
Examples of

  try {
      if (serverTerminated) {
    // we must not call fetchNotifs() if the server is
    // terminated (timeout elapsed).
    return new NotificationResult(0L, 0L,
                new TargetedNotification[0]);

            final long csn = clientSequenceNumber;
            final int mn = maxNotifications;
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        logger.trace("fetchNotifications", "starts");

  if (startSequenceNumber < 0 || isDisposed()) {
      synchronized(this) {
    return new NotificationResult(earliestSequenceNumber(),
                new TargetedNotification[0]);

        // Check arg validity
        if (filter == null
            || startSequenceNumber < 0 || timeout < 0
            || maxNotifications < 0) {
            logger.trace("fetchNotifications", "Bad args");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad args to fetch");

        if (logger.debugOn()) {
                  "filter=" + filter + "; startSeq=" +
                  startSequenceNumber + "; timeout=" + timeout +
                  "; max=" + maxNotifications);

        if (startSequenceNumber > nextSequenceNumber()) {
            final String msg = "Start sequence number too big: " +
                startSequenceNumber + " > " + nextSequenceNumber();
            logger.trace("fetchNotifications", msg);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        /* Determine the end time corresponding to the timeout value.
           Caller may legitimately supply Long.MAX_VALUE to indicate no
           timeout.  In that case the addition will overflow and produce
           a negative end time.  Set end time to Long.MAX_VALUE in that
           case.  We assume System.currentTimeMillis() is positive.  */
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
        if (endTime < 0) // overflow
            endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

        if (logger.debugOn())
            logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "endTime=" + endTime);

        /* We set earliestSeq the first time through the loop.  If we
           set it here, notifications could be dropped before we
           started examining them, so earliestSeq might not correspond
           to the earliest notification we examined.  */
        long earliestSeq = -1;
        long nextSeq = startSequenceNumber;
        List<TargetedNotification> notifs =
            new ArrayList<TargetedNotification>();

        /* On exit from this loop, notifs, earliestSeq, and nextSeq must
           all be correct values for the returned NotificationResult.  */
        while (true) {
            logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "main loop starts");

            NamedNotification candidate;

            /* Get the next available notification regardless of filters,
               or wait for one to arrive if there is none.  */
            synchronized (this) {

                /* First time through.  The current earliestSequenceNumber
                   is the first one we could have examined.  */
                if (earliestSeq < 0) {
                    earliestSeq = earliestSequenceNumber();
                    if (logger.debugOn()) {
                              "earliestSeq=" + earliestSeq);
                    if (nextSeq < earliestSeq) {
                        nextSeq = earliestSeq;
                } else
                    earliestSeq = earliestSequenceNumber();

                /* If many notifications have been dropped since the
                   last time through, nextSeq could now be earlier
                   than the current earliest.  If so, notifications
                   may have been lost and we return now so the caller
                   can see this next time it calls.  */
                if (nextSeq < earliestSeq) {
                          "nextSeq=" + nextSeq + " < " + "earliestSeq=" +
                          earliestSeq + " so may have lost notifs");

                if (nextSeq < nextSequenceNumber()) {
                    candidate = notificationAt(nextSeq);
                    if (logger.debugOn()) {
                        logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "candidate: " +
                        logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "nextSeq now " +
                } else {
                    /* nextSeq is the largest sequence number.  If we
                       already got notifications, return them now.
                       Otherwise wait for some to arrive, with
                       timeout.  */
                    if (notifs.size() > 0) {
                              "no more notifs but have some so don't wait");
                    long toWait = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (toWait <= 0) {
                        logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "timeout");

        /* dispose called */
        if (isDisposed()) {
      if (logger.debugOn())
           "dispose callled, no wait");
      return new NotificationResult(earliestSequenceNumber(),
              new TargetedNotification[0]);

        if (logger.debugOn())
             "wait(" + toWait + ")");


            /* We have a candidate notification.  See if it matches
               our filters.  We do this outside the synchronized block
               so we don't hold up everyone accessing the buffer
               (including notification senders) while we evaluate
               potentially slow filters.  */
            ObjectName name = candidate.getObjectName();
            Notification notif = candidate.getNotification();
            List<TargetedNotification> matchedNotifs =
                new ArrayList<TargetedNotification>();
       "applying filter to candidate");
            filter.apply(matchedNotifs, name, notif);

            if (matchedNotifs.size() > 0) {
                /* We only check the max size now, so that our
                   returned nextSeq is as large as possible.  This
                   prevents the caller from thinking it missed
                   interesting notifications when in fact we knew they
                   weren't.  */
                if (maxNotifications <= 0) {
         "reached maxNotifications");
                if (logger.debugOn())
                    logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "add: " +

