
Examples of

        int[] errBuf = new int[sourceWidthPadded*NBANDS];

        // Retrieve format tags.
        RasterFormatTag[] formatTags = getFormatTags();

        RasterAccessor srcAccessor =
            new RasterAccessor(source,
                               new Rectangle(startX, startY,
                               formatTags[0], getSourceImage(0).getColorModel());
        RasterAccessor dstAccessor =
            new RasterAccessor(dest, destRect, formatTags[1], getColorModel());

        // Set pixel and line strides.
        int srcPixelStride = srcAccessor.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = srcAccessor.getScanlineStride();
        int dstPixelStride = dstAccessor.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dstAccessor.getScanlineStride();

        // Set data arrays.
        byte[] srcData0 = srcAccessor.getByteDataArray(0);
        byte[] srcData1 = srcAccessor.getByteDataArray(1);
        byte[] srcData2 = srcAccessor.getByteDataArray(2);
        byte[] dstData = dstAccessor.getByteDataArray(0);

        // Initialize line offset in each band.
        int srcLine0 = srcAccessor.getBandOffset(0);
        int srcLine1 = srcAccessor.getBandOffset(1);
        int srcLine2 = srcAccessor.getBandOffset(2);
        int dstLine = dstAccessor.getBandOffset(0);

        //  For each line, calculate and distribute the error into
        //  a 3 line error buffer (one line for each band).
        //  Also accumulate the contributions of the 3 bands
        //  into the same line of the temporary output buffer.
        //  The error buffer starts out with all zeroes as the
        //  amount of error to propagate forward.
        for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
            // Initialize pixel offset in each line in each band.
            int srcPixel0 = srcLine0;
            int srcPixel1 = srcLine1;
            int srcPixel2 = srcLine2;
            int dstPixel = dstLine;

            // Determine the error and index contribution for
            // the each band. Keep the transitory errors
            // (errA, errC and errD) in local variables
            // (hopefully registers). The calculated value
            // of errB gets put into the error buffer, to be used
            // on the next line.
            // This is the logic here. Floyd-Steinberg dithering
            // distributes errors to four neighboring pixels,
            // as shown below. X is the pixel being operated on.
            //    7/16 of the error goes to pixel A
            //    3/16 of the error goes to pixel B
            //    5/16 of the error goes to pixel C
            //    1/16 of the error goes to pixel D
            //         X A
            //       B C D
            // The error distributed to pixel A is reused immediately
            // in the calculation of the next pixel on the same line.
            // The errors distributed to B, C and D will be used on the
            // following line. As we move from left to right, the
            // new error distributed to B gets added to the error
            // at the previous C. Likewise, the new C error gets added
            // to the previous D error. So only the errors propagating
            // to position B survive in the saved error buffer. The
            // only exception is at the line end, where error C must be
            // saved. The scheme is shown below.
            //      XA
            //     BCD
            //      BCD
            //       BCD
            //        BCD
            // Treat the error buffer as pixel sequential.
            // This lets us use a single pointer with offsets
            // for the entries for all three bands.

            // Zero the error holders for all bands
            // The bands are called Red, Grn and Blu, but are
            // really just the first, second and third bands.
            int errRedA = 0;
            int errRedC = 0;
            int errRedD = 0;
            int errGrnA = 0;
            int errGrnC = 0;
            int errGrnD = 0;
            int errBluA = 0;
            int errBluC = 0;
            int errBluD = 0;

            int pErr = 0;
            int dstOffset = 0;
            for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
                // First band (Red)
                // The color index is initialized here.
                // Set the table pointer to the "Red" band
                int pTab = UNDERSHOOT;

                int adjVal =
                    ((errRedA + errBuf[pErr+3] + 8) >> 4) +
                    (int)(srcData0[srcPixel0] & 0xff);
                srcPixel0 += srcPixelStride;
                int tabval = ditherTable[pTab+adjVal];
                int err = tabval >> 8;
                int err1 = err;
                int index = (tabval & 0xff);
                int err2 = err + err;
                errBuf[pErr] = errRedC + (err += err2); // 3/16 (B)
                errRedC = errRedD + (err += err2); // 5/16 (C)
                errRedD = err1;                    // 1/16 (D)
                errRedA = (err += err2);           // 7/16 (A)

                // Second band (Green)
                // Set the table pointer to the "Green" band
                // The color index is incremented here.
                pTab += TOTALGRAYS;

                adjVal =
                    ((errGrnA + errBuf[pErr+4] + 8) >> 4) +
                    (int)(srcData1[srcPixel1] & 0xff);
                srcPixel1 += srcPixelStride;
                tabval = ditherTable[pTab+adjVal];
                err = tabval >> 8;
                err1 = err;
                index += (tabval & 0xff);
                err2 = err + err;
                errBuf[pErr+1] = errGrnC + (err += err2);
                errGrnC = errGrnD + (err += err2);
                errGrnD = err1;
                errGrnA = (err += err2);

                pTab += TOTALGRAYS;

