Package javax.enterprise.deploy.spi

Examples of javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID


    protected static boolean isMultipleTargets(TargetModuleID[] ids) {
        Set set = new HashSet();
        for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
            TargetModuleID id = ids[i];
        return set.size() > 1;
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     * @param prefix a <code>String</code> value that will be
     * prepended to each module
    void printTargetModules(PrintWriter out, Target target, TargetModuleID[] modules, String prefix) {
        for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
            TargetModuleID result = modules[i];
            if (result.getTarget().equals(target)) {
                if(result.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < result.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                        TargetModuleID child = result.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                        out.println("      `-> "+child.getModuleID());
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        // print the results that succeeded
        results = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs();
        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            TargetModuleID result = results[i];
            out.print(DeployUtils.reformat(getAction()+" "+result.getModuleID()+(multipleTargets ? " to "+result.getTarget().getName() : "")+(result.getWebURL() == null || !getAction().equals("Deployed") ? "" : " @ "+result.getWebURL()), 4, 72));
            if(result.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < result.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                    TargetModuleID child = result.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                    out.print(DeployUtils.reformat("  `-> "+child.getModuleID()+(child.getWebURL() == null || !getAction().equals("Deployed") ? "" : " @ "+child.getWebURL()),4, 72));

        // if any results failed then throw so that we'll return non-0
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        boolean multiple = isMultipleTargets(ids);
        ProgressObject po = runCommand(out, mgr, ids);
        TargetModuleID[] done = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs();
        for(int i = 0; i < done.length; i++) {
            TargetModuleID id = done[i];
            out.print(DeployUtils.reformat(getAction()+" "+id.getModuleID()+((multiple && id.getTarget() != null) ? " on "+ id.getTarget().getName() : "")+(id.getWebURL() == null || !getAction().equals("Started") ? "" : " @ "+id.getWebURL()),4, 72));
            if(id.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < id.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                    TargetModuleID child = id.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                    out.print(DeployUtils.reformat("  `-> "+child.getModuleID()+(child.getWebURL() == null || getAction().toLowerCase().indexOf("started") == -1 ? "" : " @ "+child.getWebURL()),4, 72));
            } // Also print childs if existing in earlier configuration
                java.util.Iterator iterator = DeployUtils.identifyTargetModuleIDs(allModules, id.getModuleID(), false).iterator();
                    TargetModuleID childs = (TargetModuleID);
                    if(childs.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < childs.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                            TargetModuleID child = childs.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                            out.print(DeployUtils.reformat("  `-> "+child.getModuleID()+(child.getWebURL() == null || getAction().toLowerCase().indexOf("started") == -1 ? "" : " @ "+child.getWebURL()),4, 72));
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            messageStatus += "    ";
            messageStatus += idChild.getModuleID()+(idChild.getWebURL() == null || !action.equals(START_ACTION) ? "" : " @ "+idChild.getWebURL());
            messageStatus += "<br />";
            if (idChild.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < idChild.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                    TargetModuleID child = idChild.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                    messageStatus += "      `-> "+child.getModuleID()+(child.getWebURL() == null || !action.equals(START_ACTION) ? "" : " @ "+child.getWebURL());
                    messageStatus += "<br />";
            messageStatus += "<br />";
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                } else {
                    log.warn("Unable to start some modules for " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                modules = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs();
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                    TargetModuleID result = modules[i];
          "Deployed " + result.getModuleID() + (targets.length > 1 ? " to " + result.getTarget().getName() : "") + (result.getWebURL() == null ? "" : " @ " + result.getWebURL()), 4, 72));
                    if (result.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < result.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                            TargetModuleID child = result.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                  "  `-> " + child.getModuleID() + (child.getWebURL() == null ? "" : " @ " + child.getWebURL()), 4, 72));
            } else {
               //Try to delete the module , that failed to successfully hot-deploy 
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            ProgressObject po = mgr.undeploy(ids);
            if (po.getDeploymentStatus().isCompleted()) {
                TargetModuleID[] modules = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs();
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                    TargetModuleID result = modules[i];
          "Undeployed " + result.getModuleID() + (targets.length > 1 ? " to " + result.getTarget().getName() : ""), 4, 72));
            } else {
                log.error("Unable to undeploy " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "(" + configId + ")" + po.getDeploymentStatus().getMessage());
                return false;
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            if (po.getDeploymentStatus().isCompleted()) {
                modules = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs();
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                    TargetModuleID result = modules[i];
          "Redeployed " + result.getModuleID() + (targets.length > 1 ? " to " + result.getTarget().getName() : "") + (result.getWebURL() == null ? "" : " @ " + result.getWebURL()), 4, 72));
                    if (result.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < result.getChildTargetModuleID().length; j++) {
                            TargetModuleID child = result.getChildTargetModuleID()[j];
                  "  `-> " + child.getModuleID() + (child.getWebURL() == null ? "" : " @ " + child.getWebURL()), 4, 72));
            } else {
                log.error("Unable to undeploy " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "(" + configId + ")" + po.getDeploymentStatus().getMessage());
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    public void run() {
        try {
            ConfigurationManager configurationManager = ConfigurationUtil.getConfigurationManager(kernel);
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                    TargetModuleID module = modules[i];

                    // Check to see whether the module is already started
                    Artifact moduleID = Artifact.create(module.getModuleID());
                    if (configurationManager.isRunning(moduleID)) {
                        updateStatus("Module " + moduleID + " is already running");

                    // Load
                    if(!configurationManager.isLoaded(moduleID)) {

                    // Start
                    org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LifecycleResults lcresult = configurationManager.startConfiguration(moduleID);

                    // Determine the child modules of the configuration
                    //TODO might be a hack
                    List kids = loadChildren(kernel, moduleID.toString());

                    // Build a response obect containg the started configuration and a list of it's contained modules
                    TargetModuleIDImpl id = new TargetModuleIDImpl(modules[i].getTarget(), module.getModuleID(),
                            (String[]) kids.toArray(new String[kids.size()]));
                    if (isWebApp(kernel, moduleID.toString())) {
                    if (id.getChildTargetModuleID() != null) {
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            ConfigurationManager configurationManager = ConfigurationUtil.getConfigurationManager(kernel);
            int alreadyStopped = 0;

            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
                    TargetModuleID module = modules[i];
                    Artifact moduleID = Artifact.create(module.getModuleID());
                    org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LifecycleResults lcresult = null;

                    if (configurationManager.isRunning(moduleID)) {
                        lcresult = configurationManager.stopConfiguration(moduleID);
                    } else {
                        updateStatus("Module " + moduleID + " is already stopped");

                    if (configurationManager.isLoaded(moduleID)) {

                    if (lcresult != null) {
                        java.util.Iterator iterator = lcresult.getStopped().iterator();
                        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                            Artifact config = (Artifact);
                            if (!config.toString().equals(module.getModuleID())) {
                                //TODO might be a hack
                                List kidsChild = loadChildren(kernel, config.toString());
                                //this.updateStatus("printing kidsChild="+kidsChild);
                                //this.updateStatus("printing config="+config.toString());
                                // Build a response obect containg the started configuration and a list of it's contained modules
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Related Classes of javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID

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