
Examples of

            float posx, float posy, float posz, float spreadAngle,
            float concentration, float dirx, float diry,
            float dirz) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.updateSpotLight()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();

        int lightNum = GL2.GL_LIGHT0 + lightSlot;
        float[] values = new float[4];

        values[0] = red;
        values[1] = green;
        values[2] = blue;
        values[3] = 1.0f;
        gl.glLightfv(lightNum, GL2.GL_DIFFUSE, values, 0);
        gl.glLightfv(lightNum, GL2.GL_SPECULAR, values, 0);
        gl.glLightfv(lightNum, GL2.GL_AMBIENT, black, 0);
        values[0] = posx;
        values[1] = posy;
        values[2] = posz;
        gl.glLightfv(lightNum, GL2.GL_POSITION, values, 0);
        gl.glLightf(lightNum, GL2.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, attenx);
        gl.glLightf(lightNum, GL2.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, atteny);
        gl.glLightf(lightNum, GL2.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, attenz);
        values[0] = dirx;
        values[1] = diry;
        values[2] = dirz;
        gl.glLightfv(lightNum, GL2.GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, values, 0);
        gl.glLightf(lightNum, GL2.GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, concentration);
        gl.glLightf(lightNum, GL2.GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, (float) (spreadAngle * 180.0f / Math.PI));
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    void updateExponentialFog(Context ctx,
            float red, float green, float blue,
            float density) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.updateExponentialFog()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();

        float[] color = new float[3];
        color[0] = red;
        color[1] = green;
        color[2] = blue;
        gl.glFogi(GL2.GL_FOG_MODE, GL2.GL_EXP);
        gl.glFogfv(GL2.GL_FOG_COLOR, color, 0);
        gl.glFogf(GL2.GL_FOG_DENSITY, density);
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    void updateLinearFog(Context ctx,
            float red, float green, float blue,
            double fdist, double bdist) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.updateLinearFog()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();

        float[] color = new float[3];
        color[0] = red;
        color[1] = green;
        color[2] = blue;
        gl.glFogi(GL2.GL_FOG_MODE, GL.GL_LINEAR);
        gl.glFogfv(GL2.GL_FOG_COLOR, color, 0);
        gl.glFogf(GL2.GL_FOG_START, (float) fdist);
        gl.glFogf(GL2.GL_FOG_END, (float) bdist);
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            double[] xform, double[] nxform,
            float[] varray, int[] indexCoord) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.buildIndexedGeometry()");

        JoglContext ctx = (JoglContext) absCtx;
    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();

        boolean useInterleavedArrays;
        int iaFormat = 0;
        int primType = 0;
        int stride = 0, coordoff = 0, normoff = 0, coloroff = 0, texCoordoff = 0;
        int texSize = 0, texStride = 0;
        int vAttrOff = 0;
        int vAttrStride = 0;
        int bstride = 0, cbstride = 0;
        FloatBuffer verts = null;
        FloatBuffer clrs  = null;
        int[] sarray = null;
        int strip_len = 0;
        boolean useAlpha = false;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
            stride += 3;
        } else {

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
            stride += 3;
            coordoff += 3;
        } else {

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
            stride += 4;
            normoff += 4;
            coordoff += 4;
        } else {

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
            if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2) != 0) {
                texSize = 2;
                texStride = 2 * texCoordSetCount;
            } else if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
                texSize = 3;
                texStride = 3 * texCoordSetCount;
            } else if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0) {
                texSize = 4;
                texStride = 4 * texCoordSetCount;
            stride += texStride;
            normoff += texStride;
            coloroff += texStride;
            coordoff += texStride;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                vAttrStride += vertexAttrSizes[i];
            stride += vAttrStride;
            normoff += vAttrStride;
            coloroff += vAttrStride;
            coordoff += vAttrStride;
            texCoordoff += vAttrStride;

    bstride = stride * Buffers.SIZEOF_FLOAT;

        // process alpha for geometryArray without alpha
        if (updateAlpha && !ignoreVertexColors) {
            useAlpha = true;

        if (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET   ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET) {
            sarray = ((IndexedGeometryStripArrayRetained) geo).stripIndexCounts;
            strip_len = sarray.length;

        // Copy data into NIO array
        verts = getVertexArrayBuffer(varray);

