if (destinationName == null) {
destinationName = endpoint.getDestinationName();
Destination destination = in.getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_DESTINATION, Destination.class);
// remove the header so it wont be propagated
if (destination == null) {
destination = endpoint.getDestination();
if (destination != null) {
// prefer to use destination over destination name
destinationName = null;
// the request timeout can be overruled by a header otherwise the endpoint configured value is used
final long timeout = exchange.getIn().getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, endpoint.getRequestTimeout(), long.class);
// when using message id as correlation id, we need at first to use a provisional correlation id
// which we then update to the real JMSMessageID when the message has been sent
// this is done with the help of the MessageSentCallback
final boolean msgIdAsCorrId = endpoint.getConfiguration().isUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID();
final String provisionalCorrelationId = msgIdAsCorrId ? getUuidGenerator().generateUuid() : null;
MessageSentCallback messageSentCallback = null;
if (msgIdAsCorrId) {
messageSentCallback = new UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback(replyManager, provisionalCorrelationId, timeout);
final String originalCorrelationId = in.getHeader("JMSCorrelationID", String.class);
boolean generateFreshCorrId = (ObjectHelper.isEmpty(originalCorrelationId) && !msgIdAsCorrId)
|| (originalCorrelationId != null && originalCorrelationId.startsWith(GENERATED_CORRELATION_ID_PREFIX));
if (generateFreshCorrId) {
// we append the 'Camel-' prefix to know it was generated by us
in.setHeader("JMSCorrelationID", GENERATED_CORRELATION_ID_PREFIX + getUuidGenerator().generateUuid());
MessageCreator messageCreator = new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
Message answer = endpoint.getBinding().makeJmsMessage(exchange, in, session, null);
Destination replyTo = null;
String replyToOverride = endpoint.getConfiguration().getReplyToOverride();
if (replyToOverride != null) {
replyTo = resolveOrCreateDestination(replyToOverride, session);
} else {
// get the reply to destination to be used from the reply manager