return makeClient;
// Create a Listener responsible for removing the map entries add by the #makeClient entry above.
final NotificationListener mapCleanupListener = new NotificationListener()
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback)
final String connectionId = ((JMXConnectionNotification) notification).getConnectionId();
String localHost;
localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
catch(UnknownHostException ex)
final String hostname = localHost;
final JMXServiceURL externalUrl = new JMXServiceURL(
final JMXServiceURL internalUrl = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", hostname, _jmxPortConnectorServer);
_cs = new RMIConnectorServer(internalUrl, env, rmiConnectorServerStub, _mbeanServer)
public synchronized void start() throws IOException
//manually bind the connector server to the registry at key 'jmxrmi', like the out-of-the-box agent
_rmiRegistry.bind("jmxrmi", rmiConnectorServerStub);
catch (AlreadyBoundException abe)
//key was already in use. shouldnt happen here as its a new registry, unbindable by normal means.
//IOExceptions are the only checked type throwable by the method, wrap and rethrow
IOException ioe = new IOException(abe.getMessage());
throw ioe;
//now do the normal tasks
public synchronized void stop() throws IOException
if (_rmiRegistry != null)
catch (NotBoundException nbe)
// TODO consider if we want to keep new logging
_log.error("Failed to unbind jmxrmi", nbe);
//now do the normal tasks
public JMXServiceURL getAddress()
//must return our pre-crafted url that includes the full details, inc JNDI details
return externalUrl;
//Add the custom invoker as an MBeanServerForwarder, and start the RMIConnectorServer.
MBeanServerForwarder mbsf = MBeanInvocationHandlerImpl.newProxyInstance();
// Get the handler that is used by the above MBInvocationHandler Proxy.
// which is the MBeanInvocationHandlerImpl and so also a NotificationListener.
final NotificationListener invocationHandler = (NotificationListener) Proxy.getInvocationHandler(mbsf);
// Install a notification listener on OPENED, CLOSED, and FAILED,
// passing the map of connection-ids to usernames as hand-back data.
final NotificationFilterSupport invocationHandlerFilter = new NotificationFilterSupport();