// Must return null immediately per spec.
return null;
ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext();
Object serializedView = externalContext.getRequestMap()
//Note on ajax case the method saveState could be called twice: once before start
//document rendering and the other one when it is called StateManager.getViewState method.
if (serializedView == null)
// Make sure the client IDs are unique per the spec.
checkIds (context, view, new HashSet<String>());
// Create save state objects for every component.
//view.visitTree (VisitContext.createVisitContext (context), new SaveStateVisitor (states));
if (view.getAttributes().containsKey(COMPONENT_ADDED_AFTER_BUILD_VIEW))
states = new Object[]{
states = new HashMap<String, Object>();
saveStateOnMap(context,(Map<String,Object>) states, view);
if ( ((Map<String,Object>)states).isEmpty())
states = null;
// TODO: not sure the best way to handle dynamic adds/removes as mandated by the spec.
// As required by ResponseStateManager, the return value is an Object array. First
// element is the structure object, second is the state map.
if (context.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(context))
serializedView = new Object[] { null, states };
// On server side state saving, the structure field is used to save the view sequence.
// Originally, on JspStateManagerImpl this is done in writeState method, not in saveView,
// but note that on ajax case the state is both saved and written using StateManager.getViewState,
// so we must save it early
serializedView = new Object[] {Integer.toString(helper.getNextViewSequence(context), Character.MAX_RADIX), states};
if (!context.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(context))