// barrier for document processing threads. When their next document is
// outside of the time range, the immediately increase the release on
// this semaphore and lock on the an object while the serialization
// thread writes out the current time span's .sspace
final CyclicBarrier exceededTimeSpanBarrier =
new CyclicBarrier(numThreads, serializeTimeSpan);
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
Thread processingThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// repeatedly try to process documents while some still
// remain
while (docIter.hasNext()) {
TemporalDocument doc = docIter.next();
int docNumber = count.incrementAndGet();
long docTime = doc.timeStamp();
// special case for first document
if (docNumber == 1) {
// Spin until the Thread with the first document
// sets the initial starting document time. Note
// that we spin here instead of block, because this
// is expected that another thread will immediately
// set this and so it will be a quick no-op
while (startBarrier.get() == false)
// Check whether the time for this document would
// exceed the maximum time span for any TRI
// partition. Loop to ensure that if this thread
// does loop and another thread has an earlier time
// that would cause this thread's time span to
// exceeds the other thread's time period, then this
// thread will block and loop again.
while (!timeSpan.insideRange(
curSSpaceStartTime.get(), docTime)) {
try {
// notify the barrier that this Thread is
// now processing a document in the next
// time span and so the serialization thread
// should write the .sspace to disk. In
// addition, enqueue the time for this
// document so the serialization thread can
// reset the correct s-sspace start time
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (BrokenBarrierException ex) {