public void testListenForTextUpdateOnOtherRegistry() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Unit Test: testListenForTextUpdateOnOtherRegistry()");
JmDNS registry = null;
JmDNS newServiceRegistry = null;
try {
registry = JmDNS.create("Listener");
registry.addServiceListener(service.getType(), serviceListenerMock);
newServiceRegistry = JmDNS.create("Registry");
// We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
// The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
List<ServiceEvent> servicesAdded = serviceListenerMock.servicesAdded();
assertEquals("We did not get the service added event.", 1, servicesAdded.size());
ServiceInfo info = servicesAdded.get(servicesAdded.size() - 1).getInfo();
assertEquals("We did not get the right name for the resolved service:", service.getName(), info.getName());
assertEquals("We did not get the right type for the resolved service:", service.getType(), info.getType());
// We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
// The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
List<ServiceEvent> servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
assertEquals("We did not get the service resolved event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
ServiceInfo result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
assertNotNull("Did not get the expected service info: ", result);
assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, result);
assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", service.getPropertyString(serviceKey), result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));
String text = "Test improbable web server";
Map<String, byte[]> properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));
text = "Test more improbable web server";
properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));
text = "Test even more improbable web server";
properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));
} finally {
if (registry != null) registry.close();
if (newServiceRegistry != null) newServiceRegistry.close();