        // Apply normal transform if necessary
        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0 && nxform != null) {
            int off = normoff;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount * 3; i+=3) {
                verts.put(off  , (float) (nxform[0] * varray[off] +
                        nxform[1] * varray[off+1] +
                        nxform[2] * varray[off+2]));
                verts.put(off+1, (float) (nxform[4] * varray[off] +
                        nxform[5] * varray[off+1] +
                        nxform[6] * varray[off+2]));
                verts.put(off+2, (float) (nxform[8] * varray[off] +
                        nxform[9] * varray[off+1] +
                        nxform[10] * varray[off+2]));
                off += stride;

        // Apply coordinate transform if necessary
        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0 && xform != null) {
            int off = coordoff;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount * 3; i+=3) {
                verts.put(off  , (float) (xform[0] * varray[off] +
                        xform[1] * varray[off+1] +
                        xform[2] * varray[off+2]));
                verts.put(off+1, (float) (xform[4] * varray[off] +
                        xform[5] * varray[off+1] +
                        xform[6] * varray[off+2]));
                verts.put(off+2, (float) (xform[8] * varray[off] +
                        xform[9] * varray[off+1] +
                        xform[10] * varray[off+2]));
                off += stride;

        if (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET   ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET) {
            // Note we can use interleaved arrays even if we have a
            // non-null xform since we use the same data layout unlike the
            // C code
            if (ignoreVertexColors ||
                    (((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) && ((texCoordSetMapLen > 1) ||
                    (texCoordSetCount > 1)))) {
                useInterleavedArrays = false;
            } else {
                boolean[] tmp = new boolean[1];
                int[] tmp2 = new int[1];
                testForInterleavedArrays(vformat, tmp, tmp2);
                useInterleavedArrays = tmp[0];
                iaFormat = tmp2[0];

            if (useInterleavedArrays) {
                gl.glInterleavedArrays(iaFormat, bstride, verts);
            } else {
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
                    gl.glNormalPointer(GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if (!ignoreVertexColors && ((vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0)) {
                    if (((vformat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0) || useAlpha) {
                        gl.glColorPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                    } else {
                        gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
                    gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
                            texSize, bstride, texCoordoff,
                            verts, gl);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
                    int vAttrOffset = vAttrOff;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                        ctx.enableVertexAttrArray(gl, i);
                        ctx.vertexAttrPointer(gl, i, vertexAttrSizes[i],
                                GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                        vAttrOffset += vertexAttrSizes[i];

            switch (geo_type) {
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_LINE_STRIP;

            lockArray(gl, vertexCount);

            // Note: using MultiDrawElements is probably more expensive than
            // not in this case due to the need to allocate more temporary
            // direct buffers and slice up the incoming indices array
            int offset = initialIndexIndex;
            IntBuffer indicesBuffer = IntBuffer.wrap(indexCoord);
            for (int i = 0; i < strip_len; i++) {
                int count = sarray[i];
                gl.glDrawElements(primType, count, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indicesBuffer);
                offset += count;
        } else if ((geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET)) {
            // Note we can use interleaved arrays even if we have a
            // non-null xform since we use the same data layout unlike the
            // C code
            if (ignoreVertexColors ||
                    (((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) && ((texCoordSetMapLen > 1) ||
                    (texCoordSetCount > 1)))) {
                useInterleavedArrays = false;
            } else {
                boolean[] tmp = new boolean[1];
                int[] tmp2 = new int[1];
                testForInterleavedArrays(vformat, tmp, tmp2);
                useInterleavedArrays = tmp[0];
                iaFormat = tmp2[0];

            if (useInterleavedArrays) {
                gl.glInterleavedArrays(iaFormat, bstride, verts);
            } else {
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
                    gl.glNormalPointer(GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);

                if (!ignoreVertexColors && ((vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0)) {
                    if (((vformat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0) || useAlpha) {
                        gl.glColorPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                    } else {
                        gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
                    gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
                            texSize, bstride, texCoordoff,
                            verts, gl);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
                    int vAttrOffset = vAttrOff;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                        ctx.enableVertexAttrArray(gl, i);
                        ctx.vertexAttrPointer(gl, i, vertexAttrSizes[i],
                                GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                        vAttrOffset += vertexAttrSizes[i];

                switch (geo_type) {
                    case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET :
                        primType = GL2.GL_QUADS;
                    case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET :
                        primType = GL.GL_TRIANGLES;
                    case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET :
                        primType = GL.GL_POINTS;
                    case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET :
                        primType = GL.GL_LINES;

                lockArray(gl, vertexCount);

