Package javax.ejb

Examples of javax.ejb.Local


                List<Class> locals = new ArrayList<Class>();
                Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
                if (local != null) {
                    if (local.value().length == 0) {
                        if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                  , "ann.local.noAttributes", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else if (clazz.getAnnotation(Remote.class) != null) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.ambiguous", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else if (interfaces.get(0).getAnnotation(Remote.class) != null) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.conflict", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else {
                            if (validateLocalInterface(interfaces.get(0), validation, ejbName)){
                    } else for (Class interfce : local.value()) {
                        if (validateLocalInterface(interfce, validation, ejbName)){
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      // Initialize issue used in Error Message
      String issue = "[" + ErrorCodes.ERROR_CODE_EJBTHREE1025 + "]";

      // Obtain annotations, if found
      Local local = (Local) resolveAnnotation(Local.class);
      Remote remote = (Remote) resolveAnnotation(Remote.class);

      // If either local or remote is unspecified, return safely - there can be no overlap
      if (local == null || remote == null)

      // Ensure "value" attribute of both local and remote are not blank
      if (local.value().length < 1 && local.value().length < 1)
         throw new EJBException("Cannot designate both " + Local.class.getName() + " and " + Remote.class.getName()
               + " annotations without 'value' attribute on " + this.getEjbName() + ". " + issue);

      // Iterate through local and remote interfaces, ensuring any one interface is not being used for both local and remote exposure
      for (Class<?> localClass : local.value())
         for (Class<?> remoteClass : remote.value())
            if (localClass.equals(remoteClass))
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      Local localAnnotation = (Local) resolveAnnotation(Local.class);
      if (localAnnotation != null)
         Class[] locals = localAnnotation.value();
         for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; ++i)
            Method[] interfaceMethods = locals[i].getMethods();
            for (int j = 0; j < interfaceMethods.length; ++j)
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      // Obtain Bean Class
      Class<?> beanClass = container.getBeanClass();

      // Obtain @Local
      Local localAnnotation = ((EJBContainer) container).getAnnotation(Local.class);

      // Obtain @LocalHome
      LocalHome localHomeAnnotation = ((EJBContainer) container).getAnnotation(LocalHome.class);

      // Obtain @Remote
      Remote remoteAnnotation = ((EJBContainer) container).getAnnotation(Remote.class);

      // Obtain Remote and Business Remote interfaces
      Class<?>[] remoteAndBusinessRemoteInterfaces = ProxyFactoryHelper.getRemoteAndBusinessRemoteInterfaces(container);

      // Obtain all business interfaces from the bean class
      Set<Class<?>> businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass = ProxyFactoryHelper.getBusinessInterfaces(beanClass);

      // Obtain all business interfaces directly implemented by the bean class (not including supers)
      Set<Class<?>> businessInterfacesDirectlyImplementedByBeanClass = ProxyFactoryHelper.getBusinessInterfaces(
            beanClass, false);

      // Determine whether Stateful or Stateless
      boolean isStateless = (container instanceof StatelessContainer) ? true : false;

      // EJBTHREE-1127
      // Determine local interface from return value of "create" in Local Home
      if (localHomeAnnotation != null)
               .value(), isStateless));

      // For each of the business interfaces implemented by the bean class
      for (Class<?> clazz : businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass)
         // If @Local is on the interface
         if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Local.class))
            // Add to the list of locals

      // EJBTHREE-1062
      // EJB 3 Core Specification 4.6.6
      // If bean class implements a single interface, that interface is assumed to be the
      // business interface of the bean. This business interface will be a local interface unless the
      // interface is designated as a remote business interface by use of the Remote
      // annotation on the bean class or interface or by means of the deployment descriptor.
      if (businessInterfacesDirectlyImplementedByBeanClass.size() == 1 && localAndBusinessLocalInterfaces.size() == 0)
         // Obtain the implemented interface
         Class<?> singleInterface = businessInterfacesDirectlyImplementedByBeanClass.iterator().next();