        } // end while

        /* Construct and return the result.  */
        int nnotifs = notifs.size();
        TargetedNotification[] resultNotifs =
            new TargetedNotification[nnotifs];
        NotificationResult nr =
            new NotificationResult(earliestSeq, nextSeq, resultNotifs);
        if (logger.debugOn())
            logger.debug("fetchNotifications", nr.toString());
        logger.trace("fetchNotifications", "ends");

        return nr;
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                // init the clientSequenceNumber if not reconnected.
                if (!reconnected) {
                    try {
                        NotificationResult nr = fetchNotifs(-1, 0, 0);
                        clientSequenceNumber = nr.getNextSequenceNumber();
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        // can't happen
                        logger.warning("init", "Impossible exception: " + e);
                        logger.debug("init", e);
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            NotificationResult nr = null;
            if (!shouldStop() && (nr = fetchNotifs()) != null) {
                // nr == null means got exception

                final TargetedNotification[] notifs =
                final int len = notifs.length;
                final Map<Integer, ClientListenerInfo> listeners;
                final Integer myListenerID;

                long missed = 0;

                synchronized (ClientNotifForwarder.this) {
                    // check sequence number.
                    if (clientSequenceNumber >= 0) {
                        missed = nr.getEarliestSequenceNumber() -

                    clientSequenceNumber = nr.getNextSequenceNumber();

                    final int size = infoList.size();
                    listeners = new HashMap<Integer, ClientListenerInfo>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
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         public NotificationResult fetchNotifications(long sequenceNumber, int maxNumber, long timeout)
            synchronized (holder)
               if (sequenceNumber < 0) return new NotificationResult(0, 0, new TargetedNotification[0]);

               // Avoid to spin loop the fetcher thread

               // Return a earliest sequence greater than the requested, to test notification lost behavior
               return new NotificationResult(losts, losts, new TargetedNotification[0]);

         protected void sendConnectionNotificationLost(long number)
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      environment.put(MX4JRemoteConstants.NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_CAPACITY, new Integer(queueCapacity));
      RemoteNotificationClientHandler handler = new AbstractRemoteNotificationClientHandler(null, null, environment)
         protected NotificationResult fetchNotifications(long sequenceNumber, int maxNumber, long timeout)
            if (sequenceNumber < 0) return new NotificationResult(0, 0, new TargetedNotification[0]);

            boolean doNotify = false;
            synchronized (lock)
               doNotify = notify.get();

            if (doNotify)
               // Avoid spin looping the fetcher thread, but don't sleep too much, we have to fill the client's queue
               TargetedNotification[] notifications = new TargetedNotification[count];
               for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) notifications[i] = new TargetedNotification(new Notification("type", name, sequenceNumber + i), id);
               long nextSequence = sequenceNumber + count;
               NotificationResult result = new NotificationResult(0, nextSequence, notifications);
               synchronized (lock)
               return result;
               return new NotificationResult(0, sequenceNumber, new TargetedNotification[0]);

         protected long getRetryPeriod()
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   public void testFirstFetch() throws Exception
      RemoteNotificationServerHandler handler = new DefaultRemoteNotificationServerHandler(null);

      // First call is with sequence number negative; no notification waiting
      NotificationResult result = handler.fetchNotifications(-1, 10, 100);

      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, 0);
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      Notification notification = new Notification("dummy", this, 0);
      Integer listenerID = new Integer(1);
      listener.handleNotification(notification, listenerID);

      // Fetch notifications
      NotificationResult result = handler.fetchNotifications(-1, 10, 100);
      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), 1);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, 0);

      // Add another notification
      listener.handleNotification(notification, listenerID);

      // Fetch again
      result = handler.fetchNotifications(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), 10, 100);
      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), 2);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, 1);
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      Notification notification = new Notification("dummy", this, 0);
      Integer listenerID = new Integer(1);
      for (int i = 0; i < bufferCapacity; ++i) listener.handleNotification(notification, listenerID);

      // Fetch first time
      NotificationResult result = handler.fetchNotifications(-1, bufferCapacity + 1, 100);
      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), bufferCapacity);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, 0);

      // Add another notification: the buffer is full, the earliest sequence number must change
      listener.handleNotification(notification, listenerID);

      // Fetch again
      result = handler.fetchNotifications(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), bufferCapacity + 1, 100);
      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), bufferCapacity);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), bufferCapacity + 1);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, 1);
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      Map environment = new HashMap();
      environment.put(MX4JRemoteConstants.NOTIFICATION_PURGE_DISTANCE, new Integer(distance));
      RemoteNotificationServerHandler handler = new DefaultRemoteNotificationServerHandler(environment);

      // Fetch
      NotificationResult result = handler.fetchNotifications(-1, 10, 100);

      // Add notifications
      NotificationListener listener = handler.getServerNotificationListener();
      Notification notification = new Notification("dummy", this, 0);
      Integer listenerID = new Integer(1);
      int count = distance + 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) listener.handleNotification(notification, listenerID);

      // Fetch again
      result = handler.fetchNotifications(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), count + 1, 100);
      assertEquals(result.getEarliestSequenceNumber(), 0);
      assertEquals(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), count);
      assertEquals(result.getTargetedNotifications().length, count);

      // Fetch again: this call triggers purge of old notifications, which changes the earliest sequence number
      result = handler.fetchNotifications(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), count + 1, 100);

      // Check that the earliest sequence number has changed
      long oldEarliest = result.getEarliestSequenceNumber();
      result = handler.fetchNotifications(result.getNextSequenceNumber(), count + 1, 100);
      if (oldEarliest >= result.getEarliestSequenceNumber()) fail();
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