public int doStartTag()
throws JspException
UIComponentTag componentTag = UIComponentTag.getParentUIComponentTag(pageContext);
if (componentTag == null)
throw new JspException("no parent UIComponentTag found");
if (!componentTag.getCreated())
return Tag.SKIP_BODY;
Converter converter = createConverter(beanName);
if (useWrapper && (converter instanceof SerializableConverter == false))
// Needed to check if it is already of the specified type in case the
// managed-bean framework has been configured to auto-wrap Converter
// instances already (eg via a Spring BeanPostProcessor or equivalent).
// This isn't the case, so wrap it now.
converter = new SerializableConverter(beanName, converter);
UIComponent component = componentTag.getComponentInstance();
if (component == null)
throw new JspException("parent UIComponentTag has no UIComponent");
if (!(component instanceof ValueHolder))