Package javax.jmdns

Examples of javax.jmdns.JmDNS$Delegate


    public void testListMyService() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListMyService()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            registry = JmDNS.create();
            ServiceInfo[] services = registry.list(service.getType());
            assertEquals("We should see the service we just registered: ", 1, services.length);
            assertEquals(service, services[0]);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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    public void testListMyServiceIPV6() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListMyServiceIPV6()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            NetworkInterface interfaze = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address);
            for (Enumeration<InetAddress> iaenum = interfaze.getInetAddresses(); iaenum.hasMoreElements();) {
                InetAddress interfaceAddress = iaenum.nextElement();
                if (interfaceAddress instanceof Inet6Address) {
                    address = interfaceAddress;
            registry = JmDNS.create(address);
            ServiceInfo[] services = registry.list(service.getType());
            assertEquals("We should see the service we just registered: ", 1, services.length);
            assertEquals(service, services[0]);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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    public void testListenForMyService() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListenForMyService()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceAddedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceResolvedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            // Add an expectation that the listener interface will be called once capture the object so I can verify it separately.
            // EasyMock.makeThreadSafe(serviceListenerMock, false);

            registry = JmDNS.create();

            registry.addServiceListener(service.getType(), serviceListenerMock);


            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            assertTrue("We did not get the service added event.", capServiceAddedEvent.hasCaptured());
            ServiceInfo info = capServiceAddedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("We did not get the right name for the added service:", service.getName(), info.getName());
            assertEquals("We did not get the right type for the added service:", service.getType(), info.getType());
            assertEquals("We did not get the right fully qualified name for the added service:", service.getQualifiedName(), info.getQualifiedName());

            // assertEquals("We should not get the server for the added service:", "", info.getServer());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the address for the added service:", null, info.getAddress());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the HostAddress for the added service:", "", info.getHostAddress());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the InetAddress for the added service:", null, info.getInetAddress());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the NiceTextString for the added service:", "", info.getNiceTextString());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the Priority for the added service:", 0, info.getPriority());
            // assertFalse("We should not get the PropertyNames for the added service:", info.getPropertyNames().hasMoreElements());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the TextBytes for the added service:", 0, info.getTextBytes().length);
            // assertEquals("We should not get the TextString for the added service:", null, info.getTextString());
            // assertEquals("We should not get the Weight for the added service:", 0, info.getWeight());
            // assertNotSame("We should not get the URL for the added service:", "", info.getURL());

            registry.requestServiceInfo(service.getType(), service.getName());

            assertTrue("We did not get the service resolved event.", capServiceResolvedEvent.hasCaptured());
            ServiceInfo resolvedInfo = capServiceResolvedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, resolvedInfo);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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    public void testListenForMyServiceAndList() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListenForMyServiceAndList()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceAddedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceResolvedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            // Expect the listener to be called once and capture the result

            registry = JmDNS.create();
            registry.addServiceListener(service.getType(), serviceListenerMock);

            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            assertTrue("We did not get the service added event.", capServiceAddedEvent.hasCaptured());

            ServiceInfo info = capServiceAddedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("We did not get the right name for the resolved service:", service.getName(), info.getName());
            assertEquals("We did not get the right type for the resolved service:", service.getType(), info.getType());

            // This will force the resolution of the service which in turn will get the listener called with a service resolved event.
            // The info associated with a service resolved event has all the information available.
            // Which in turn populates the ServiceInfo opbjects returned by JmDNS.list.
            ServiceInfo[] services = registry.list(info.getType());
            assertEquals("We did not get the expected number of services: ", 1, services.length);
            assertEquals("The service returned was not the one expected", service, services[0]);

            assertTrue("We did not get the service resolved event.", capServiceResolvedEvent.hasCaptured());
            ServiceInfo resolvedInfo = capServiceResolvedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, resolvedInfo);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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    public void testListenForServiceOnOtherRegistry() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListenForServiceOnOtherRegistry()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        JmDNS newServiceRegistry = null;
        try {
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceAddedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            Capture<ServiceEvent> capServiceResolvedEvent = new Capture<ServiceEvent>();
            // Expect the listener to be called once and capture the result

            registry = JmDNS.create();
            registry.addServiceListener(service.getType(), serviceListenerMock);
            newServiceRegistry = JmDNS.create();

            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            assertTrue("We did not get the service added event.", capServiceAddedEvent.hasCaptured());
            ServiceInfo info = capServiceAddedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("We did not get the right name for the resolved service:", service.getName(), info.getName());
            assertEquals("We did not get the right type for the resolved service:", service.getType(), info.getType());
            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            assertTrue("We did not get the service resolved event.", capServiceResolvedEvent.hasCaptured());
            Object result = capServiceResolvedEvent.getValue().getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, result);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
            if (newServiceRegistry != null) newServiceRegistry.close();
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    public void testWaitAndQueryForServiceOnOtherRegistry() throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testWaitAndQueryForServiceOnOtherRegistry()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        JmDNS newServiceRegistry = null;
        try {
            newServiceRegistry = JmDNS.create();
            registry = JmDNS.create();