                // Third band (Blue)
                // Set the table pointer to the "Blue" band
                // The color index is incremented here.
                adjVal =
                    ((errBluA + errBuf[pErr+5] + 8) >> 4) +
                    (int)(srcData2[srcPixel2] & 0xff);
                srcPixel2 += srcPixelStride;
                tabval = ditherTable[pTab+adjVal];
                err = tabval >> 8;
                err1 = err;
                index += (tabval & 0xff);
                err2 = err + err;
                errBuf[pErr+2] = errBluC + (err += err2);
                errBluC = errBluD + (err += err2);
                errBluD = err1;
                errBluA = (err += err2);

                // Save the result in the output data buffer.
                dstData[dstPixel] = (byte)(index&0xff);
                dstPixel += dstPixelStride;

                pErr += 3;

            } // End pixel loop

            // Save last error in line
            int last = 3 * (sourceWidthPadded - 2);
            errBuf[last]   = errRedC;
            errBuf[last+1] = errGrnC;
            errBuf[last+2] = errBluC;

            // Increment offset in each band to next line.
            srcLine0 += srcScanlineStride;
            srcLine1 += srcScanlineStride;
            srcLine2 += srcScanlineStride;
            dstLine += dstScanlineStride;
        } // End scanline loop

        // Make sure that the output data is copied to the destination.
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        // Retrieve format tags.
        RasterFormatTag[] formatTags = getFormatTags();

        Rectangle srcRect = mapDestRect(destRect, 0);

        RasterAccessor dst = new RasterAccessor(dest, destRect, 
                                                formatTags[1], getColorModel());
        RasterAccessor src = new RasterAccessor(sources[0], srcRect, 

        switch (dst.getDataType()) {
  case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
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                for (int tx = startTileX; tx <= endTileX; tx++) {
                    Raster tile = getTile(tx, ty);
                    Rectangle subRegion =

                    RasterAccessor s =
                        new RasterAccessor(tile, subRegion,
                                           srcTag, getColorModel());
                    RasterAccessor d =
                        new RasterAccessor(dest, subRegion,
                                           dstTag, null);
                    ImageUtil.copyRaster(s, d);
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        RasterFormatTag[] formatTags = getFormatTags();

        if(isByteData) {
            computeRectByte(sources, dest, destRect);
        } else {
            RasterAccessor dst =
                new RasterAccessor(dest, destRect, formatTags[1],
            RasterAccessor src =
                new RasterAccessor(sources[0], destRect, formatTags[0],

            switch (dst.getDataType()) {
            case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                computeRectUShort(src, dst);
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        // Retrieve format tags.
        RasterFormatTag[] formatTags = getFormatTags();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();
        RasterAccessor dst = new RasterAccessor(dest, destRect,
                               formatTags[numSrcs], getColorModel());

        RasterAccessor[] srcs = new RasterAccessor[numSrcs];
        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            Rectangle srcRect = mapDestRect(destRect, i);
            srcs[i] = new RasterAccessor(sources[i], srcRect, 

        switch (dst.getDataType()) {
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
            computeRectByte(srcs, dst);
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
            computeRectUShort(srcs, dst);
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
            computeRectShort(srcs, dst);
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
            computeRectInt(srcs, dst);
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
            computeRectFloat(srcs, dst);
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
            computeRectDouble(srcs, dst);

        if (dst.needsClamping()) {
            /* Further clamp down to underlying raster data type. */
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        byte[][] dstData = dst.getByteDataArrays();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();
        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            RasterAccessor src = srcs[i];
            int srcLineStride = src.getScanlineStride();
            int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
            int[] srcBandOffsets = src.getBandOffsets();
            byte[][] srcData = src.getByteDataArrays();

            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                int dstLineOffset = dstBandOffsets[b];
                int srcLineOffset = srcBandOffsets[b];
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        short[][] dstData = dst.getShortDataArrays();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();

        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            RasterAccessor src = srcs[i];
            int srcLineStride = src.getScanlineStride();
            int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
            int[] srcBandOffsets = src.getBandOffsets();
            short[][] srcData = src.getShortDataArrays();

            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                int dstLineOffset = dstBandOffsets[b];
                int srcLineOffset = srcBandOffsets[b];
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        short[][] dstData = dst.getShortDataArrays();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();

        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            RasterAccessor src = srcs[i];
            int srcLineStride = src.getScanlineStride();
            int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
            int[] srcBandOffsets = src.getBandOffsets();
            short[][] srcData = src.getShortDataArrays();

            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                int dstLineOffset = dstBandOffsets[b];
                int srcLineOffset = srcBandOffsets[b];
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        int[][] dstData = dst.getIntDataArrays();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();

        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            RasterAccessor src = srcs[i];
            int srcLineStride = src.getScanlineStride();
            int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
            int[] srcBandOffsets = src.getBandOffsets();
            int[][] srcData = src.getIntDataArrays();

            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                int dstLineOffset = dstBandOffsets[b];
                int srcLineOffset = srcBandOffsets[b];
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        float[][] dstData = dst.getFloatDataArrays();

        int numSrcs = getNumSources();

        for (int i = 0; i < numSrcs; i++) {
            RasterAccessor src = srcs[i];
            int srcLineStride = src.getScanlineStride();
            int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
            int[] srcBandOffsets = src.getBandOffsets();
            float[][] srcData = src.getFloatDataArrays();

            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                int dstLineOffset = dstBandOffsets[b];
                int srcLineOffset = srcBandOffsets[b];
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