Package javax.naming

Examples of javax.naming.ConfigurationException

      final File pidFile = new File(dir + File.separator + run);
      try {
          if (!pidFile.createNewFile()) {
              if (!pidFile.exists()) {
                  throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to write to " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".  Are you sure you're running as root?");
              final FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(pidFile);
              final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
              final String pidLine = reader.readLine();
              if (pidLine == null) {
                  throw new ConfigurationException("Java process is being started twice.  If this is not true, remove " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath());
              try {
                  final long pid = Long.parseLong(pidLine);
                  final Script script = new Script("bash", 120000, s_logger);
                  script.add("-c", "ps -p " + pid);
                  final String result = script.execute();
                  if (result == null) {
                      throw new ConfigurationException("Java process is being started twice.  If this is not true, remove " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath());
                  if (!pidFile.delete()) {
                      throw new ConfigurationException("Java process is being started twice.  If this is not true, remove " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath());
                  if (!pidFile.createNewFile()) {
                      throw new ConfigurationException("Java process is being started twice.  If this is not true, remove " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath());
              } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                  throw new ConfigurationException("Java process is being started twice.  If this is not true, remove " + pidFile.getAbsolutePath());
          final Script script = new Script("bash", 120000, s_logger);
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            s_logger.warn("Incoming public ip address is overriden.  Will always be using the same ip address: " + _publicIpAddress);

        _firewallPath = findScript("");
        if (_firewallPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the");

        _loadbPath = findScript("");
        if (_loadbPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the");

        _savepasswordPath = findScript("");
        if(_savepasswordPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _dhcpEntryPath = findScript("");
        if(_dhcpEntryPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _publicEthIf = (String)params.get("");
        if (_publicEthIf == null) {
            _publicEthIf = "xenbr1";
        _publicEthIf = _publicEthIf.toLowerCase();

        _privateEthIf = (String)params.get("");
        if (_privateEthIf == null) {
            _privateEthIf = "xenbr0";
        _privateEthIf = _privateEthIf.toLowerCase();

        _bumpUpPriorityPath = findScript("");
        if(_bumpUpPriorityPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");
        _routerProxyPath = findScript("");
        if (_routerProxyPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");
        _createIpAliasPath = findScript("");
        if (_createIpAliasPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("unable to find");
        _deleteIpAliasPath = findScript("");
        if (_deleteIpAliasPath == null) {
            throw  new ConfigurationException("unable to find");
        _callDnsMasqPath = findScript("");
        if (_callDnsMasqPath == null) {
            throw  new ConfigurationException("unable to find");
        return true;
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    public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException {"Configure VmwareManagerImpl, manager name: " + name);

        if(!_configDao.isPremium()) {
            s_logger.error("Vmware component can only run under premium distribution");
            throw new ConfigurationException("Vmware component can only run under premium distribution");

        _instance = _configDao.getValue(Config.InstanceName.key());
        if (_instance == null) {
            _instance = "DEFAULT";
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        _name = name;

        try {
            _dcId = Long.parseLong((String) params.get("zone"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the zone " + params.get("zone"));

        _host.uuid = (String) params.get("guid");

        _name = _host.uuid;
        _host.ip = (String) params.get("ipaddress");

        _username = (String) params.get("username");
        _password.add((String) params.get("password"));
        _pod = (String) params.get("pod");
        _cluster = (String)params.get("cluster");
        _privateNetworkName = (String) params.get("");
        _publicNetworkName = (String) params.get("");
        _guestNetworkName = (String)params.get("");
        _instance = (String) params.get("");

        _linkLocalPrivateNetworkName = (String) params.get("private.linkLocal.device");
        if (_linkLocalPrivateNetworkName == null) {
            _linkLocalPrivateNetworkName = "cloud_link_local_network";

        _storageNetworkName1 = (String) params.get("");
        _storageNetworkName2 = (String) params.get("");

        _heartbeatInterval = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String) params.get("xen.heartbeat.interval"), 60);

        String value = (String) params.get("wait");
        _wait = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 600);

        value = (String) params.get("migratewait");
        _migratewait = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 3600);

