Package javax.lang.model.element

Examples of javax.lang.model.element.Name

        } catch (TokenStreamException e) {
            // the analysis phase should have reported all the errors,
            // so we should ignore any failures at this point.

        final Name CLASS = elements.getName("class");

        // then semantic ones
        new TreeScanner<Void,Void>() {
             * primitive types like int, long, void, etc.
            public Void visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeTree pt, Void _) {
                // all primitives should be marked up by lexer
                // gen.add(new Tag.PrimitiveType(cu,srcPos,pt));
                return super.visitPrimitiveType(pt,_);

             * literal string, int, etc. Null.
            public Void visitLiteral(LiteralTree lit, Void _) {
                gen.add(new Literal(cu,srcPos,lit));
                return super.visitLiteral(lit, _);

             * Definition of a variable, such as parameter, field, and local variables.
            public Void visitVariable(VariableTree vt, Void _) {
                VariableElement e = (VariableElement) TreeUtil.getElement(vt);
                if(e!=null) {
                    switch (e.getKind()) {
                    case ENUM_CONSTANT:
                    case FIELD:
                        gen.add(new FieldDecl(cu,srcPos,vt));
                    case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER:
                    case LOCAL_VARIABLE:
                    case PARAMETER:
                        gen.add(new LocalVarDecl(cu,srcPos,vt,e));

                    Token token;
                    if(e.getKind()!= ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
                        // put the marker just on the variable name.
                        // the token for the variable name is after its type.
                        // note that we need to handle declarations like "int a,b".
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(vt.getType(), true, vt.getName().toString());
                    } else {
                        // for the enum constant put the anchor around vt
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(vt, false, vt.getName().toString());
                    // TODO: handle declarations like "String abc[]"
                        gen.add(new DeclName(lineMap,token));
                return super.visitVariable(vt,_);

             * Method declaration.
            public Void visitMethod(MethodTree mt, Void _) {
                ExecutableElement e = (ExecutableElement) TreeUtil.getElement(mt);
                if(e!=null) {
                    if(e.getKind()==ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && e.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().length()==0)
                        return _; // this is a synthesized constructor for an anonymous class
                                  // TODO: I suspect we need some kind of uniform treatment for all synthesized methods

                    // mark up the method name
                    Tree prev = mt.getReturnType();
                    String name;
                    if(e.getKind()== ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR)
                        name = e.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString();
                    else // constructor returns <init> from getName(), so we need the above code
                        name = mt.getName().toString();
                    Token token;
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(prev, true, name);
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(mt,false,name);

                        gen.add(new DeclName(lineMap,token));

                    ParsedType pt = getParsedType((TypeElement) e.getEnclosingElement());

                    gen.add(new MethodDecl(cu, srcPos, mt, e,
                        pt.findOverriddenMethods(elements, e),
                        pt.findOverridingMethods(elements, e)

                return super.visitMethod(mt, _);

             * Class declaration.
            public Void visitClass(ClassTree ct, Void _) {
                TypeElement e = (TypeElement) TreeUtil.getElement(ct);
                if(e!=null) {
                    // put the marker on the class name portion.
                    Token token=null;
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(ct.getModifiers(), true, ct.getSimpleName().toString());
                        // on enum class, like "public enum En {ABC,DEF}", the above returns null somehow.
                        // so go with the plan B if it's not found.
                        // TODO: report to javac team
                        token = gen.findTokenAfter(ct, false, ct.getSimpleName().toString());
                        gen.add(new DeclName(lineMap, token));

                    List<ParsedType> descendants = getParsedType(e).descendants;

                    gen.add(new ClassDecl(cu, srcPos, ct, e, descendants));

                    if(e.getNestingKind()== NestingKind.ANONYMOUS) {
                        // don't visit the extends and implements clause as
                        // they already show up in the NewClassTree
                        return _;
                return super.visitClass(ct, _);

             * All the symbols found in the source code.
            public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree id, Void _) {
                if(!ReservedWords.LIST.contains(id.getName().toString())) {
                    Element e = TreeUtil.getElement(id);
                    if(e!=null) {
                        switch (e.getKind()) {
                        case ANNOTATION_TYPE:
                        case CLASS:
                        case ENUM:
                        case INTERFACE:
                            gen.add(new TypeRef(cu,srcPos,id,(TypeElement)e));
                        case FIELD: // such as objects imported by static import.
                        case ENUM_CONSTANT:
                            gen.add(new FieldRef(cu,srcPos,id,(VariableElement)e));
                        case PARAMETER:
                        case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER:
                        case LOCAL_VARIABLE:
                            gen.add(new LocalVarRef(cu,srcPos,id,(VariableElement)e));

                return super.visitIdentifier(id,_);

