PropertyDefinitionData def = defs.getDefinition(isMultiValue);
if (def != null && def.isProtected())
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Can not set protected property "
+ locationFactory.createJCRPath(qpath).getAsString(false));
if (multiValue && (def == null || (prevProp != null && !prevProp.isMultiValued())))
throw new ValueFormatException("Can not assign multiple-values Value to a single-valued property "
+ locationFactory.createJCRPath(qpath).getAsString(false));
if (!multiValue && (def == null || (prevProp != null && prevProp.isMultiValued())))
throw new ValueFormatException("Can not assign single-value Value to a multiple-valued property "
+ locationFactory.createJCRPath(qpath).getAsString(false));
// Check if checked-in (versionable)
if (!parentNode.checkedOut())
throw new VersionException("Node " + parentNode.getPath() + " or its nearest ancestor is checked-in");
// Check is locked
if (!parentNode.checkLocking())
throw new LockException("Node " + parentNode.getPath() + " is locked ");
List<ValueData> valueDataList = new ArrayList<ValueData>();
// cast to required type if neccessary
int requiredType = def.getRequiredType();
int propType = requiredType;
// if list of values not null
if (propertyValues != null)
// All Value objects in the array must be of the same type, otherwise a
// ValueFormatException is thrown.
if (propertyValues.length > 1)
if (propertyValues[0] != null)
int vType = propertyValues[0].getType();
for (Value val : propertyValues)
if (val != null && vType != val.getType())
throw new ValueFormatException("All Value objects in the array must be of the same type");
// if value count >0 and original type not UNDEFINED
if (propertyValues.length > 0 && requiredType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED)
// if type what we expected to be UNDEFINED
// set destination type = type of values else type expectedType
if (expectedType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED)
for (Value val : propertyValues)
if (val != null)
expectedType = val.getType();
propType = expectedType;
// fill datas and also remove null values and reorder values
for (Value value : propertyValues)
if (value != null)
valueDataList.add(valueData(value, propType));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Set null value (" + getPath() + ", multivalued: " + multiValue + ")");
// Check value constraints
checkValueConstraints(def, valueDataList, propType);
if (requiredType != PropertyType.UNDEFINED && expectedType != PropertyType.UNDEFINED
&& requiredType != expectedType)
throw new ConstraintViolationException(" the type parameter "
+ ExtendedPropertyType.nameFromValue(expectedType) + " and the "
+ "type of the property do not match required type" + ExtendedPropertyType.nameFromValue(requiredType));
PropertyImpl prop;
if (state != ItemState.DELETED)
// add or update
TransientPropertyData newData =
new TransientPropertyData(qpath, identifier, version, propType, parentNode.getInternalIdentifier(),
multiValue, valueDataList);
ItemState itemState = new ItemState(newData, state, true, qpath, false);
prop = (PropertyImpl)dataManager.update(itemState, true);
// launch event: post-set
session.getActionHandler().postSetProperty(prevProperty, prop, state);
if (def.isMandatory())
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Can not remove (by setting null value) mandatory property "
+ locationFactory.createJCRPath(qpath).getAsString(false));
TransientPropertyData newData =
new TransientPropertyData(qpath, identifier, version, propType, parentNode.getInternalIdentifier(),