         // If not explicitly marked as @Remote, and is a valid business interface
         if (remoteAnnotation == null && singleInterface.getAnnotation(Remote.class) == null)
            // Return the implemented interface, adding to the container 
            Class<?>[] returnValue = new Class[]
            Local li = new LocalImpl(returnValue);
            ((EJBContainer) container).getAnnotations().addClassAnnotation(Local.class, li);
            return returnValue;

      // @Local was defined
      if (localAnnotation != null)
         // If @Local has no value or empty value
         if (localAnnotation.value() == null || localAnnotation.value().length == 0)
            // If @Local is defined with no value and there are no business interfaces
            if (businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass.size() == 0)
               throw new RuntimeException("Use of empty @Local on bean " + container.getEjbName()
                     + " and there are no valid business interfaces");
            // If more than one business interface is directly implemented by the bean class
            else if (businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass.size() > 1)
               throw new RuntimeException("Use of empty @Local on bean " + container.getEjbName()
                     + " with more than one default interface " + businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass);
            // JIRA EJBTHREE-1062
            // EJB 3 4.6.6
            // If the bean class implements only one business interface, that
            //interface is exposed as local business if not denoted as @Remote
               // If not explicitly marked as @Remote
               if (remoteAnnotation == null)
                  // Return the implemented interface and add to container
                  Class<?>[] returnValue = businessInterfacesImplementedByBeanClass.toArray(new Class<?>[]
                  Local li = new LocalImpl(returnValue);
                  ((EJBContainer) container).getAnnotations().addClassAnnotation(Local.class, li);
                  return returnValue;
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        protected void fillInfo() {
            String clazzName = clazz.getName();

            Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
            if (local == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find Local annotation for class " + clazzName);

            // Verify that all interfaces specified in the Local annotation is implemented by the class.
            Class<?>[] classes = local.value();
            for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
                if (!classes[i].isInterface()) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException(classes[i].getName() + " is not an interface");
                if (classes[i].isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
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                 * not eligable to be redefined.

                 * OK, now start checking the class metadata
                final Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
                final Remote remote = clazz.getAnnotation(Remote.class);

                final boolean impliedLocal = local != null && local.value().length == 0;
                final boolean impliedRemote = remote != null && remote.value().length == 0;

                 * This set holds the values of @Local and @Remote
                 * when applied to the bean class itself
                 * These declarations override any similar declaration
                 * on the interface.
                final BusinessInterfaces bean = new BusinessInterfaces();
                if (local != null) {
                if (remote != null) {

                if (strict) {
                    for (final Class interfce : bean.local) {
                        if (bean.remote.contains(interfce)) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.conflict", interfce.getName());

                 * Anything listed explicitly via @Local or @Remote
                 * on the bean class does not need to be investigated.
                 * We do not need to check these interfaces for @Local or @Remote

                if (impliedLocal || impliedRemote) {
                    if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                         * Cannot imply either @Local or @Remote and list multiple interfaces
                        // Need to extract the class names and append .class to them to show proper validation level 3 message
                        final List<String> interfaceNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for (final Class<?> intrfce : interfaces) {
                            interfaceNames.add(intrfce.getName() + ".class");

                        // just warn for @Local since Glassfish supports it even if it is weird
                        // still fail for @Remote!
                        if (impliedLocal && local.value().length == 0 && interfaces.size() == 0 && !strict) {
                            validation.warn(ejbName, "ann.local.forLocalBean", Join.join(", ", interfaceNames));
                            // we don't go out to let be deployed
                        } else if (impliedLocal) {
                  , "ann.local.noAttributes", Join.join(", ", interfaceNames));
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                 * @Local
                List<Class> locals = new ArrayList<Class>();
                Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
                if (local != null) {
                    if (local.value().length == 0) {
                        if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                  , "ann.local.noAttributes", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else if (strict && clazz.getAnnotation(Remote.class) != null) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.ambiguous", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else if (strict && interfaces.get(0).getAnnotation(Remote.class) != null) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.conflict", join(", ", interfaces));
                        } else {
                            if (validateLocalInterface(interfaces.get(0), validation, ejbName)) {
                    } else for (Class interfce : local.value()) {
                        if (validateLocalInterface(interfce, validation, ejbName)) {
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                 * not eligable to be redefined.