             * "exp.token"
            public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree mst, Void _) {
                // avoid marking 'Foo.class' as static reference
                if(!mst.getIdentifier().equals(CLASS)) {
                    // just select the 'token' portion
                    long ep = srcPos.getEndPosition(cu,mst);
                    long sp = ep-mst.getIdentifier().length();

                    // marker for the selected identifier
                    Element e = TreeUtil.getElement(mst);
                    if(e!=null) {
                        switch(e.getKind()) {
                        case FIELD:
                        case ENUM_CONSTANT:
                            gen.add(new FieldRef(sp, ep, PositionUtils.getLineNumber(lineMap, sp), PositionUtils.getColNumber(lineMap, sp), (VariableElement)e));

                        // these show up in the import statement
                        case ANNOTATION_TYPE:
                        case CLASS:
                        case ENUM:
                        case INTERFACE:
                            gen.add(new TypeRef(sp, ep, PositionUtils.getLineNumber(lineMap, sp), PositionUtils.getLineNumber(lineMap, sp), (TypeElement)e));

                return super.visitMemberSelect(mst, _);

             * Constructor invocation.
            public Void visitNewClass(NewClassTree nt, Void _) {
                long ep = srcPos.getEndPosition(cu, nt.getIdentifier());
                long sp = srcPos.getStartPosition(cu, nt.getIdentifier());

                // marker for jumping to the definition
                Element e = TreeUtil.getElement(nt);
                if(e instanceof ExecutableElement) {// this check is needed in case the source code contains errors
                    ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement) e;
                    TypeElement ownerType = (TypeElement) ee.getEnclosingElement();
                    if(ownerType.getSimpleName().length()==0) {
                        // if this is the constructor for an anonymous class,
                        // can't link to the constructor as it's synthetic
                    } else {
                        // TODO: the identifier tree might contain type parameters, packaga names, etc.
                        // we should visit those
                        gen.add(new MethodRef(sp, ep, PositionUtils.getLineNumber(lineMap, sp), PositionUtils.getColNumber(lineMap, sp), ee));


                return _;

            // TODO: how is the 'super' or 'this' constructor invocation handled?

             * Method invocation of the form "exp.method()"
            public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree mi, Void _) {
                ExpressionTree ms = mi.getMethodSelect(); // PRIMARY.methodName portion
                Element e = TreeUtil.getElement(mi);
                if (e instanceof ExecutableElement) {// this check is needed in case the source code contains errors
                    ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement) e;
                    Name methodName = ee.getSimpleName();
                    long ep = srcPos.getEndPosition(cu, ms);
                    if(ep>=0) {
                        // marker for the method name (and jump to definition)
                        long sp = ep - methodName.length();
                        gen.add(new MethodRef(sp, ep, PositionUtils.getLineNumber(lineMap, sp), PositionUtils.getColNumber(lineMap, sp), ee));

                return super.visitMethodInvocation(mi,_);
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  public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableElement clientMethodElement, State state) {
    if (shouldIgnore(clientMethodElement, state)) {
      return null;
    // Ignore overrides of stableId() in proxies
    Name name = clientMethodElement.getSimpleName();
    if (currentTypeIsProxy && name.contentEquals("stableId")
        && clientMethodElement.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
      return null;

    ExecutableType clientMethod = viewIn(checkedElement, clientMethodElement, state);
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    private boolean generateWrappers(ExecutableElement method, WebMethod webMethod) {
        boolean isOneway = method.getAnnotation(Oneway.class) != null;
        String beanPackage = packageName + PD_JAXWS_PACKAGE_PD.getValue();
        if (packageName.length() == 0)
            beanPackage = JAXWS_PACKAGE_PD.getValue();
        Name methodName = method.getSimpleName();
        String operationName = builder.getOperationName(methodName);
        operationName = webMethod != null && webMethod.operationName().length() > 0 ?
                webMethod.operationName() : operationName;
        String reqName = operationName;
        String resName = operationName + WebServiceConstants.RESPONSE.getValue();
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Related Classes of javax.lang.model.element.Name

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