return rb;
private void initializeData(Locale desiredLocale) {
int i;
ResourceBundle resource = cacheLookup(desiredLocale);
// FIXME: cache only ResourceBundle. Hence every time, will do
// getObject(). This won't be necessary if the Resource itself
// is cached.
eras = (String[])resource.getObject("Eras");
months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
String[] lWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayNames");
weekdays = new String[8];
weekdays[0] = ""; // 1-based
for (i=0; i<lWeekdays.length; i++)
weekdays[i+1] = lWeekdays[i];
String[] sWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations");
shortWeekdays = new String[8];
shortWeekdays[0] = ""; // 1-based
for (i=0; i<sWeekdays.length; i++)
shortWeekdays[i+1] = sWeekdays[i];
ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");
locale = desiredLocale;