for (UIComponent grandKid : kid.getChildren())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(noColumnFacetContext, grandKid, visitCallback))
throw new AbortProcessingException();
// We are only visiting a subset of the tree, so figure out which rows to visit
String ourClientIdPrefix = getClientId(visitContext.getFacesContext());
int subtreeIdCount = subtreeIds.size();
// build up a set of the row keys to visit rather than iterating
// and visiting every row
Set<String> rowsToVisit;
if (subtreeIdCount > 1)
rowsToVisit = new HashSet<String>(subtreeIdCount);
for (String currClientId : subtreeIds)
String clientToken = _getClientToken(ourClientIdPrefix, currClientId);
if (clientToken != null)
String clientToken = _getClientToken(ourClientIdPrefix,
if (clientToken != null)
rowsToVisit = Collections.singleton(clientToken);
rowsToVisit = Collections.emptySet();
// we didn't visit any data
if (rowsToVisit.isEmpty())
return false;
// visit only the rows we need to
runner = new KeyedRunner(rowsToVisit)
protected void process(
UIComponent kid,
ComponentProcessingContext cpContext
) throws IOException
if (kid.getChildCount() > 0)
for (UIComponent grandKid : kid.getChildren())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(noColumnFacetContext, grandKid, visitCallback))
throw new AbortProcessingException();