
Examples of

                ROI[] roisArray = (ROI[]) rois.toArray(new ROI[rois.size()]);
                RenderedOp overallROI = MosaicDescriptor.create(images,
                        MosaicDescriptor.MOSAIC_TYPE_OVERLAY, null, roisArray,
                        new double[][] { { 1.0 } }, new double[] { 0.0 }, hints);
                return new ROI(overallROI);
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                final ColorModel cm = ImageUtil.getCompatibleColorModel(sm, renderingHints);

        final ROI roi = (ROI) paramBlock.getObjectParameter(ArtifactsFilterDescriptor.ROI_ARG);

        return new ArtifactsFilterOpImage(dataImage, layout, renderingHints, roi,
                bgValues, threshold, filterSize);
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        if (roiObject != null) {
            if (!(roiObject instanceof ROI)) {
                msg.append("The supplied ROI is not a supported class");
                return false;
            final ROI roi = (ROI)roiObject;
            final Rectangle roiBounds = roi.getBounds();
            if (!roiBounds.intersects(dataBounds)) {
                msg.append("The supplied ROI does not intersect the source image");
                return false;
        } else {
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      assertEquals(bins[0][0]+bins[1][0]+bins[2][0]+bins[0][20]+bins[1][20]+bins[2][20]+bins[0][180]+bins[0][200]+bins[2][200]+bins[1][255], 100*100*3);
      // Image filtering
      ROI roi = new ROIShape(new Rectangle(14, 11, 75, 75));
      double [] backgroundValues = new double[]{0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d};
      RenderedImage filtered = ArtifactsFilterDescriptor.create(image, roi, backgroundValues, 30, 3, null);
      histogramOp = HistogramDescriptor.create(filtered, null, Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), new int[]{256}, null, null, null);
      histogram = (Histogram) histogramOp.getProperty("histogram");
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    protected void computeRect(Raster[] sources, WritableRaster dest, Rectangle destRect) {
        // Destination data type
        int destType = dest.getTransferType();

        ROI roiTile = null;

        // If a ROI is present, then only the part contained inside the current tile bounds is taken.
        if (hasROI) {
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(destRect);
            // The tile dimension is extended for avoiding border errors
            rect.grow(TILE_EXTENDER, TILE_EXTENDER);
            roiTile = roi.intersect(new ROIShape(rect));

        if (!hasROI || !roiTile.getBounds().isEmpty()) {
            // Loop on the image raster
            switch (destType) {
            case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                byteLoop(sources, dest, destRect, roiTile);
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        double destinationNoData = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);

        // Transformation Object
        List<AffineTransform> transform = (List<AffineTransform>) paramBlock.getObjectParameter(2);
        // ROI object
        ROI roi = (ROI) paramBlock.getObjectParameter(3);
        // If the transformations are present, then they are used with the ExtendedBandMergeOpImage
        if(transform != null && !transform.isEmpty()){
            return new ExtendedBandMergeOpImage(sources, transform, renderHints, nodata, roi, destinationNoData, layout);
            return new BandMergeOpImage(sources, renderHints, nodata, roi, destinationNoData, layout);
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        block.setParameter("noData", nodata);

        // Setting ROI
        if (parameters.parameter(GEOMETRY).getValue() != null) {
            // Creation of a ROI geometry object from the Geometry
            ROI roi = new ROIGeometry(JTS.transform((Geometry) parameters.parameter(GEOMETRY)
                    .getValue(), crsToGRID));
            // Addition of the ROI to the ParameterBlock
            block.setParameter("roi", roi);
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    protected void computeRect(PlanarImage[] sources, WritableRaster dest, Rectangle destRect) {
        // Destination data type
        int destType = dest.getTransferType();

        ROI roiTile = null;

        // If a ROI is present, then only the part contained inside the current tile bounds is taken.
        if (hasROI) {
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(destRect);
            // The tile dimension is extended for avoiding border errors
            rect.grow(TILE_EXTENDER, TILE_EXTENDER);
            roiTile = roi.intersect(new ROIShape(rect));

        if (!hasROI || !roiTile.getBounds().isEmpty()) {
            // Loop on the image raster
            switch (destType) {
            case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                byteLoop(sources, dest, destRect, roiTile);
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        } else {
            noData = null;

        // ROI to use
        ROI roi = null;
        if (roiUsed) {
            roi = roiData;

        // BandMerge operation
        RenderedOp merged = BandMergeDescriptor
                .create(noData, destNoData, null, null, roi, sources);
        // Check if the bands number is the same
        assertEquals(BAND_NUMBER, merged.getNumBands());

