if (profile != null) {
// fallback to use values from default profile if not specified
Integer poolSize = profile.getPoolSize() != null ? profile.getPoolSize() : defaultProfile.getPoolSize();
Integer maxPoolSize = profile.getMaxPoolSize() != null ? profile.getMaxPoolSize() : defaultProfile.getMaxPoolSize();
Long keepAliveTime = profile.getKeepAliveTime() != null ? profile.getKeepAliveTime() : defaultProfile.getKeepAliveTime();
TimeUnit timeUnit = profile.getTimeUnit() != null ? profile.getTimeUnit() : defaultProfile.getTimeUnit();
Integer maxQueueSize = profile.getMaxQueueSize() != null ? profile.getMaxQueueSize() : defaultProfile.getMaxQueueSize();
RejectedExecutionHandler handler = profile.getRejectedExecutionHandler() != null ? profile.getRejectedExecutionHandler() : defaultProfile.getRejectedExecutionHandler();
// create the pool
return newThreadPool(threadPoolProfileId, source, name, poolSize, maxPoolSize, keepAliveTime, timeUnit, maxQueueSize, handler, false);
} else {