-- This is the number of times to run this Alpha; a value of -1 specifies that the Alpha loops indefinitely. triggerTime
-- This is the time in milliseconds since the start time that this object first triggers. If (startTime + triggerTime >= currentTime) then the Alpha object starts running.
-- This is an additional number of milliseconds to wait after triggerTime before actually starting this Alpha.
-- This can be set to INCREASING_ENABLE, DECREASING_ENABLE, or the Or'ed value of the two. INCREASING_ENABLE activates the increasing Alpha parameters listed below; DECREASING_ENABLE activates the decreasing Alpha parameters listed below.
-- This is the period of time during which Alpha goes from zero to one. increasingAlphaRampDuration
-- This is the period of time during which the Alpha step size increases at the beginning of the increasingAlphaDuration and, correspondingly, decreases at the end of the increasingAlphaDuration. This parameter is clamped to half of increasingAlphaDuration. When this parameter is non-zero, one gets constant acceleration while it is in effect; constant positive acceleration at the beginning of the ramp and constant negative acceleration at the end of the ramp. If this parameter is zero, then the effective velocity of the Alpha value is constant and the acceleration is zero (ie, a linearly increasing alpha ramp).
-- This is the period of time that Alpha stays at one.
-- This is the period of time during which Alpha goes from one to zero. decreasingAlphaRampDuration
-- This is the period of time during which the Alpha step size increases at the beginning of the decreasingAlphaDuration and, correspondingly, decreases at the end of the decreasingAlphaDuration. This parameter is clamped to half of decreasingAlphaDuration. When this parameter is non-zero, one gets constant acceleration while it is in effect; constant positive acceleration at the beginning of the ramp and constant negative acceleration at the end of the ramp. If this parameter is zero, the effective velocity of the Alpha value is constant and the acceleration is zero (i.e., a linearly-decreasing alpha ramp).
-- This is the period of time that Alpha stays at zero.