} else {
srcBands = sBands;
numBandsUsed = srcBands.length;
if (numBandsUsed > numSrcBands) {
throw new IIOException
("ImageWriteParam specifies too many source bands");
boolean usingBandSubset = (numBandsUsed != numSrcBands);
boolean fullImage = ((!rasterOnly) && (!usingBandSubset));
int [] bandSizes = null;
if (!indexed) {
bandSizes = srcRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize();
// If this is a subset, we must adjust bandSizes
if (usingBandSubset) {
int [] temp = new int [numBandsUsed];
for (int i = 0; i < numBandsUsed; i++) {
temp[i] = bandSizes[srcBands[i]];
bandSizes = temp;
} else {
int [] tempSize = srcRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize();
bandSizes = new int [numSrcBands];
for (int i = 0; i < numSrcBands; i++) {
bandSizes[i] = tempSize[0]; // All the same
for (int i = 0; i < bandSizes.length; i++) {
// 4450894 part 1: The IJG libraries are compiled so they only
// handle <= 8-bit samples. We now check the band sizes and throw
// an exception for images, such as USHORT_GRAY, with > 8 bits
// per sample.
if (bandSizes[i] <= 0 || bandSizes[i] > 8) {
throw new IIOException("Illegal band size: should be 0 < size <= 8");
// 4450894 part 2: We expand IndexColorModel images to full 24-
// or 32-bit in grabPixels() for each scanline. For indexed
// images such as BYTE_BINARY, we need to ensure that we update
// bandSizes to account for the scaling from 1-bit band sizes
// to 8-bit.
if (indexed) {
bandSizes[i] = 8;
if (debug) {
System.out.println("numSrcBands is " + numSrcBands);
System.out.println("numBandsUsed is " + numBandsUsed);
System.out.println("usingBandSubset is " + usingBandSubset);
System.out.println("fullImage is " + fullImage);
System.out.print("Band sizes:");
for (int i = 0; i< bandSizes.length; i++) {
System.out.print(" " + bandSizes[i]);
// Destination type, if there is one
ImageTypeSpecifier destType = null;
if (param != null) {
destType = param.getDestinationType();
// Ignore dest type if we are writing a complete image
if ((fullImage) && (destType != null)) {
destType = null;
// Examine the param
sourceXOffset = srcRas.getMinX();
sourceYOffset = srcRas.getMinY();
int imageWidth = srcRas.getWidth();
int imageHeight = srcRas.getHeight();
sourceWidth = imageWidth;
sourceHeight = imageHeight;
int periodX = 1;
int periodY = 1;
int gridX = 0;
int gridY = 0;
JPEGQTable [] qTables = null;
JPEGHuffmanTable[] DCHuffmanTables = null;
JPEGHuffmanTable[] ACHuffmanTables = null;
boolean optimizeHuffman = false;
JPEGImageWriteParam jparam = null;
int progressiveMode = ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED;
if (param != null) {
Rectangle sourceRegion = param.getSourceRegion();
if (sourceRegion != null) {
Rectangle imageBounds = new Rectangle(sourceXOffset,
sourceRegion = sourceRegion.intersection(imageBounds);
sourceXOffset = sourceRegion.x;
sourceYOffset = sourceRegion.y;
sourceWidth = sourceRegion.width;
sourceHeight = sourceRegion.height;
if (sourceWidth + sourceXOffset > imageWidth) {
sourceWidth = imageWidth - sourceXOffset;
if (sourceHeight + sourceYOffset > imageHeight) {
sourceHeight = imageHeight - sourceYOffset;
periodX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
periodY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
gridX = param.getSubsamplingXOffset();
gridY = param.getSubsamplingYOffset();
switch(param.getCompressionMode()) {
case ImageWriteParam.MODE_DISABLED:
throw new IIOException("JPEG compression cannot be disabled");
case ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT:
float quality = param.getCompressionQuality();
quality = JPEG.convertToLinearQuality(quality);
qTables = new JPEGQTable[2];
qTables[0] = JPEGQTable.K1Luminance.getScaledInstance
(quality, true);
qTables[1] = JPEGQTable.K2Chrominance.getScaledInstance
(quality, true);
case ImageWriteParam.MODE_DEFAULT:
qTables = new JPEGQTable[2];
qTables[0] = JPEGQTable.K1Div2Luminance;
qTables[1] = JPEGQTable.K2Div2Chrominance;
// We'll handle the metadata case later
progressiveMode = param.getProgressiveMode();
if (param instanceof JPEGImageWriteParam) {
jparam = (JPEGImageWriteParam)param;
optimizeHuffman = jparam.getOptimizeHuffmanTables();
// Now examine the metadata
IIOMetadata mdata = image.getMetadata();
if (mdata != null) {
if (mdata instanceof JPEGMetadata) {
metadata = (JPEGMetadata) mdata;
if (debug) {
("We have metadata, and it's JPEG metadata");
} else {
if (!rasterOnly) {
ImageTypeSpecifier type = destType;
if (type == null) {
type = new ImageTypeSpecifier(rimage);
metadata = (JPEGMetadata) convertImageMetadata(mdata,
} else {
// First set a default state
ignoreJFIF = false; // If it's there, use it
ignoreAdobe = false; // If it's there, use it
newAdobeTransform = JPEG.ADOBE_IMPOSSIBLE; // Change if needed
writeDefaultJFIF = false;
writeAdobe = false;
// By default we'll do no conversion:
int inCsType = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN;
int outCsType = JPEG.JCS_UNKNOWN;
JFIFMarkerSegment jfif = null;
AdobeMarkerSegment adobe = null;
SOFMarkerSegment sof = null;
if (metadata != null) {
jfif = (JFIFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment
(JFIFMarkerSegment.class, true);
adobe = (AdobeMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment
(AdobeMarkerSegment.class, true);
sof = (SOFMarkerSegment) metadata.findMarkerSegment
(SOFMarkerSegment.class, true);
iccProfile = null; // By default don't write one
convertTosRGB = false; // PhotoYCC does this
converted = null;
if (destType != null) {
if (numBandsUsed != destType.getNumBands()) {
throw new IIOException
("Number of source bands != number of destination bands");
cs = destType.getColorModel().getColorSpace();
// Check the metadata against the destination type
if (metadata != null) {