* Test expiration of the lock
public void testLockExpiration() throws RepositoryException, NotExecutableException {
ObservationManager obsMgr = superuser.getWorkspace().getObservationManager();
EventResult listener = new EventResult(((JUnitTest) this).log);
try {
obsMgr.addEventListener(listener, Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED, lockedNode.getPath(), false, new String[0], new String[0], false);
boolean lockPropRemoved = false;
long hint = 1;
lock = lockMgr.lock(lockedNode.getPath(), isDeep(), isSessionScoped(), hint, null);
// only test if timeout hint was respected.
if (lock.getSecondsRemaining() <= 1) {
Event[] evts = listener.getEvents(2000);
for (int i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) {
if (evts[i].getType() == Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED &&
evts[i].getPath().endsWith(jcrLockOwner)) {
lockPropRemoved = true;
// lock property has been removed -> make sure lock has
// been released and lock.getSecondsRemaining behaves properly.
assertTrue("A released lock must return a negative number of seconds", lock.getSecondsRemaining() < 0);
assertFalse("If the timeout hint is respected the lock must be automatically released.", lock.isLive());
assertFalse("If the timeout hint is respected the lock must be automatically released.", lockedNode.isLocked());
if (!lockPropRemoved) {
fail("If the timeout hint is respected the lock must be automatically released.");
} else {
throw new NotExecutableException("timeout hint was ignored.");
} finally {