            ServiceInfo fetchedService = newServiceRegistry.getServiceInfo(service.getType(), service.getName());

            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, fetchedService);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
            if (newServiceRegistry != null) newServiceRegistry.close();
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    public void testRegisterAndListServiceOnOtherRegistry() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testRegisterAndListServiceOnOtherRegistry()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        JmDNS newServiceRegistry = null;
        try {
            registry = JmDNS.create("Registry");

            newServiceRegistry = JmDNS.create("Listener");
            ServiceInfo[] fetchedServices = newServiceRegistry.list(service.getType());
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected services listed:", 1, fetchedServices.length);
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service type:", service.getType(), fetchedServices[0].getType());
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service name:", service.getName(), fetchedServices[0].getName());
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service fully qualified name:", service.getQualifiedName(), fetchedServices[0].getQualifiedName());
            newServiceRegistry.getServiceInfo(service.getType(), service.getName());

            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, fetchedServices[0]);
            registry = null;
            // According to the spec the record disappears from the cache 1s after it has been unregistered
            // without sleeping for a while, the service would not be unregistered fully
            fetchedServices = newServiceRegistry.list(service.getType());
            assertEquals("The service was not cancelled after the close:", 0, fetchedServices.length);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
            if (newServiceRegistry != null) newServiceRegistry.close();
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        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListMyServiceWithToLowerCase()");
        String text = "Test hypothetical web server";
        Map<String, byte[]> properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
        properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
        service = ServiceInfo.create("_HtmL._TcP.lOcAl.", "apache-someUniqueid", 80, 0, 0, true, properties);
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            registry = JmDNS.create();

            // with toLowerCase
            ServiceInfo[] services = registry.list(service.getType().toLowerCase());
            assertEquals("We should see the service we just registered: ", 1, services.length);
            assertEquals(service, services[0]);
            // now unregister and make sure it's gone
            // According to the spec the record disappears from the cache 1s after it has been unregistered
            // without sleeping for a while, the service would not be unregistered fully
            services = registry.list(service.getType().toLowerCase());
            assertTrue("We should not see the service we just unregistered: ", services == null || services.length == 0);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListMyServiceWithoutLowerCase()");
        String text = "Test hypothetical web server";
        Map<String, byte[]> properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
        properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
        service = ServiceInfo.create("_HtmL._TcP.lOcAl.", "apache-someUniqueid", 80, 0, 0, true, properties);
        JmDNS registry = null;
        try {
            registry = JmDNS.create();

            // without toLowerCase
            ServiceInfo[] services = registry.list(service.getType());
            assertEquals("We should see the service we just registered: ", 1, services.length);
            assertEquals(service, services[0]);
            // now unregister and make sure it's gone
            // According to the spec the record disappears from the cache 1s after it has been unregistered
            // without sleeping for a while, the service would not be unregistered fully
            services = registry.list(service.getType());
            assertTrue("We should not see the service we just unregistered: ", services == null || services.length == 0);
        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
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    public void testListenForTextUpdateOnOtherRegistry() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Unit Test: testListenForTextUpdateOnOtherRegistry()");
        JmDNS registry = null;
        JmDNS newServiceRegistry = null;
        try {
            registry = JmDNS.create("Listener");
            registry.addServiceListener(service.getType(), serviceListenerMock);
            newServiceRegistry = JmDNS.create("Registry");

            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            List<ServiceEvent> servicesAdded = serviceListenerMock.servicesAdded();
            assertEquals("We did not get the service added event.", 1, servicesAdded.size());
            ServiceInfo info = servicesAdded.get(servicesAdded.size() - 1).getInfo();
            assertEquals("We did not get the right name for the resolved service:", service.getName(), info.getName());
            assertEquals("We did not get the right type for the resolved service:", service.getType(), info.getType());
            // We get the service added event when we register the service. However the service has not been resolved at this point.
            // The info associated with the event only has the minimum information i.e. name and type.
            List<ServiceEvent> servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
            assertEquals("We did not get the service resolved event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
            ServiceInfo result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
            assertNotNull("Did not get the expected service info: ", result);
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info: ", service, result);
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", service.getPropertyString(serviceKey), result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));

            String text = "Test improbable web server";
            Map<String, byte[]> properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
            properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
            servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
            assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
            result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));

            text = "Test more improbable web server";
            properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
            properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
            servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
            assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
            result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));

            text = "Test even more improbable web server";
            properties = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
            properties.put(serviceKey, text.getBytes());
            servicesResolved = serviceListenerMock.servicesResolved();
            assertEquals("We did not get the service text updated event.", 1, servicesResolved.size());
            result = servicesResolved.get(servicesResolved.size() - 1).getInfo();
            assertEquals("Did not get the expected service info text: ", text, result.getPropertyString(serviceKey));

        } finally {
            if (registry != null) registry.close();
            if (newServiceRegistry != null) newServiceRegistry.close();
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Related Classes of javax.jmdns.JmDNS$Delegate

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