// evaluate expr-a to value-a
Object base = this.children[0].getValue(ctx);
// if our base is null (we know there are more properties to evaluate)
if (base == null) {
throw new PropertyNotFoundException(MessageFactory.get(
"error.unreachable.base", this.children[0].getImage()));
// set up our start/end
Object property = null;
int propCount = this.jjtGetNumChildren();
if (propCount > 2 &&
this.jjtGetChild(propCount - 1) instanceof AstMethodParameters) {
// Method call with paramaters.
} else {
int i = 1;
// evaluate any properties before our target
ELResolver resolver = ctx.getELResolver();
if (propCount > 1) {
while (base != null && i < propCount) {
property = this.children[i].getValue(ctx);
base = resolver.getValue(ctx, base, property);
// if we are in this block, we have more properties to resolve,
// but our base was null
if (base == null || property == null) {
throw new PropertyNotFoundException(MessageFactory.get(
"error.unreachable.property", property));
property = this.children[i].getValue(ctx);
if (property == null) {
throw new PropertyNotFoundException(MessageFactory.get(
"error.unreachable.property", this.children[i]));
Target t = new Target();
t.base = base;