if (parent.hasNode(nodeName)) {
// a node with that name already exists...
NodeImpl existing = parent.getNode(nodeName);
NodeDefinition def = existing.getDefinition();
if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
// existing doesn't allow same-name siblings,
// check for potential conflicts
if (def.isProtected() && existing.isNodeType(ntName)) {
use the existing node as parent for the possible subsequent
import of a protected tree, that the protected node importer
may or may not be able to deal with.
-> upon the next 'startNode' the check for the parent being
protected will notify the protected node importer.
-> if the importer is able to deal with that node it needs
to care of the complete subtree until it is notified
during the 'endNode' call.
-> if the import can't deal with that node or if that node
is the a leaf in the tree to be imported 'end' will
not have an effect on the importer, that was never started.
log.debug("Skipping protected node: " + existing);
if (def.isAutoCreated() && existing.isNodeType(ntName)) {
// this node has already been auto-created, no need to create it
node = existing;
} else {
// edge case: colliding node does have same uuid
// (see http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCR-1128)
if (!(existing.getId().equals(id)
throw new ItemExistsException(
"Node with the same UUID exists:" + existing);
// fall through
if (node == null) {
// create node
if (id == null) {
// no potential uuid conflict, always add new node
checkPermission(parent, nodeName);
node = createNode(parent, nodeName, ntName, mixins, null);
} else {
// potential uuid conflict
NodeImpl conflicting;
try {
conflicting = session.getNodeById(id);
} catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
conflicting = null;
if (conflicting != null) {
// resolve uuid conflict
node = resolveUUIDConflict(parent, conflicting, nodeInfo);
if (node == null) {
// no new node has been created, so skip this node
parents.push(null); // push null onto stack for skipped node
log.debug("Skipping existing node " + nodeInfo.getName());
} else {
// create new with given uuid
checkPermission(parent, nodeName);
node = createNode(parent, nodeName, ntName, mixins, id);
// process properties
for (PropInfo pi : propInfos) {
// find applicable definition
QPropertyDefinition def = pi.getApplicablePropertyDef(node.getEffectiveNodeType());
if (def.isProtected()) {
// skip protected property
log.debug("Skipping protected property " + pi.getName());
// notify the ProtectedPropertyImporter.
for (ProtectedPropertyImporter ppi : ppImporters) {