref);
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         // For each of the remote business interfaces, make a Reference Address
         if (businessRemotes != null)
            for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_REMOTE, businessRemote);

         // Determine if remote home and business remotes are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindRemoteAndHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, false);
         if (bindRemoteAndHomeTogether)
            // Add a Reference Address for the Remote Home
            String home = smd.getHome();
            assert home != null : "Home and Business set to be bound together, yet no home is defined";
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_REMOTE, home);
         // Bind Home (not bound together) if exists
         else if (smd.getHome() != null && !smd.getHome().equals(""))
            String homeType = smd.getHome();
            RefAddr refAddrHomeInterface = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_REMOTE, homeType);
            RefAddr refAddrRemoting = this.createRemotingRefAddr(smd);
            Reference homeRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                  + homeType, remoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName);

            String homeAddress = smd.getHomeJndiName();
            assert homeAddress != null && !homeAddress.equals("") : "JNDI Address for Remote Home must be defined";
            log.debug("Remote Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + homeAddress
                  + "\"");

            bindingSet.addHomeRemoteBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(homeAddress, homeRef));

         // Add a Reference Address for the Remoting URL

          * Bind ObjectFactory for default remote businesses (and home if bound together)

         // Get Classname to set for Reference
         String defaultRemoteClassName = this.getHumanReadableListOfInterfacesInRefAddrs(refAddrsForDefaultRemote);

         // Create a Reference
         Reference defaultRemoteRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
               + defaultRemoteClassName, remoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName);

         // Add all Reference Addresses for Default Remote Reference
         for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrsForDefaultRemote)
            log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to Default Remote "
                  + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + refAddr.getType() + "\", Content \""
                  + refAddr.getContent() + "\"");

         // Bind the Default Remote Reference to JNDI
         String defaultRemoteAddress = smd.getJndiName();
         log.debug("Default Remote Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \""
               + defaultRemoteAddress + "\"");

         bindingSet.addDefaultRemoteBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(defaultRemoteAddress, defaultRemoteRef));

         // Bind ObjectFactory specific to each Remote Business Interface
         if (businessRemotes != null)
            for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
               RefAddr refAddrBusinessInterface = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_REMOTE, businessRemote);
               RefAddr refAddrRemoting = this.createRemotingRefAddr(smd);
               Reference ref = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                     + businessRemote, remoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName);
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessRemote);
               log.debug("Remote Business View for " + businessRemote + " of EJB " + smd.getEjbName()
                     + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");

               bindingSet.addBusinessRemoteBinding(businessRemote, new JndiReferenceBinding(address, ref));
      // If there's a local view
      if (hasLocalView)
         // Create and register a local proxy factory
         String localProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(smd, true);
         SessionProxyFactory factory = this.createLocalProxyFactory(localProxyFactoryKey, containerName, containerGuid,
               smd, cl, advisor);
         this.registerProxyFactory(localProxyFactoryKey, factory, smd);

         // Initialize Reference Addresses to attach to default local JNDI Reference
         List<RefAddr> refAddrsForDefaultLocal = new ArrayList<RefAddr>();

         // For each of the local business interfaces, make a Reference Address
         if (businessLocals != null)
            for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, businessLocal);

         // Determine if local home and business locals are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, true);
         if (bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether)
            // Add a Reference Address for the Local Home
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_LOCAL, smd.getLocalHome());
         // Bind Local Home (not bound together) if exists
         else if (smd.getLocalHome() != null && !smd.getLocalHome().equals(""))
            String localHomeType = smd.getLocalHome();
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_LOCAL, localHomeType);
            Reference localHomeRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                  + localHomeType, localProxyFactoryKey, containerName);
            String localHomeAddress = smd.getLocalHomeJndiName();
            log.debug("Local Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + localHomeAddress
                  + "\"");

            bindingSet.addHomeLocalBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(localHomeAddress, localHomeRef));

          * Bind ObjectFactory for default local businesses (and LocalHome if bound together)

         // Get Classname to set for Reference
         String defaultLocalClassName = this.getHumanReadableListOfInterfacesInRefAddrs(refAddrsForDefaultLocal);

         // Create a Reference
         Reference defaultLocalRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
               + defaultLocalClassName, localProxyFactoryKey, containerName);

         // Add all Reference Addresses for Default Local Reference
         for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrsForDefaultLocal)
            log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to Default Local "
                  + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + refAddr.getType() + "\", Content \""
                  + refAddr.getContent() + "\"");

         // Bind the Default Local Reference to JNDI
         String defaultLocalAddress = smd.getLocalJndiName();
         log.debug("Default Local Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \""
               + defaultLocalAddress + "\"");

         bindingSet.addDefaultLocalBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(defaultLocalAddress, defaultLocalRef));

         // Bind ObjectFactory specific to each Local Business Interface
         if (businessLocals != null)
            for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, businessLocal);
               Reference ref = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                     + businessLocal, localProxyFactoryKey, containerName);
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessLocal);
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      Reference ref = new Reference(referenceName, this.getSessionProxyObjectFactoryType(), null);

