// check if a URLDataSource for this name has already been attached;
// if so, return the cached CID value.
if (inlineEmbeds.containsKey(name))
final InlineImage ii = inlineEmbeds.get(name);
final URLDataSource urlDataSource = (URLDataSource) ii.getDataSource();
// make sure the supplied URL points to the same thing
// as the one already associated with this name.
// NOTE: Comparing URLs with URL.equals() is a blocking operation
// in the case of a network failure therefore we use
// url.toExternalForm().equals() here.
if (url.toExternalForm().equals(urlDataSource.getURL().toExternalForm()))
return ii.getCid();
throw new EmailException("embedded name '" + name
+ "' is already bound to URL " + urlDataSource.getURL()
+ "; existing names cannot be rebound");
// verify that the URL is valid
InputStream is = null;
is = url.openStream();
catch (final IOException e)
throw new EmailException("Invalid URL", e);
if (is != null)
catch (final IOException ioe) // NOPMD
{ /* sigh */ }
return embed(new URLDataSource(url), name);