assertEquals(expectedAttributes, actualAttributes);
assertEquals(expectedValues, actualValues);
// Grab invocation mbean operations
MBeanParameterInfo[] invocationParameters1 = {
new MBeanParameterInfo("excludeRegex", "java.lang.String", "\"\""),
new MBeanParameterInfo("includeRegex", "java.lang.String", "\"\"")};
MBeanParameterInfo[] invocationParameters2 = {
new MBeanParameterInfo("p1", "int", "")};
List<MBeanOperationInfo> expectedOperations = new ArrayList<MBeanOperationInfo>();
expectedOperations.add(new MBeanOperationInfo(
"Filters the attributes that show up in the MBeanInfo. The exclude is applied first, then any attributes that match the include are re-added. It may be required to disconnect and reconnect the JMX console to force a refresh of the MBeanInfo",