        _maxNics = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String) params.get("xen.nics.max"), 7);

        if (_pod == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the pod");

        if (_host.ip == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the host address");

        if (_username == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the username");

        if (_password == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the password");

        if (_host.uuid == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to get the uuid");


        storageHandler = getStorageHandler();
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    private void CheckXenHostInfo() throws ConfigurationException {
        Connection conn = _connPool.slaveConnect(_host.ip, _username, _password);
        if( conn == null ) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Can not create slave connection to " + _host.ip);
        try {
            Host.Record hostRec = null;
            try {
                Host host = Host.getByUuid(conn, _host.uuid);
                hostRec = host.getRecord(conn);
                Pool.Record poolRec = Pool.getAllRecords(conn).values().iterator().next();
                _host.pool = poolRec.uuid;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Can not get host information from " + _host.ip);
            if( !hostRec.address.equals(_host.ip) ) {
                String msg = "Host " + _host.ip + " seems be reinstalled, please remove this host and readd";
                throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
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    private Map<String, Object> getDeveloperProperties()
            throws ConfigurationException {

        final File file = PropertiesUtil.findConfigFile("");
        if (file == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find");
        }" found at " + file.getAbsolutePath());
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        try {
            properties.load(new FileInputStream(file));

            String startMac = (String) properties.get("private.macaddr.start");
            if (startMac == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Developers must specify start mac for private ip range");

            String startIp = (String) properties.get("private.ipaddr.start");
            if (startIp == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Developers must specify start ip for private ip range");
            final Map<String, Object> params = PropertiesUtil.toMap(properties);

            String endIp = (String) properties.get("private.ipaddr.end");
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        _clusterId = (String) params.get("cluster");

        _modifyVlanPath = Script.findScript(networkScriptsDir, "");
        if (_modifyVlanPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _versionstringpath = Script.findScript(kvmScriptsDir, "");
        if (_versionstringpath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _patchViaSocketPath = Script.findScript(kvmScriptsDir + "/patch/",
        if (_patchViaSocketPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _heartBeatPath = Script.findScript(kvmScriptsDir, "");
        if (_heartBeatPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find");

        _createvmPath = Script.findScript(storageScriptsDir, "");
        if (_createvmPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the");

        _manageSnapshotPath = Script.findScript(storageScriptsDir,
        if (_manageSnapshotPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _resizeVolumePath = Script.findScript(storageScriptsDir, "");
        if (_resizeVolumePath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _createTmplPath = Script
                .findScript(storageScriptsDir, "");
        if (_createTmplPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _securityGroupPath = Script.findScript(networkScriptsDir,
        if (_securityGroupPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _routerProxyPath = Script.findScript("scripts/network/domr/",
        if (_routerProxyPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _ovsPvlanDhcpHostPath = Script.findScript(networkScriptsDir, "");
        if ( _ovsPvlanDhcpHostPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        _ovsPvlanVmPath = Script.findScript(networkScriptsDir, "");
        if ( _ovsPvlanVmPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Unable to find the");

        String value = (String) params.get("developer");
        boolean isDeveloper = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

        if (isDeveloper) {

        _pool = (String) params.get("pool");
        if (_pool == null) {
            _pool = "/root";

        String instance = (String) params.get("instance");

        _hypervisorType = HypervisorType.getType((String) params.get("hypervisor.type"));
        if (_hypervisorType == HypervisorType.None) {
            _hypervisorType = HypervisorType.KVM;

        _hypervisorURI = (String) params.get("hypervisor.uri");
        if (_hypervisorURI == null) {
            _hypervisorURI = LibvirtConnection.getHypervisorURI(_hypervisorType.toString());

        _networkDirectSourceMode = (String) params.get("");
        _networkDirectDevice = (String) params.get("");

        String startMac = (String) params.get("private.macaddr.start");
        if (startMac == null) {
            startMac = "00:16:3e:77:e2:a0";

        String startIp = (String) params.get("private.ipaddr.start");
        if (startIp == null) {
            startIp = "";

        _pingTestPath = Script.findScript(kvmScriptsDir, "");
        if (_pingTestPath == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the");