                IntBuffer indicesBuffer = IntBuffer.wrap(indexCoord);
                gl.glDrawElements(primType, validIndexCount, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indicesBuffer);


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            int numActiveTexUnitState,
            float[] varray, FloatBuffer vdata, float[] carray,
            int cDirty,
            int[] indexCoord) {
        JoglContext ctx = (JoglContext) absCtx;
    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();

        boolean useInterleavedArrays;
        int iaFormat = 0;
        int primType = 0;
        int stride = 0, coordoff = 0, normoff = 0, coloroff = 0, texCoordoff = 0;
        int texSize = 0, texStride = 0;
        int vAttrOff = 0;
        int vAttrStride = 0;
        int bstride = 0, cbstride = 0;
        FloatBuffer verts = null;
        FloatBuffer clrs  = null;
        int[] sarray = null;
        int strip_len = 0;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
            stride += 3;
        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
            stride += 3;
            coordoff += 3;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
            if ((vformat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0) {
                stride += 4;
                normoff += 4;
                coordoff += 4;
            } else { // Handle the case of executeInterleaved 3f
                stride += 3;
                normoff += 3;
                coordoff += 3;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
            if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2) != 0) {
                texSize = 2;
                texStride = 2 * texCoordSetCount;
            } else if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3) != 0) {
                texSize = 3;
                texStride = 3 * texCoordSetCount;
            } else if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4) != 0) {
                texSize = 4;
                texStride = 4 * texCoordSetCount;
            stride += texStride;
            normoff += texStride;
            coloroff += texStride;
            coordoff += texStride;

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                vAttrStride += vertexAttrSizes[i];
            stride += vAttrStride;
            normoff += vAttrStride;
            coloroff += vAttrStride;
            coordoff += vAttrStride;
            texCoordoff += vAttrStride;

    bstride = stride * Buffers.SIZEOF_FLOAT;

        if (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET   ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET) {
            sarray = ((IndexedGeometryStripArrayRetained) geo).stripIndexCounts;
            strip_len = sarray.length;

        // We have to copy if the data isn't specified using NIO
        if (varray != null) {
            verts = getVertexArrayBuffer(varray);
        } else if (vdata != null) {
            verts = vdata;
        } else {
            // This should never happen
            throw new AssertionError("Unable to get vertex pointer");

        // using byRef interleaved array and has a separate pointer, then ..
        int cstride = stride;
        if (carray != null) {
            clrs = getColorArrayBuffer(carray);
            cstride = 4;
        } else {
            // FIXME: need to "auto-slice" this buffer later
            clrs = verts;

    cbstride = cstride * Buffers.SIZEOF_FLOAT;

        // Enable normalize for non-uniform scale (which rescale can't handle)
        if (isNonUniformScale) {

        /*** Handle non-indexed strip GeometryArray first *******/
        if (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET   ||
                geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET) {
            if (ignoreVertexColors || (carray != null) ||
                    ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0 && ((texCoordSetMapLen > 1) ||
                    (texCoordSetCount > 1)))) {
                useInterleavedArrays = false;
            } else {
                boolean[] tmp = new boolean[1];
                int[] tmp2 = new int[1];
                testForInterleavedArrays(vformat, tmp, tmp2);
                useInterleavedArrays = tmp[0];
                iaFormat = tmp2[0];
            if (useInterleavedArrays) {
                gl.glInterleavedArrays(iaFormat, bstride, verts);
            } else {
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
                    gl.glNormalPointer(GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                if (!ignoreVertexColors && (vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
                    if (clrs == verts) {
                    if ((vformat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0 || useAlpha) {
                        gl.glColorPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, cbstride, clrs);
                    } else {
                        gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, cbstride, clrs);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
                    gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);

                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
                    /* XXXX: texCoordoff == 0 ???*/
                            texSize, bstride, texCoordoff,
                            verts, gl);

