protected void renderResponse() throws Exception
Object artists = getValue("#{artists.dataModel}");
assert artists instanceof DataModel;
DataModel artistsDataModel = (DataModel) artists;
// Check for the correct number of results
assert artistsDataModel.getRowCount() == 2;
// Check for correct ordering
assertArtist(artistsDataModel, 0, ARTIST5_NAME);
assertArtist(artistsDataModel, 1, ARTIST6_NAME);
new FacesRequest("/artists.xhtml")
protected void updateModelValues() throws Exception
setValue("#{exampleArtist.name}", "Ri");
protected void renderResponse() throws Exception
Object artists = getValue("#{artists.dataModel}");
assert artists instanceof DataModel;
DataModel artistsDataModel = (DataModel) artists;
// Check for the correct number of results
assert artistsDataModel.getRowCount() == 1;
// Check for correct ordering
assertArtist(artistsDataModel, 0, ARTIST6_NAME);