        _linkLocalBridgeName = (String) params.get("");
        if (_linkLocalBridgeName == null) {
            if (isDeveloper) {
                _linkLocalBridgeName = "cloud-" + instance + "-0";
            } else {
                _linkLocalBridgeName = "cloud0";

        _publicBridgeName = (String) params.get("");
        if (_publicBridgeName == null) {
            _publicBridgeName = "cloudbr0";

        _privBridgeName = (String) params.get("");
        if (_privBridgeName == null) {
            _privBridgeName = "cloudbr1";

        _guestBridgeName = (String) params.get("");
        if (_guestBridgeName == null) {
            _guestBridgeName = _privBridgeName;

        _privNwName = (String) params.get("");
        if (_privNwName == null) {
            if (isDeveloper) {
                _privNwName = "cloud-" + instance + "-private";
            } else {
                _privNwName = "cloud-private";

        _localStoragePath = (String) params.get("");
        if (_localStoragePath == null) {
            _localStoragePath = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/";

        File storagePath = new File(_localStoragePath);
        _localStoragePath = storagePath.getAbsolutePath();

        _localStorageUUID = (String) params.get("");
        if (_localStorageUUID == null) {
          _localStorageUUID = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(_localStoragePath.getBytes()).toString();

        value = (String) params.get("scripts.timeout");
        _timeout = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 30 * 60) * 1000;

        value = (String) params.get("stop.script.timeout");
        _stopTimeout = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 120) * 1000;

        value = (String) params.get("cmds.timeout");
        _cmdsTimeout = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 7200) * 1000;

        value = (String) params.get("host.reserved.mem.mb");
        _dom0MinMem = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 0) * 1024 * 1024;

        Connect conn = null;
        try {
            conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnection();

            if (_bridgeType == BridgeType.OPENVSWITCH) {
                if (conn.getLibVirVersion() < (10 * 1000 + 0)) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException("LibVirt version 0.10.0 required for openvswitch support, but version "
                            + conn.getLibVirVersion() + " detected");
        } catch (LibvirtException e) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

        if (HypervisorType.KVM == _hypervisorType) {
            /* Does node support HVM guest? If not, exit */
            if (!IsHVMEnabled(conn)) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "NO HVM support on this machine, please make sure: "
                                + "1. VT/SVM is supported by your CPU, or is enabled in BIOS. "
                                + "2. kvm modules are loaded (kvm, kvm_amd|kvm_intel)");

        _hypervisorPath = getHypervisorPath(conn);
        try {
            _hvVersion = conn.getVersion();
            _hvVersion = (_hvVersion % 1000000) / 1000;
            _hypervisorLibvirtVersion = conn.getLibVirVersion();
            _hypervisorQemuVersion = conn.getVersion();
        } catch (LibvirtException e) {
            s_logger.trace("Ignoring libvirt error.", e);

        _guestCpuMode = (String) params.get("guest.cpu.mode");
        if (_guestCpuMode != null) {
            _guestCpuModel = (String) params.get("guest.cpu.model");

            if(_hypervisorLibvirtVersion < (9 * 1000 + 10)) {
                s_logger.warn("LibVirt version 0.9.10 required for guest cpu mode, but version " +
                        prettyVersion(_hypervisorLibvirtVersion) + " detected, so it will be disabled");
                _guestCpuMode = "";
                _guestCpuModel = "";
            params.put("guest.cpu.mode", _guestCpuMode);
            params.put("guest.cpu.model", _guestCpuModel);

        String[] info = NetUtils.getNetworkParams(_privateNic);

        _monitor = new KVMHAMonitor(null, info[0], _heartBeatPath);
        Thread ha = new Thread(_monitor);

        _storagePoolMgr = new KVMStoragePoolManager(_storage, _monitor);

