Package javassist.compiler.ast

Examples of javassist.compiler.ast.Symbol

/*      */     }
/*  247 */     if ((t == 400) && (this.lex.lookAhead(1) == 58)) {
/*  248 */       this.lex.get();
/*  249 */       String label = this.lex.getString();
/*  250 */       this.lex.get();
/*  251 */       return Stmnt.make(76, new Symbol(label), parseStatement(tbl));
/*      */     }
/*  253 */     if (t == 320)
/*  254 */       return parseIf(tbl);
/*  255 */     if (t == 346)
/*  256 */       return parseWhile(tbl);
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/*      */   {
/*  538 */     int t = this.lex.get();
/*  539 */     Stmnt s = new Stmnt(t);
/*  540 */     int t2 = this.lex.get();
/*  541 */     if (t2 == 400) {
/*  542 */       s.setLeft(new Symbol(this.lex.getString()));
/*  543 */       t2 = this.lex.get();
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  546 */     if (t2 != 59) {
/*  547 */       throw new CompileError("; is missing", this.lex);
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/*      */   {
/*  634 */     if ((this.lex.get() != 400) || (d.getType() == 344)) {
/*  635 */       throw new SyntaxError(this.lex);
/*      */     }
/*  637 */     String name = this.lex.getString();
/*  638 */     Symbol symbol = new Symbol(name);
/*  639 */     int dim = parseArrayDimension();
/*  640 */     ASTree init = null;
/*  641 */     if (this.lex.lookAhead() == 61) {
/*  642 */       this.lex.get();
/*  643 */       init = parseInitializer(tbl);
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/*  980 */     ASTList list = null;
/*      */     while (true) {
/*  982 */       if (this.lex.get() != 400) {
/*  983 */         throw new SyntaxError(this.lex);
/*      */       }
/*  985 */       list = ASTList.append(list, new Symbol(this.lex.getString()));
/*  986 */       if (this.lex.lookAhead() != 46) break;
/*  987 */       this.lex.get();
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  992 */     return list;
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/* 1072 */         t = this.lex.get();
/* 1073 */         if (t != 400) {
/* 1074 */           throw new CompileError("missing static member name", this.lex);
/*      */         }
/* 1076 */         String str = this.lex.getString();
/* 1077 */         expr = Expr.make(35, new Symbol(toClassName(expr)), new Member(str));
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1081 */     return expr;
/*      */   }
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/*      */       }
/* 1099 */       sbuf.append('L').append(cname.replace('.', '/')).append(';');
/* 1100 */       cname = sbuf.toString();
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1103 */     return Expr.make(46, new Symbol(cname), new Member("class"));
/*      */   }
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/*      */   private ASTree parseDotClass(int builtinType, int dim)
/*      */     throws CompileError
/*      */   {
/* 1113 */     if (dim > 0) {
/* 1114 */       String cname = CodeGen.toJvmTypeName(builtinType, dim);
/* 1115 */       return Expr.make(46, new Symbol(cname), new Member("class"));
/*      */     }
/*      */     String cname;
/* 1119 */     switch (builtinType) {
/*      */     case 301:
/* 1121 */       cname = "java.lang.Boolean";
/* 1122 */       break;
/*      */     case 303:
/* 1124 */       cname = "java.lang.Byte";
/* 1125 */       break;
/*      */     case 306:
/* 1127 */       cname = "java.lang.Character";
/* 1128 */       break;
/*      */     case 334:
/* 1130 */       cname = "java.lang.Short";
/* 1131 */       break;
/*      */     case 324:
/* 1133 */       cname = "java.lang.Integer";
/* 1134 */       break;
/*      */     case 326:
/* 1136 */       cname = "java.lang.Long";
/* 1137 */       break;
/*      */     case 317:
/* 1139 */       cname = "java.lang.Float";
/* 1140 */       break;
/*      */     case 312:
/* 1142 */       cname = "java.lang.Double";
/* 1143 */       break;
/*      */     case 344:
/* 1145 */       cname = "java.lang.Void";
/* 1146 */       break;
/*      */     default:
/* 1148 */       throw new CompileError("invalid builtin type: " + builtinType);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1152 */     return Expr.make(35, new Symbol(cname), new Member("TYPE"));
/*      */   }
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Related Classes of javassist.compiler.ast.Symbol

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