if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, Permission.READ)) {
throw new ItemNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId()));
// make sure current session is granted write access on parent node
if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, nodeName, Permission.ADD_NODE)) {
throw new AccessDeniedException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId())
+ ": not allowed to add child node");
// make sure the editing session is allowed create nodes with a
// specified node type (and ev. mixins)
if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, nodeName, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT)) {
throw new AccessDeniedException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId())
+ ": not allowed to add child node");
// 4. node type constraints