Package java.util

Examples of java.util.Random

    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionReadWriteLock(ReadWriteLock rwlock, Status stat, FixedSegments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random();

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;

        final Lock readLock = rwlock.readLock();
        final Lock writeLock = rwlock.writeLock();

        final int limit = round - 1;
        for(int nth = 0, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth >= limit) ? 0 : nth + 1, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionSync(Status stat, FixedSegments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random();

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;

        final int limit = round - 1;
        for(int nth = 0, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth >= limit) ? 0 : nth + 1, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLongHashLock(Status stat, ILock lock, FixedSegments pager, LongHash<byte[]> hash, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random();

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;

        final int limit = round - 1;
        for(int nth = 0, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth >= limit) ? 0 : nth + 1, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLongHashSync(Status stat, FixedSegments pager, LongHash<byte[]> hash, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random();

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;

        final int limit = round - 1;
        for(int nth = 0, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth >= limit) ? 0 : nth + 1, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLock(int thrdnum, Status stat, ILock lock, Segments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random(129);

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;
        int iocontention = 0;

        final int start = thrdnum * round;
        final int limit = start + round - 1;
        for(int nth = start, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth < limit) ? nth + 1 : start, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLockForGCLOCK(int thrdnum, Status stat, ILock lock, Segments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random(129);

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;
        int iocontention = 0;

        final int start = thrdnum * round;
        final int limit = start + round - 1;
        for(int nth = start, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth < limit) ? nth + 1 : start, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionSync(int thrdnum, Status stat, Segments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random();

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;

        final int limit = round - 1;
        for(int nth = 0, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth >= limit) ? 0 : nth + 1, i++) {
            final long key;
            final int distnth = nth * thrdnum;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[distnth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionReadWriteLock(ReadWriteLock rwlock, int thrdnum, Status stat, Segments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random(129);

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;
        int iocontention = 0;

        final Lock readLock = rwlock.readLock();
        final Lock writeLock = rwlock.writeLock();

        final int start = thrdnum * round;
        final int limit = start + round - 1;
        for(int nth = start, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth < limit) ? nth + 1 : start, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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    private static void runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionReadWriteLockForGCLOCK(ReadWriteLock rwlock, int thrdnum, Status stat, Segments pager, ConcurrentPluggableCache<Long, byte[]> cache, int capacity, int round, double percent, int scanLength, long[] dist) {
        boolean scanning = false;
        long scanCount = 0L;

        final Random rand = new Random(129);

        int scanned = 0, zipf = 0;
        long base = 0L;

        long mills1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long ops = 0L;
        long miss = 0L;
        int iocontention = 0;

        final Lock readLock = rwlock.readLock();
        final Lock writeLock = rwlock.writeLock();

        final int start = thrdnum * round;
        final int limit = start + round - 1;
        for(int nth = start, i = 0; !_stop; nth = (nth < limit) ? nth + 1 : start, i++) {
            final long key;
            if(scanning || scanLength != 0 && (i == scanLength && rand.nextDouble() < percent)) {
                if(++scanCount <= scanLength) {
                    if(!scanning) {
                        base = dist[nth];
                    key = base + scanCount;
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        return limit;

    public static void shuffle(final Object[] array) {
        final Random r = new Random();
        final int limit = array.length;
        for(int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
            swap(array, i, r.nextInt(limit));
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