public ActiveMQMessageConsumer(ActiveMQSession session, ConsumerId consumerId, ActiveMQDestination dest,
String name, String selector, int prefetch,
int maximumPendingMessageCount, boolean noLocal, boolean browser,
boolean dispatchAsync, MessageListener messageListener) throws JMSException {
if (dest == null) {
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Don't understand null destinations");
} else if (dest.getPhysicalName() == null) {
throw new InvalidDestinationException("The destination object was not given a physical name.");
} else if (dest.isTemporary()) {
String physicalName = dest.getPhysicalName();
if (physicalName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Physical name of Destination should be valid: " + dest);
String connectionID = session.connection.getConnectionInfo().getConnectionId().getValue();
if (physicalName.indexOf(connectionID) < 0) {
throw new InvalidDestinationException(
"Cannot use a Temporary destination from another Connection");
if (session.connection.isDeleted(dest)) {
throw new InvalidDestinationException(
"Cannot use a Temporary destination that has been deleted");
this.session = session;