for (int i = 0, size = children.size(); i < size; i++)
UIComponent child = children.get(i);
if (child instanceof UIParameter)
UIParameter param = (UIParameter) child;
// check for the disable attribute (since 2.0)
// and the render attribute (only if skipUnrendered is true)
if (param.isDisable()
|| (skipUnrendered && !param.isRendered()))
// ignore this UIParameter and continue
// check the name
String name = param.getName();
if (skipNullName && (name == null || STR_EMPTY.equals(name)))
// warn for a null-name
"The UIParameter "
+ RendererUtils.getPathToComponent(param)
+ " has a name of null or empty string and thus will not be added to the URL.");
// and skip it
// check the value
if (skipNullValue && param.getValue() == null)
if (facesContext.isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Development))
// inform the user about the null value when in Development stage