
Examples of

    public void uninstall( final Installation installation )
        throws InstallationException
        final FileDigest[] infos = installation.getFileDigests();
        final Checksum checksum = new CRC32();

        if( infos != null )
            for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++ )
                final File file = infos[ i ].getFile();
                final File parent = file.getParentFile();

                final String message = REZ.getString( "skip-removal", file );

                if( file.exists() )
                    if( file.lastModified() <= installation.getTimestamp() )
                        getLogger().debug( message );

                    checksum( file, checksum );

                    if( checksum.getValue() != infos[ i ].getChecksum() )
                        getLogger().debug( message );

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    if (checksumType == ChecksumType.NULL) {
      return; // No checkums for this block.

    Checksum checksum = checksumType.getChecksumObject();
    int bytesLeft = endOffset - startOffset;
    int chunkNum = 0;

    while (bytesLeft > 0) {
      // generate the checksum for one chunk
      int count = Math.min(bytesLeft, bytesPerChecksum);
      checksum.update(indata, startOffset, count);

      // write the checksum value to the output buffer.
      int cksumValue = (int)checksum.getValue();
      outOffset = Bytes.putInt(outdata, outOffset, cksumValue);
      startOffset += count;
      bytesLeft -= count;
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    // always return true.
    ChecksumType cktype = ChecksumType.codeToType(block.getChecksumType());
    if (cktype == ChecksumType.NULL) {
      return true; // No checkums validations needed for this block.
    Checksum checksumObject = cktype.getChecksumObject();

    // read in the stored value of the checksum size from the header.
    int bytesPerChecksum = block.getBytesPerChecksum();

    // bytesPerChecksum is always larger than the size of the header
    if (bytesPerChecksum < hdrSize) {
      String msg = "Unsupported value of bytesPerChecksum. " +
                   " Minimum is " + hdrSize +
                   " but the configured value is " + bytesPerChecksum;
      return false;   // cannot happen case, unable to verify checksum
    // Extract the header and compute checksum for the header.
    ByteBuffer hdr = block.getBufferWithHeader();
    checksumObject.update(hdr.array(), hdr.arrayOffset(), hdrSize);

    int off = hdrSize;
    int consumed = hdrSize;
    int bytesLeft = block.getOnDiskDataSizeWithHeader() - off;
    int cksumOffset = block.getOnDiskDataSizeWithHeader();
    // validate each chunk
    while (bytesLeft > 0) {
      int thisChunkSize = bytesPerChecksum - consumed;
      int count = Math.min(bytesLeft, thisChunkSize);
      checksumObject.update(data, off, count);

      int storedChecksum = Bytes.toInt(data, cksumOffset);
      if (storedChecksum != (int)checksumObject.getValue()) {
        String msg = "File " + path +
                     " Stored checksum value of " + storedChecksum +
                     " at offset " + cksumOffset +
                     " does not match computed checksum " +
                     checksumObject.getValue() +
                     ", total data size " + data.length +
                     " Checksum data range offset " + off + " len " + count +
        if (generateExceptions) {
          throw new IOException(msg); // this is only for unit tests
        } else {
          return false;               // checksum validation failure
      cksumOffset += HFileBlock.CHECKSUM_SIZE;
      bytesLeft -= count;
      off += count;
      consumed = 0;
    return true; // checksum is valid
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                    // last CL entry didn't get completely written.  that's ok.

                ByteArrayInputStream bufIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
                Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
                checksum.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
                if (claimedCRC32 != checksum.getValue())
                    // this part of the log must not have been fsynced.  probably the rest is bad too,
                    // but just in case there is no harm in trying them.
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                    // last CL entry didn't get completely written.  that's ok.

                ByteArrayInputStream bufIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
                Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
                checksum.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
                if (claimedCRC32 != checksum.getValue())
                    // this part of the log must not have been fsynced.  probably the rest is bad too,
                    // but just in case there is no harm in trying them.
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            ReplayPosition rp = ReplayPosition.getReplayPosition(cfs.getSSTables());
            cfPositions.put(cfs.metadata.cfId, rp);
        final ReplayPosition globalPosition = Ordering.from(ReplayPosition.comparator).min(cfPositions.values());

        Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
        for (final File file : clogs)
            final long segment = CommitLogSegment.idFromFilename(file.getName());

            int bufferSize = (int) Math.min(Math.max(file.length(), 1), 32 * 1024 * 1024);
            BufferedRandomAccessFile reader = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(new File(file.getAbsolutePath()), "r", bufferSize, true);
            assert reader.length() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                int replayPosition;
                if (globalPosition.segment < segment)
                    replayPosition = 0;
                else if (globalPosition.segment == segment)
                    replayPosition = globalPosition.position;
                    replayPosition = (int) reader.length();

                if (replayPosition < 0 || replayPosition >= reader.length())
                    // replayPosition > reader.length() can happen if some data gets flushed before it is written to the commitlog
                    // (see
                    logger.debug("skipping replay of fully-flushed {}", file);


                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Replaying " + file + " starting at " + reader.getFilePointer());

                /* read the logs populate RowMutation and apply */
                while (!reader.isEOF())
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Reading mutation at " + reader.getFilePointer());

                    long claimedCRC32;
                    int serializedSize;
                        // any of the reads may hit EOF
                        serializedSize = reader.readInt();
                        // RowMutation must be at LEAST 10 bytes:
                        // 3 each for a non-empty Table and Key (including the 2-byte length from
                        // writeUTF/writeWithShortLength) and 4 bytes for column count.
                        // This prevents CRC by being fooled by special-case garbage in the file; see CASSANDRA-2128
                        if (serializedSize < 10)
                        long claimedSizeChecksum = reader.readLong();
                        if (checksum.getValue() != claimedSizeChecksum)
                            break; // entry wasn't synced correctly/fully.  that's ok.

                        if (serializedSize > bytes.length)
                            bytes = new byte[(int) (1.2 * serializedSize)];
                        reader.readFully(bytes, 0, serializedSize);
                        claimedCRC32 = reader.readLong();
                    catch(EOFException eof)
                        break; // last CL entry didn't get completely written.  that's ok.

                    checksum.update(bytes, 0, serializedSize);
                    if (claimedCRC32 != checksum.getValue())
                        // this entry must not have been fsynced.  probably the rest is bad too,
                        // but just in case there is no harm in trying them (since we still read on an entry boundary)
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                    turnOn(cfm.cfId, (int) currentPosition);

            // write mutation, w/ checksum on the size and data
            Checksum checksum = new CRC32();
            byte[] serializedRow = rowMutation.getSerializedBuffer(MessagingService.version_);
            checksum.update(serializedRow, 0, serializedRow.length);

            return cLogCtx;
        catch (IOException e)
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       if (enableRecoveryFile) {
           // Using Adler-32 instead of CRC-32 because it's much faster and it's
           // weakness for short messages with few hundred bytes is not a factor in this case since we know
           // our write batches are going to much larger.
           Checksum checksum = new Adler32();
           for (PageWrite w : batch) {
               checksum.update(w.diskBound, 0, pageSize);
           // Can we shrink the recovery buffer??
           if( recoveryPageCount > recoveryFileMaxPageCount ) {
               int t = Math.max(recoveryFileMinPageCount, batch.size());
            // Record the page writes in the recovery buffer.
            // Store the next tx id...
            // Store the checksum for thw write batch so that on recovery we know if we have a consistent
            // write batch on disk.
            // Write the # of pages that will follow
            // Write the pages.
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        long nextTxId = readFile.readLong();
        long expectedChecksum = readFile.readLong();
        int pageCounter = readFile.readInt();
        Checksum checksum = new Adler32();
        LinkedHashMap<Long, byte[]> batch = new LinkedHashMap<Long, byte[]>();
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < pageCounter; i++) {
                long offset = recoveryFile.readLong();
                byte []data = new byte[pageSize];
                if(, 0, pageSize) != pageSize ) {
                    // Invalid recovery record, Could not fully read the data". Probably due to a partial write to the recovery buffer
                    return nextTxId;
                checksum.update(data, 0, pageSize);
                batch.put(offset, data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If an error occurred it was cause the redo buffer was not full written out correctly.. so don't redo it.
            // as the pages should still be consistent.
            LOG.debug("Redo buffer was not fully intact: ", e);
            return nextTxId;
        recoveryPageCount = pageCounter;
        // If the checksum is not valid then the recovery buffer was partially written to disk.
        if( checksum.getValue() != expectedChecksum ) {
            return nextTxId;
        // Re-apply all the writes in the recovery buffer.
        for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> e : batch.entrySet()) {
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                // Now we can fill in the batch control record properly.
                if( journal.isChecksum() ) {
                  Checksum checksum = new Adler32();
                  checksum.update(sequence.getData(), sequence.getOffset()+Journal.BATCH_CONTROL_RECORD_SIZE, sequence.getLength()-Journal.BATCH_CONTROL_RECORD_SIZE);

                // Now do the 1 big write.
                file.write(sequence.getData(), sequence.getOffset(), sequence.getLength());
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