Package javax.faces.application

Examples of javax.faces.application.Application

  protected void renderColumnSelectorHeader(FacesContext facesContext,
      TobagoResponseWriter writer, UIData component, UIColumn column)
      throws IOException {
    UIPanel menu = (UIPanel) column.getFacet(FACET_MENUPOPUP);
    if (menu == null) {
      final Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
      menu = (UIPanel) application.createComponent(UIMenu.COMPONENT_TYPE);
      column.getFacets().put(FACET_MENUPOPUP, menu);
      menu.getAttributes().put(ATTR_MENU_POPUP, Boolean.TRUE);
      menu.getAttributes().put(ATTR_MENU_POPUP_TYPE, "SheetSelector");
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  protected void onComponentCreated(FaceletContext faceletContext, UIComponent panel, UIComponent parent) {

    Application application = faceletContext.getFacesContext().getApplication();
    UIViewRoot root = ComponentSupport.getViewRoot(faceletContext, parent);

    addGridLayout(faceletContext, panel, root);

    addLabel(faceletContext, (UIPanel) panel, root);
    String uid;
    if (fieldIdAttribute !=  null) {
      uid = fieldIdAttribute.getValue(faceletContext);
    } else {
      uid = root.createUniqueId();
    if (checkForAlreadyCreated(panel, uid)) {

    UIComponent input = application.createComponent(getSubComponentType());

    setAttributes(faceletContext, input);
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  private void addLabel(FaceletContext faceletContext, UIPanel panel, UIViewRoot root) {
    String uid = root.createUniqueId();
    if (checkForAlreadyCreated(panel, uid)) {
    Application application = faceletContext.getFacesContext().getApplication();
    UILabel label = (UILabel) application.createComponent(UILabel.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    label.getAttributes().put(TobagoConstants.ATTR_FOR, "@auto");
    if (tipAttribute != null) {
      if (tipAttribute.isLiteral()) {
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    return false;

  private void addGridLayout(FaceletContext faceletContext, UIComponent panel, UIViewRoot root) {
    Application application = faceletContext.getFacesContext().getApplication();
    UIGridLayout gridLayout = (UIGridLayout) application.createComponent(UIGridLayout.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    if (labelWidthAttribute != null) {
      String columns = getColumns(labelWidthAttribute.getValue(faceletContext));
      if (!LayoutUtil.checkTokens(columns)) {
        LOG.warn("Illegal value for columns = \"" + columns + "\" replacing with default: \"" + DEFAULT_COLUMNS + "\"");
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    Measure footerHeight = getFooterHeight(facesContext, sheet);
    Measure headerHeight = getHeaderHeight(facesContext, sheet);
    String selectable = sheet.getSelectable();

    Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
    SheetState state = sheet.getSheetState(facesContext);
    List<Integer> columnWidths = sheet.getWidthList();

    final List<Integer> selectedRows = getSelectedRows(sheet, state);
    final List<UIColumn> renderedColumnList = sheet.getRenderedColumns();
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  private void renderColumnHeader(
      FacesContext facesContext, TobagoResponseWriter writer, UISheet sheet, int columnIndex, UIColumn column,
      ResourceManager resourceManager, String contextPath)
      throws IOException {
    String sheetId = sheet.getClientId(facesContext);
    Application application = facesContext.getApplication();

    Integer divWidth = sheet.getWidthList().get(columnIndex);
    Style divStyle = new Style();
    divWidth = divWidth - 6; // leftBorder + leftPadding + rightPadding + rightBorder = 6, todo: use Style Constructor
    TextAlign align = TextAlign.parse((String) column.getAttributes().get(Attributes.ALIGN));

    writer.startElement(HtmlElements.SPAN, null);
    writer.writeIdAttribute(sheetId + ComponentUtils.SUB_SEPARATOR + "header_box_" + columnIndex);
    String tip = (String) column.getAttributes().get(Attributes.TIP);
    if (tip == null) {
      tip = "";

    final UIComponent dropDownMenu = FacetUtils.getDropDownMenu(column);
    if (dropDownMenu != null) {
      LOG.error("Drop down menu is not implemented in sheets yet!");
      // Todo: implement it!
      // Todo: change description in ColumnTagDeclaration after implementing it.

    Markup markup = Markup.NULL;

    // sorting

    String sorterImage = null;
    boolean sortable = ComponentUtils.getBooleanAttribute(column, Attributes.SORTABLE);
    if (sortable && !(column instanceof UIColumnSelector)) {
      UICommand sortCommand = (UICommand) column.getFacet(Facets.SORTER);
      if (sortCommand == null) {
        String columnId = column.getClientId(facesContext);
        String sorterId = columnId.substring(columnId.lastIndexOf(":") + 1) + "_" + UISheet.SORTER_ID;
        sortCommand = (UICommand) application.createComponent(UICommand.COMPONENT_TYPE);
        column.getFacets().put(Facets.SORTER, sortCommand);
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        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
        LOG.debug("*** '" + entry.getKey() + "' -> '" + entry.getValue() + "'");

    Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
    ViewHandler viewHandler = application.getViewHandler();
    String viewId = facesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId();
    String formAction = viewHandler.getActionURL(facesContext, viewId);
    formAction = facesContext.getExternalContext().encodeActionURL(formAction);
    String contentType = writer.getContentTypeWithCharSet();
    ResponseUtils.ensureContentTypeHeader(facesContext, contentType);
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    // placeholder for menus
    writer.startElement(HtmlElements.DIV, page);
    writer.writeClassAttribute(Classes.create(page, "menuStore"));

    Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
    ViewHandler viewHandler = application.getViewHandler();

    writer.startElement(HtmlElements.SPAN, null);
    writer.writeIdAttribute(clientId + ComponentUtils.SUB_SEPARATOR + "jsf-state-container");
    if (!FacesContextUtils.isAjax(facesContext)) {
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    public Application getApplication()

        Application wrappedApplication = this.wrappedFacesContext.getApplication();
        if (this.isNavigationAwareApplicationWrapperActivated)
            wrappedApplication = new NavigationHandlerAwareApplication(wrappedApplication);
        return new InjectionAwareApplicationWrapper(
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         * Obtain a reference to the ViewDeclarationLanguage for this Application instance by calling
         * ViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String), passing the
         * viewId found by calling UIViewRoot.getViewId() on the UIViewRoot in the argument FacesContext.
        UIViewRoot view = context.getViewRoot();
        Application application = context.getApplication();
        ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = application.getViewHandler().getViewDeclarationLanguage(context, view.getViewId());

         * Obtain a reference to the composite component metadata for this composite component by calling
         * ViewDeclarationLanguage.getComponentMetadata(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
         * javax.faces.application.Resource), passing the facesContext and componentResource arguments to this method.
         * This version of JSF specification uses JavaBeans as the API to the component metadata.
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(context, componentResource);
        if (metadata == null)
            throw new FacesException("Could not get component metadata for "
                    + componentResource.getResourceName()
                    + ". Did you forget to specify <composite:interface>?");

         * Determine if the component author declared a component-type for this component instance by obtaining the
         * BeanDescriptor from the component metadata and calling its getValue() method, passing
         * UIComponent.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_TYPE_KEY as the argument. If non-null, the result must be a ValueExpression
         * whose value is the component-type of the UIComponent to be created for this Resource component. Call through
         * to createComponent(java.lang.String) to create the component.
        BeanDescriptor descriptor = metadata.getBeanDescriptor();
        ValueExpression componentType = (ValueExpression) descriptor.getValue(UIComponent.COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_TYPE_KEY);
        boolean annotationsApplied = false;
        if (componentType != null)
            component = application.createComponent((String) componentType.getValue(context.getELContext()));
            annotationsApplied = true;
             * Otherwise, determine if a script based component for this Resource can be found by calling
             * ViewDeclarationLanguage.getScriptComponentResource(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
             * javax.faces.application.Resource). If the result is non-null, and is a script written in one of the
             * languages listed in JSF 4.3 of the specification prose document, create a UIComponent instance from the
             * script resource.
            resource = vdl.getScriptComponentResource(context, componentResource);
            if (resource != null)
                String name = resource.getResourceName();
                String className = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));

                component = (UIComponent)ClassUtils.newInstance(className);
                 * Otherwise, let library-name be the return from calling Resource.getLibraryName() on the argument
                 * componentResource and resource-name be the return from calling Resource.getResourceName() on the
                 * argument componentResource. Create a fully qualified Java class name by removing any file extension
                 * from resource-name and let fqcn be library-name + "." + resource-name. If a class with the name of
                 * fqcn cannot be found, take no action and continue to the next step. If any of InstantiationException,
                 * IllegalAccessException, or ClassCastException are thrown, wrap the exception in a FacesException and
                 * re-throw it. If any other exception is thrown, log the exception and continue to the next step.

                boolean isProduction = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Production);
                String name = componentResource.getResourceName();
                String className = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
                fqcn = componentResource.getLibraryName() + "." + className;
                if (isProduction) {
                    componentClass = (Class<? extends UIComponent>) _componentClassMap.get(fqcn);
                if (componentClass == null) {
                        componentClass = ClassUtils.classForName(fqcn);
                        if (isProduction) {
                            _componentClassMap.put(fqcn, componentClass);
                    catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                        // Remember here that classForName did not find Class
                        if (isProduction) {
                            _componentClassMap.put(fqcn, NOTHING.getClass());

                if (componentClass != null && NOTHING.getClass() != componentClass)                {
                        component = componentClass.newInstance();
                    catch (InstantiationException e)
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                        throw new FacesException("Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                    catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                        throw new FacesException("Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not instantiate component class name = " + fqcn, e);

                 * If none of the previous steps have yielded a UIComponent instance, call
                 * createComponent(java.lang.String) passing "javax.faces.NamingContainer" as the argument.
                if (component == null)
                    component = application.createComponent(UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_TYPE);
                    annotationsApplied = true;

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Related Classes of javax.faces.application.Application

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