      // Add the Proxy Factory Registry key for this Reference
      assert proxyFactoryRegistryKey != null && !proxyFactoryRegistryKey.trim().equals("") : "Proxy Factory Registry key is required but not supplied";
      String proxyFactoryRefType = ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_FACTORY_REGISTRY_KEY;
      RefAddr proxyFactoryRefAddr = new StringRefAddr(proxyFactoryRefType, proxyFactoryRegistryKey);
      log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to " + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \""
            + proxyFactoryRefType + "\", Content \"" + proxyFactoryRegistryKey + "\"");

      // Add the Container name for this Reference
      assert containerName != null && !containerName.trim().equals("") : "Container Name is required but not supplied";
      String ejbContainerRefType = ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_EJBCONTAINER_NAME;
      RefAddr containerRefAddr = new StringRefAddr(ejbContainerRefType, containerName);
      log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to " + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \""
            + ejbContainerRefType + "\", Content \"" + containerName + "\"");

      return ref;
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      // Create RefAddr
      String url = remoteBinding.getClientBindUrl();
      assert url != null && url.trim().toString().length() != 0 : InvokerLocator.class.getSimpleName()
            + " URL must be defined, and is unspecified";
      RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_INVOKER_LOCATOR_URL, url);

      // Return
      return refAddr;
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      int count = 0;
      Enumeration<RefAddr> refAddrs = ref.getAll();
      while (refAddrs.hasMoreElements())
         // Get the current Reference Address information
         RefAddr refAddr = refAddrs.nextElement();
         String type = refAddr.getType();
         Class<?> expectedContentsType = String.class;
         Object refAddrContent = refAddr.getContent();
         assert (refAddrContent != null) : "Encountered Reference Address of type " + type + " but with null Content";
         assert (expectedContentsType.isAssignableFrom(refAddrContent.getClass())) : "Content of Reference Address of type \""
               + type + "\" at index " + count + " was not of expected Java type " + expectedContentsType.getName();
         String content = (String) refAddr.getContent();

         // If our map doesn't yet contain an entry for this type
         if (!referenceAddresses.containsKey(type))
            // Create an entry in the Map to hold the reference addresses
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                                                    Context nameCtx,
                                                    Hashtable<?, ?> environment)
        throws Exception {      
        Object result = null;
        while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
            RefAddr address = addresses.nextElement();
            if (address instanceof StringRefAddr && "URL".equals(address.getType())) {
                String urlScheme = getUrlScheme( (String) address.getContent() );
                ObjectFactory factory = null;
                ServiceReference ref = null;
                try {
                    ServiceReference[] services = callerContext.getServiceReferences(ObjectFactory.class.getName(),
                            "(&(" + JNDIConstants.JNDI_URLSCHEME + "=" + urlScheme + "))");

                    if (services != null && services.length > 0) {
                        ref = services[0];
                } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
                    // should not happen
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid filter", e);

                if (ref != null) {
                    factory = (ObjectFactory) callerContext.getService(ref);
                    String value = (String) address.getContent();
                    try {
                        result = factory.getObjectInstance(value, name, nameCtx, environment);
                    } finally {
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                                                    Hashtable<?, ?> environment,
                                                    Attributes attrs)
        throws Exception {
        Object result = null;
        while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
            RefAddr address = addresses.nextElement();
            if (address instanceof StringRefAddr && "URL".equals(address.getType())) {
                String urlScheme = getUrlScheme( (String) address.getContent() );
                DirObjectFactory factory = null;
                ServiceReference ref = null;
                try {
                    ServiceReference[] services = callerContext.getServiceReferences(DirObjectFactory.class.getName(),
                            "(&(" + JNDIConstants.JNDI_URLSCHEME + "=" + urlScheme + "))");

                    if (services != null && services.length > 0) {
                        ref = services[0];
                } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
                    // should not happen
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid filter", e);

                if (ref != null) {
                    factory = (DirObjectFactory) callerContext.getService(ref);
                    String value = (String) address.getContent();
                    try {
                        result = factory.getObjectInstance(value, name, nameCtx, environment, attrs);
                    } finally {
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        // Create and configure a MemoryUserDatabase instance based on the
        // RefAddr values associated with this Reference
        MemoryUserDatabase database = new MemoryUserDatabase(name.toString());
        RefAddr ra = null;

        ra = ref.get("pathname");
        if (ra != null) {

        ra = ref.get("readonly");
        if (ra != null) {

        // Return the configured database instance;;
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            if (!(value instanceof LinkRef)) return value;

            final LinkRef ref = (LinkRef) value;

            final RefAddr refAddr = ref.getAll().nextElement();

            final String address = refAddr.getContent().toString();

            if (address.startsWith("openejb:")) return value;

            if (!address.startsWith("java:")) {
                return new LinkRef("java:" + address);
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    Object ds = Class.forName(classname).newInstance();

    for (Enumeration e = ref.getAll(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      RefAddr attribute = (RefAddr) e.nextElement();

      String propertyName = attribute.getType();

      String value = (String) attribute.getContent();

      String methodName = "set" + propertyName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH) + propertyName.substring(1);

      Method m;
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Related Classes of javax.naming.RefAddr

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