        _sysvmISOPath = (String) params.get("systemvm.iso.path");
        if (_sysvmISOPath == null) {
            String[] isoPaths = {"/usr/share/cloudstack-common/vms/systemvm.iso"};
            for (String isoPath : isoPaths) {
                if (_storage.exists(isoPath)) {
                    _sysvmISOPath = isoPath;
            if (_sysvmISOPath == null) {
                s_logger.debug("Can't find system vm ISO");

        switch (_bridgeType) {
        case OPENVSWITCH:
        case NATIVE:

        if (_pifs.get("private") == null) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to get private nic name");
            throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to get private nic name");

        if (_pifs.get("public") == null) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to get public nic name");
            throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to get public nic name");
        s_logger.debug("Found pif: " + _pifs.get("private") + " on " + _privBridgeName
                + ", pif: " + _pifs.get("public") + " on " + _publicBridgeName);

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        try {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(vifDriverClassName);
            vifDriver = (VifDriver) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find class for libvirt.vif.driver " + e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to instantiate class for libvirt.vif.driver " + e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to instantiate class for libvirt.vif.driver " + e);
        return vifDriver;
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    public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException {
        try {
            _name = (String) params.get("name");
            if (_name == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find name");

            _zoneId = (String) params.get("zoneId");
            if (_zoneId == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find zone");

            _ip = (String) params.get("ip");
            if (_ip == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find IP");

            _username = (String) params.get("username");
            if (_username == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find username");

            _password = (String) params.get("password");
            if (_password == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find password");

            _publicInterface = (String) params.get("publicinterface");
            if (_publicInterface == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find public interface.");

            _privateInterface = (String) params.get("privateinterface");
            if (_privateInterface == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find private interface.");

            _publicZone = (String) params.get("publiczone");
            if (_publicZone == null) {
                _publicZone = "untrust";

            _privateZone = (String) params.get("privatezone");
            if (_privateZone == null) {
                _privateZone = "trust";

            _guid = (String)params.get("guid");
            if (_guid == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the guid");

            _numRetries = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String) params.get("numretries"), 1);

            _timeoutInSeconds = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String) params.get("timeout"), 300);

            _objectNameWordSep = "-";
            _ikeProposalName = "cloud-ike-proposal";
            _ipsecPolicyName = "cloud-ipsec-policy";
            _ikeGatewayHostname = "cloud";
            _vpnObjectPrefix = "vpn-a";
            _primaryDnsAddress = "";

            // Open a socket and login
            if (!refreshSrxConnection()) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to open a connection to the SRX.");

            _publicZoneInputFilterName = _publicZone;
            _usageFilterVlanInput = new UsageFilter("vlan-input", null, "vlan-input");
            _usageFilterVlanOutput = new UsageFilter("vlan-output", null, "vlan-output");
            _usageFilterIPInput = new UsageFilter(_publicZone, "destination-address", "-i");
            _usageFilterIPOutput = new UsageFilter(_privateZone, "source-address", "-o");

            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());

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    try {
      super.configure(name, params);
      s_logger.debug(String.format("Trying to connect to DHCP server(IP=%1$s, username=%2$s, password=%3$s)", _ip, _username, _password));
      sshConnection = SSHCmdHelper.acquireAuthorizedConnection(_ip, _username, _password);
      if (sshConnection == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
            String.format("Cannot connect to DHCP server(IP=%1$s, username=%2$s, password=%3$s", _ip, _username, _password));

      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "[ -f '/usr/sbin/dnsmasq' ]")) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find dnsmasq at /usr/sbin/dnsmasq on " + _ip);

      SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
      String editHosts = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String editHostsPath = Script.findScript("", editHosts);
      if (editHostsPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + editHosts);
      scp.put(editHostsPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String prepareDnsmasq = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String prepareDnsmasqPath = Script.findScript("", prepareDnsmasq);
      if (prepareDnsmasqPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + prepareDnsmasq);
      scp.put(prepareDnsmasqPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");

      String prepareCmd = String.format("sh /usr/bin/ %1$s %2$s %3$s", _gateway, _dns, _ip);
      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, prepareCmd)) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("prepare dnsmasq at " + _ip + " failed");
      s_logger.debug("Dnsmasq resource configure successfully");
      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_logger.debug("Dnsmasq resorce configure failed", e);
      throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
    } finally {
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Related Classes of javax.naming.ConfigurationException

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