        // Ensure the final ColorModel exists and has not an alpha band
        if (merged.getSampleModel().getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) {

        // Upper-Left tile indexes
        int minTileX = merged.getMinTileX();
        int minTileY = merged.getMinTileY();
        // Raster object
        Raster upperLeftTile = merged.getTile(minTileX, minTileY);
        // Tile bounds
        int minX = upperLeftTile.getMinX();
        int minY = upperLeftTile.getMinY();
        int maxX = upperLeftTile.getWidth() + minX;
        int maxY = upperLeftTile.getHeight() + minY;
        // Cycle on all the tile Bands
        for (int b = 0; b < BAND_NUMBER; b++) {
            // Selection of the source raster associated with the band
            Raster bandRaster = sources[b].getTile(minTileX, minTileY);
            // Cycle on the y-axis
            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
                // Cycle on the x-axis
                for (int y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
                    // Calculated value
                    double value = upperLeftTile.getSampleDouble(x, y, b);
                    // Old band value
                    double valueOld = bandRaster.getSampleDouble(x, y, 0);

                    // ROI CHECK
                    boolean contained = true;
                    if (roiUsed) {
                        if (!roi.contains(x, y)) {
                            contained = false;
                            // Comparison if the final value is not inside a ROI
                            assertEquals(value, destNoData, TOLERANCE);
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        } else {
            noData = null;

        // ROI to use
        ROI roi = null;
        if (roiUsed) {
            roi = roiData;

        // New array ofr the transformed source images
        RenderedOp[] translated = new RenderedOp[sources.length];

        List<AffineTransform> transform = new ArrayList<AffineTransform>();

        for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
            // Translation coefficients
            int xTrans = (int) (Math.random() * 10);
            int yTrans = (int) (Math.random() * 10);
            // Translation operation
            AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(xTrans, yTrans);
            // Addition to the transformations list
            // Translation of the image
            translated[i] = TranslateDescriptor.create(sources[i], (float) xTrans, (float) yTrans,
                    null, null);
        // Definition of the final image dimensions
        ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout();

        RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);

        // BandMerge operation
        RenderedOp merged = BandMergeDescriptor.create(noData, destNoData, hints, transform, roi,

        // Check if the bands number is the same
        assertEquals(BAND_NUMBER, merged.getNumBands());
        // Upper-Left tile indexes
        int minTileX = merged.getMinTileX();
        int minTileY = merged.getMinTileY();
        // Raster object
        Raster upperLeftTile = merged.getTile(minTileX, minTileY);
        // Tile bounds
        int minX = upperLeftTile.getMinX();
        int minY = upperLeftTile.getMinY();
        int maxX = upperLeftTile.getWidth() + minX;
        int maxY = upperLeftTile.getHeight() + minY;

        // Source corners
        final int dstMinX = merged.getMinX();
        final int dstMinY = merged.getMinY();
        final int dstMaxX = merged.getMaxX();
        final int dstMaxY = merged.getMaxY();

        Point2D ptDst = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
        Point2D ptSrc = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);

        // Cycle on all the tile Bands
        for (int b = 0; b < BAND_NUMBER; b++) {
            RandomIter iter = RandomIterFactory.create(translated[b], null);

            // Source corners
            final int srcMinX = translated[b].getMinX();
            final int srcMinY = translated[b].getMinY();
            final int srcMaxX = translated[b].getMaxX();
            final int srcMaxY = translated[b].getMaxY();

            // Cycle on the y-axis
            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
                // Cycle on the x-axis
                for (int y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
                    // Calculated value
                    double value = upperLeftTile.getSampleDouble(x, y, b);
                    // If the tile pixels are outside the image bounds, then no data is set.
                    if (x < dstMinX || x >= dstMaxX || y < dstMinY || y >= dstMaxY) {
                        value = destNoData;

                    // Set the x,y destination pixel location
                    ptDst.setLocation(x, y);
                    // Map destination pixel to source pixel
                    transform.get(b).transform(ptDst, ptSrc);
                    // Source pixel indexes
                    int srcX = round(ptSrc.getX());
                    int srcY = round(ptSrc.getY());

                    double valueOld = destNoData;

                    // Check if the pixel is inside the source bounds
                    if (!(srcX < srcMinX || srcX >= srcMaxX || srcY < srcMinY || srcY >= srcMaxY)) {
                        // Old band value
                        valueOld = iter.getSampleDouble(srcX, srcY, 0);

                    // ROI CHECK
                    boolean contained = true;
                    if (roiUsed) {
                        if (!roi.contains(x, y)) {
                            contained = false;
                            // Comparison if the final value is not inside a ROI
                            assertEquals(value, destNoData, TOLERANCE);
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