                 * OK, now start checking the class metadata
                final Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
                final Remote remote = clazz.getAnnotation(Remote.class);

                final boolean impliedLocal = local != null && local.value().length == 0;
                final boolean impliedRemote = remote != null && remote.value().length == 0;

                 * This set holds the values of @Local and @Remote
                 * when applied to the bean class itself
                 * These declarations override any similar declaration
                 * on the interface.
                final BusinessInterfaces bean = new BusinessInterfaces();
                if (local != null) {
                if (remote != null) {

                if (strict) {
                    for (final Class interfce : bean.local) {
                        if (bean.remote.contains(interfce)) {
                  , "ann.localRemote.conflict", interfce.getName());

                 * Anything listed explicitly via @Local or @Remote
                 * on the bean class does not need to be investigated.
                 * We do not need to check these interfaces for @Local or @Remote

                if (impliedLocal || impliedRemote) {
                    if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                         * Cannot imply either @Local or @Remote and list multiple interfaces
                        // Need to extract the class names and append .class to them to show proper validation level 3 message
                        final List<String> interfaceNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for (final Class<?> intrfce : interfaces) {
                            interfaceNames.add(intrfce.getName() + ".class");

                        // just warn for @Local since Glassfish supports it even if it is weird
                        // still fail for @Remote!
                        if (impliedLocal && local.value().length == 0 && interfaces.size() == 0 && !strict) {
                            validation.warn(ejbName, "ann.local.forLocalBean", Join.join(", ", interfaceNames));
                            // we don't go out to let be deployed
                        } else if (impliedLocal) {
                  , "ann.local.noAttributes", Join.join(", ", interfaceNames));
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      this.beanClass = type;
      this.ejbName = type.getSimpleName();
      this.localInterfaces = new ArrayList<BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>>();
      Local localAnnotation = type.getAnnotation(Local.class);
      if (localAnnotation != null)
         for (final Class<?> clazz : localAnnotation.value())
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                 * OK, now start checking the class metadata
                Local local = clazz.getAnnotation(Local.class);
                Remote remote = clazz.getAnnotation(Remote.class);

                boolean impliedLocal = local != null && local.value().length == 0;
                boolean impliedRemote = remote != null && remote.value().length == 0;

                 * This set holds the values of @Local and @Remote
                 * when applied to the bean class itself
                 * These declarations override any similar declaration
                 * on the interface.
                BusinessInterfaces bean = new BusinessInterfaces();
                if (local != null) bean.local.addAll(asList(local.value()));
                if (remote != null) bean.remote.addAll(asList(remote.value()));

                if (strict) for (Class interfce : bean.local) {
                    if (bean.remote.contains(interfce)) {
              , "ann.localRemote.conflict", interfce.getName());

                 * Anything listed explicitly via @Local or @Remote
                 * on the bean class does not need to be investigated.
                 * We do not need to check these interfaces for @Local or @Remote

                if (impliedLocal || impliedRemote) {
                    if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                         * Cannot imply either @Local or @Remote and list multiple interfaces
                        // Need to extract the class names and append .class to them to show proper validation level 3 message
                        List<String> interfaceNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for (Class<?> intrfce : interfaces) {

                        // just warn for @Local since Glassfish supports it even if it is weird
                        // still fail for @Remote!
                        if (impliedLocal && local.value().length == 0 && interfaces.size() == 0 && !strict) {
                            validation.warn(ejbName, "ann.local.forLocalBean", join(", ", interfaceNames));
                            // we don't go out to let be deployed
                        } else if (impliedLocal) {
                  , "ann.local.noAttributes", join(", ", interfaceNames));
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Related Classes of javax.ejb.Local

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