                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
                    int vAttrOffset = vAttrOff;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                        ctx.enableVertexAttrArray(gl, i);
                        ctx.vertexAttrPointer(gl, i, vertexAttrSizes[i],
                                GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                        vAttrOffset += vertexAttrSizes[i];

            switch (geo_type) {
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET:
                    primType = GL.GL_LINE_STRIP;

            lockArray(gl, vertexCount);

            // Note: using MultiDrawElements is probably more expensive than
            // not in this case due to the need to allocate more temporary
            // direct buffers and slice up the incoming indices array
            int offset = initialIndexIndex;
            IntBuffer indicesBuffer = IntBuffer.wrap(indexCoord);
            for (int i = 0; i < strip_len; i++) {
                int count = sarray[i];
                gl.glDrawElements(primType, count, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indicesBuffer);
                offset += count;
        } else if ((geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET) ||
                (geo_type == GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET)) {
            /******* Handle non-indexed non-striped GeometryArray now *****/
            if (ignoreVertexColors || (carray != null) ||
                    ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0 && ((texCoordSetMapLen > 1) ||
                    (texCoordSetCount > 1)))) {
                useInterleavedArrays = false;
            } else {
                boolean[] tmp = new boolean[1];
                int[] tmp2 = new int[1];
                testForInterleavedArrays(vformat, tmp, tmp2);
                useInterleavedArrays = tmp[0];
                iaFormat = tmp2[0];

            if (useInterleavedArrays) {
                gl.glInterleavedArrays(iaFormat, bstride, verts);
            } else {
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.NORMALS) != 0) {
                    gl.glNormalPointer(GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);

                if (!ignoreVertexColors && (vformat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) {
                    if (clrs == verts) {
                    if ((vformat & GeometryArray.WITH_ALPHA) != 0 || useAlpha) {
                        gl.glColorPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, cbstride, clrs);
                    } else {
                        gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, cbstride, clrs);
                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES) != 0) {
                    gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);

                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
                    /* XXXX: texCoordoff == 0 ???*/
                            texSize, bstride, texCoordoff,
                            verts, gl);

                if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
                    int vAttrOffset = vAttrOff;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexAttrCount; i++) {
                        ctx.enableVertexAttrArray(gl, i);
                        ctx.vertexAttrPointer(gl, i, vertexAttrSizes[i],
                                GL.GL_FLOAT, bstride, verts);
                        vAttrOffset += vertexAttrSizes[i];

            lockArray(gl, vertexCount);
            IntBuffer buf = IntBuffer.wrap(indexCoord);
            switch (geo_type){
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET : gl.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_QUADS,     indexCount, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, buf); break;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET  : gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, indexCount, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, buf); break;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET: gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_POINTS,    indexCount, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, buf); break;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET : gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_LINES,     indexCount, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, buf); break;


        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
            resetVertexAttrs(gl, ctx, vertexAttrCount);

        if ((vformat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE) != 0) {
            resetTexture(gl, ctx);

        // clean up if we turned on normalize
        if (isNonUniformScale) {
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            ShaderProgramId shaderProgramId,
            ShaderAttrLoc uniformLocation,
            float[] value) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.setGLSLUniform3f()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();
    gl.glUniform3fARB(unbox(uniformLocation), value[0], value[1], value[2]);
        return null;
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            ShaderProgramId shaderProgramId,
            ShaderAttrLoc uniformLocation,
            int[] value) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.setGLSLUniform4i()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();
    gl.glUniform4iARB(unbox(uniformLocation), value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
        return null;
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            ShaderProgramId shaderProgramId,
            ShaderAttrLoc uniformLocation,
            float[] value) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.setGLSLUniform4f()");

    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();
    gl.glUniform4fARB(unbox(uniformLocation), value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
        return null;
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            float[] value) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.setGLSLUniformMatrix3f()");

        // Load attribute
        // transpose is true : each matrix is supplied in row major order
    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();
    gl.glUniformMatrix3fvARB(unbox(uniformLocation), 1, true, value, 0);
        return null;
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            float[] value) {
        if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("JoglPipeline.setGLSLUniformMatrix4f()");

        // Load attribute
        // transpose is true : each matrix is supplied in row major order
    GL2 gl = context(ctx).getGL().getGL2();
    gl.glUniformMatrix4fvARB(unbox(uniformLocation), 1, true, value, 0);
        return null;
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